Wednesday, January 25th 2012

NVIDIA Taunts AMD's GCN Architecture Performance

As AMD's Radeon HD 7900 series is finding ground in the market, and NVIDIA's competitive product line still without a concrete launch schedule, the mind games have begun. In an interview to NordicHardware, a senior NVIDIA official said that NVIDIA expected more from AMD's new GPU family. "Honestly, we expected more from our competitor's new architecture," the official said, indicating two interrelated things:
  • AMD's Southern Islands GPU family's performance levels are well within NVIDIA's expectations
  • NVIDIA's new architecture will be a lot more powerful than Southern Islands, because it was prepared keeping in mind a faster architecture from AMD than what Southern Islands ended up being
This latest comment could even release some pressure off NVIDIA to rush in a competitive product line.
Source: NordicHardware
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87 Comments on NVIDIA Taunts AMD's GCN Architecture Performance

hah ^^ I agree with this post. The only way anