Saturday, November 12th 2011

BF3 Cheaters Enjoy A Bantastic Time!
Just like any good design implementing security by obscurity, hackers and cheaters will find a way to exploit the system in no time flat. In this instance, DICE said via Twitter that cheaters have "found a glitch that allows them to use the Engineer repair tool or the EOD Bot to garner tens of thousands of points in a match." A beautiful and satisfying cheat if ever there was one, really letting you get on the wrong side of your fellow player! However, there's this small problem, since developer DICE has now cottoned on to underhand tactics and is banning these sporting gamers en-masse. Isn't retribution wonderful?
Via Twitter, DICE reported, "This week we've banned hundreds of offending accounts and have stats-wiped accounts for exploiting (such as boosting)..." and they also ask for honest gamer's help in nailing the culprits, "To report players cheating or boosting send us a direct message to this Twitter with a screen shot of the Battle Log Report." There is also a problem with the Sony PS3 version of the game, which will be addressed with a patch, soon. This suggests that the bug is in the core program code, rather than a platform-specific implementation. Finally, one should always strive to behave honestly and ethically in life and it looks like in this instance it really pays off. Here's wishing all honest players an enjoyable time playing BF3, free from cheaters.
Via Twitter, DICE reported, "This week we've banned hundreds of offending accounts and have stats-wiped accounts for exploiting (such as boosting)..." and they also ask for honest gamer's help in nailing the culprits, "To report players cheating or boosting send us a direct message to this Twitter with a screen shot of the Battle Log Report." There is also a problem with the Sony PS3 version of the game, which will be addressed with a patch, soon. This suggests that the bug is in the core program code, rather than a platform-specific implementation. Finally, one should always strive to behave honestly and ethically in life and it looks like in this instance it really pays off. Here's wishing all honest players an enjoyable time playing BF3, free from cheaters.
36 Comments on BF3 Cheaters Enjoy A Bantastic Time!
Think pretty much everyone from back then found the cheat codes to enable god mode/etc. Course cheat codes were a part of almost every game back then. Now, you just don't see it done that often, or you have to unlock them.
You must likely be talking about the UT era. That was about 11 years ago. Yeah there was tons of aimbots and cheat sites out for it. Then came the software to prevent it, half the time breaking a feature of the game.
Its good to see DICE cracking down. But in all likelyhood, the cheater will just whine and they'll get reinstated. Course, back to zero on rank. Really if you want to get free points, find an empty conquest/rush server then fly around capping. Switch teams when needed, altho some servers have a switch limit. Did it one night just practicing planes and choppers. Ranked up twice, good 5-15k points each round depending on if I'd switch and recap or not.
Then he got this:
I once joined a server, middle of the game I realised how I was earning new unlocks so quickly. That server was giving 1000 points for a kill, 2500 points for flag capture, 100 for repair, etc.,etc. I thought DICE revised its points system. Everyone on that server had 5 figure scores. Then someone on chat said "playing here could get us banned, right?" I went "oh shi*" and quit the game.
Damn, too many hyphens. :laugh:
WTF How is this guy a mod
And the video proof is an inside guy and he is head of Founder / Managing Director of,Watch under the AA logo you see his name clear as day BFO-Stadler....
Told you guys there was an insider from closed Beta
well, I am glad you came clean. there isnt anything worse I hate than cheaters. playing among them makes me get tired of MP games much faster I completely forgot about this but that happened to me once as well
I had joined a server and it promoted me to the highest prestige. at the time I was almost about to achieve it anyways within a couple days but I left immediately
all top 10 were cheaters
heck, the #1 even scored a 130 kills / 2 deaths on the last server he played on... so... yeah... EA anti cheat system sucks... should've stick to steam & vac rather then origin & pb... :toast:
No offense but this is not a cheating offense I give half a shite about.
I don't see why a kid that has 30 hours a week to play games should get the Magnum AWP Gold Plated Desert Eagle Platinum while I'm stuck with 4 hours of gameplay a week and a poop lined noob tube. :roll: