Wednesday, January 18th 2012

SOPA/PIPA Internet Protests Go Viral, Hit Home

The protests to the widely condemned SOPA & PIPA "antipiracy" censorship bills have been a resounding success. They have gone viral with many, many websites blacking out and putting up protest pages, with big players taking part such as Wikipedia, Google, EFF, Reddit, Craigslist, Techdirt (greyed out) and many more taking part. Unsurprisingly, the bills' backers have not shown any sign of backing down (yet) but were prompted to make statements "wondering what all the fuss is about" to play down the damage done to their play for power, since they have recently made changes to them, such as removing the DNS blocking provisions - for now. Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) senior vice president of communications Jonathan Lamy called the protests 'stunts': "It's a dangerous and troubling development when the platforms that serve as gateways to information intentionally skew the facts to incite their users and arm them with misinformation. It's time for the stunts to end and those who claim to care about rogue website theft to back up their rhetoric and work with us on meaningful solutions." This is the same RIAA that sued their own customers with extortionate "settlement" letters remember.
The US Chamber of Commerce has also been a vocal supporter of these bills. Their chief counsel on intellectual property, Steve Tapp thought that the shutdown was strange: "The PROTECT IP Act and SOPA have been modified by their sponsors to address concerns by removing entirely the provision that would have required blocking of criminal sites. Strangely, those who demanded that change are now shutting themselves down, although it is not clear why they are still protesting after they got what they wanted."

So, these people and others like them are clueless over what kind of total control this gives corporate copyright holders over the internet and the kind of damage that it will cause? Sure. Not a massive power grab or anything, then.

If these bills are allowed to pass, then sites across the internet universe are all at risk of being summarily shut down without any warning over mere allegations of copyright infringement. For example, a site like TechPowerUp could be shut down in an instant over mere allegations that a forum member had made a copyright violating post. These are the actions of a totalitarian state, not a democracy and must be stopped dead.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is of course also doing its bit to fight these bills and have posted about it here. Along with information (pdf) about the perils of the bills, they have also linked to a couple of protest sites for people to sign, one run by themselves. For Americans: and one for non-Americans:

Finally, as usual, has extensive coverage of this issue, often from angles one may not have thought of. Well worth bookmarking. PCWorld are also covering this extensively and have an index page of articles here.
Source: PCWorld
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133 Comments on SOPA/PIPA Internet Protests Go Viral, Hit Home

At what point can we call it what it is......facism
Posted on Reply
I hope this "SOAP opera" ends soon with the final results in our favor. But for now, all we can do is keep spreading the word I guess.
Posted on Reply
reverzeAt what point can we call it what it is......facism
when we start burning books
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Yeah well unless face book , ebay and youtube join in this it will not get any real recognition . Youtube will be the first one to go off line once this passes the house and senate !
Posted on Reply
Spaceman Spiff
The only 'misinformation' I see is the excrement spewing from the shit stained cum holes these people call their mouths.

The people who wrote and support this bill should be sterilized.

Let's remove free information! That way we can all be mindless sheep!

Fucking fascists.
Posted on Reply
Here in Portugal they're trying to pass a bill regarding "multimedia HDDs" and it will affect anything that has storage in it such as MP3s, cameras, printers, phones and, most of all, HDDs.

If it passes, HDD's price will have a small increase of 0.02€ per GB up to 1TB and 0.025€ per GB for more the 1TB.

- If a 1TB HDD costs 100€ now, it will cost 120.48€.
- If a 2TB HDD costs 200€ now, it will cost 251.2€.
- If a 3TB HDD costs 300€ now, it will cost 376,8€.

Current HDD prices were made up for this example, ofc.

Dunno specifics on other devices increases.


Here's a translated article:
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Spaceman SpiffThe only 'misinformation' I see is the excrement spewing from the shit stained cum holes these people call their mouths.

The people who wrote and support this bill should be sterilized.

Let's remove free information! That way we can all be mindless sheep!

Fucking fascists.
Umm did you expect any thing different from the suite dummies we elect as the peoples representatives ? REALLY ? Freedom is NOT FREE ! You have to fight for it . We the people can shut the entire internet DOWN yet if this passes the first thing to go will be YouTube ( I bet you any thing ! ) second will be every thing else and just look who is at the center of this PEOPLE LOOK !!! It is HOLLYWOOD ! All them scumbags you drool over at the theaters EVERY WEEK ! Maybe you should boycott the MOVIE INDUSTRY BY NOT GOING TO WATCH THERE CRAPPY ASS REMAKES AND STALE MOVIES ?! Think about it we are the People WE have more power UNITED then we can ever imagine !
Posted on Reply
John Cornyn already announced he's backed away from supporting the bill, so I'll be the smarter person and decide not to participate in spamming my senators.

I do not support nor oppose this bill, in case you were wondering.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
tricksonUmm did you expect any thing different from the suite dummies we elect as the peoples representatives ? REALLY ? Freedom is NOT FREE ! You have to fight for it . We the people can shut the entire internet DOWN yet if this passes the first thing to go will be YouTube ( I bet you any thing ! ) second will be every thing else and just look who is at the center of this PEOPLE LOOK !!! It is HOLLYWOOD ! All them scumbags you drool over at the theaters EVERY WEEK ! Maybe you should boycott the MOVIE INDUSTRY BY NOT GOING TO WATCH THERE CRAPPY ASS REMAKES AND STALE MOVIES ?! Think about it we are the People WE have more power UNITED then we can ever imagine !
Well said, trick. As far as boycotting the movies. I don't exactly boycott them, but I'm also not as enthusiastic as I once was and don't bother going unless it's a film I'm especially interested in and my friends want to see too. It really sticks in my throat to pay the extortionate prices in the cinema and then sit through that condescending f*cking 'antipiracy' message before every movie. :nutkick:
Undead46I do not support nor oppose this bill, in case you were wondering.
How can you be indifferent to something as controversial as this?
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Undead46John Cornyn already announced he's backed away from supporting the bill, so I'll be the smarter person and decide not to participate in spamming my senators.

I do not support nor oppose this bill, in case you were wondering.
Any bill that takes away freedoms is one bill I will NEVER support ! This is America we have a constitution ( In case you did not know ) this is a binding contract and pledge to the PEOPLE OF AMERICA ! Not just some piece of paper that they can use to wipe the stinky asses on ! It Gives instructions to the Government as to how it has to treat each American it spells out the RIGHTS of EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN ! All Hollywood wants to do is destroy this all congress wants is cash from Hollywood and the movie industry for supper packs and campaign money so they can get reelected ! They take lobbyists money to pass bills for fuck sake ! I wounder just how much cash these assholes are getting to pass this crap !
Posted on Reply
qubitWell said, trick. As far as boycotting the movies. I don't exactly boycott them, but I'm also not as enthusiastic as I once was and don't bother going unless it's a film I'm especially interested in and my friends want to see too. It really sticks in my throat to pay the extortionate prices in the cinema and then sit through that condescending f*cking 'antipiracy' message before every movie. :nutkick:

How can you be indifferent to something as controversial as this?
1) It does not personally benefit me, so I do not support it.
2) This does not invade my privacy no more than what's already going on, so I could care less. Not to mention I don't care about privacy unless it's information released to the public.

There is definitely such thing as neutral. ;)
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
Undead461) It does not personally benefit me, so I do not support it.
2) This does not invade my privacy no more than what's already going on, so I could care less. Not to mention I don't care about privacy unless it's information released to the public.

There is definitely such thing as neutral. ;)
Ok, I don't really agree, but thanks for explaining your side of it so nicely. :toast:
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Undead461) It does not personally benefit me, so I do not support it.
2) This does not invade my privacy no more than what's already going on, so I could care less. Not to mention I don't care about privacy unless it's information released to the public.

There is definitely such thing as neutral. ;)
WOW JUST WOW ! So you could careless what rights and freedoms are taken from ANY American as long as yours are not being taken ? Do you like YouTube ? ebay ? Face book ? So how would you like it if they were no longer there any more ? How about twitter ? You like that ? What if they just closed it down ? I mean with these bills they will have the power to just that and you know what they will and they will do it with out even asking YOU ! Ignorance is bliss till it hits HOME !

P.S. I haven't been to a movie in 10 years ! FUCK THEM !
Posted on Reply
tricksonWOW JUST WOW ! So you could careless what rights and freedoms are taken from ANY American as long as yours are not being taken ? Do you like YouTube ? ebay ? Face book ? So how would you like it if they were no longer there any more ? How about twitter ? You like that ? What if they just closed it down ? I mean with these bills they will have the power to just that and you know what they will and they will do it with out even asking YOU ! Ignorance is bliss till it hits HOME !
You're over-exaggerating if you think those sites will disappear if this bill is passed.
Not to mention Facebook serves as valuable personal information for the government.

Their target is illegal content/torrents, not social networks.

But like I said, it really doesn't matter what my opinion is, because my State Senator opposes it.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Undead46You're over-exaggerating if you think those sites will disappear if this bill is passed.
Not to mention Facebook serves as valuable personal information for the government.

Their target is illegal content/torrents, not social networks.
Yeah you keep on thinking this . See they have some sheeple NOT THIS GUY THOUGH !
See you give an inch they will take it and they will keep taking it ! You just do not get it and that is the sad thing about Americans today ! We have become dependent and complacent on the Government and think every thing they do is just fine ! Good by America we had a nice run .

Just take a look over here if you love America .
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Undead461) It does not personally benefit me, so I do not support it.
2) This does not invade my privacy no more than what's already going on, so I could care less. Not to mention I don't care about privacy unless it's information released to the public.

There is definitely such thing as neutral. ;)
How do you know what it will or wont do. This bill is a precedent bill if this one passes you can expect more and more legislature to follow that pushes the envelope more and more.
Undead46You're over-exaggerating if you think those sites will disappear if this bill is passed.
Not to mention Facebook serves as valuable personal information for the government.

Their target is illegal content/torrents, not social networks.

But like I said, it really doesn't matter what my opinion is, because my State Senator opposes it.
He should overexaggerate it. The entire bill is stupid. All it is going to do is drive prices up of many items and cause people to be angry. Your senator opposes it becuase giving the government more control is very anti-republican.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
cdawallHow do you know what it will or wont do. This bill is a precedent bill if this one passes you can expect more and more legislature to follow that pushes the envelope more and more.

He should overexaggerate it. The entire bill is stupid. All it is going to do is drive prices up of many items and cause people to be angry. Your senator opposes it becuase giving the government more control is very anti-republican.
Thank the Lord ABOVE some people get it ! :respect:
Posted on Reply
SOPA will put small town ISPs(like the one I work for) out of business, we simply don't have the man power to check on exactly what everyone is doing/viewing, let alone every bit of content on our servers. It'd be a downright hassle and honestly nothing good can come from this bill.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Radical_EdwardSOPA will put small town ISPs(like the one I work for) out of business, we simply don't have the man power to check on exactly what everyone is doing/viewing, let alone every bit of content on our servers. It'd be a downright hassle and honestly nothing good can come from this bill.
Well the only good thing is if it fails . I hope to GOD it does . Hollywood needs to get out of our lives ! I just wonder if this passes how the people will treat Hollywood ! After all they are the ones behind this !
Posted on Reply
Undead46You're over-exaggerating if you think those sites will disappear if this bill is passed.
Not to mention Facebook serves as valuable personal information for the government.

Their target is illegal content/torrents, not social networks.

But like I said, it really doesn't matter what my opinion is, because my State Senator opposes it.
You first have to look at the history surrounding your every day devices and the lawsuits that happened over them.

VCR's almost didn't make it, it was a supreme court ruling that was 1 vote away from having them become illegal until they could prevent home users from recording any media. That would have set technology back 10 years.

MP3 players? Same things.

DVD's? Same things.

Blu-ray, audio streaming, DRM....

I had a video on youtube of my children removed as it was supposedly "in violation" by sharing a song that was under copyright. The copyright holders get to blanket any videos that contain a partial audio track recorded as a unintended background on any video clips as in violation, and thus will be removed, and you have to prove that you were NOT in violation.

That is guilty until proven innocent.

Lets apply the same precedent to anything.

I think you use drugs, and sell them. So we will break down your door in a police raid in full riot gear using tear gas on your family and arrest you, go through your whole house, confiscate your money, accounts, assets. And you have to prove you are innocent.

How does that sound? This is the type of "authority" they have already been given, and they want more freedom to shut you down if you make their nose tickle, ear itch, or otherwise. Is this what you want? They have a track record of making their own laws, and enforcing them the way they see fit in a guilty till proven innocent way.

It took three hours of digging through the rights bills to get my video back going again, and the rules were clear.

1) The music was a unintended background that was played in a public place by a authorized public broadcaster (Joes Crab Shack)

2) The room was larger than 12 X 15 (or some odd shit like that)

3) I never focused the camera on the speakers for the sole purpose of making a illegal recording of the publicly broadcasted content, be it for personal use or public use at any time after.

Basically shit rules made up so they can try and blanket wrap and then rape you.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Undead46You're over-exaggerating if you think those sites will disappear if this bill is passed.
Not to mention Facebook serves as valuable personal information for the government.

Their target is illegal content/torrents, not social networks.

But like I said, it really doesn't matter what my opinion is, because my State Senator opposes it.
So where is it you draw the line ? When the Government reads your Emails ? How about when they screen your emails ? When the government taps into your phone calls ? Or your mail ? Just how much are you willing to sacrifice before you step up ? I just don't get it . If they take ONE constitutional RIGHT away from me THEY HAVE VIOLATED ME !!!! And yes this is what they will do . Next is P2P they will take the entire net work DOWN ! Think NOT ? Think again !
How about when the government puts a tracking device on your car ? They can NOW DO THIS WITH OUT YOU EVEN KNOWING ABOUT IT !!!!!! They can listen into your PHONE CALLS WITH OUT A COURT ORDER !!!! There are many more things YOU do not have a clue about that the GOVERNMENT Can do ! They are taking rights away from people faster than we the people can keep up . So just what will make you take a stand ? What will it take ? When the government comes into your home and takes your kids ? Well Guess what they can do this too !!! And what is even more frightening is they can do this with out so much as a reason ! YOU FOOLS !!!
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
WrigleyvillainTestify Trickson! :roll:
Look I may not know shit about computers and I get called out on things like that all the time here . Do not fuck with me on this government shit ! I will tear you a new one ! :roll:
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OH, I have such a headache
WOO , Hallelujah , HOLLY SHIT Where's the Tylenol !
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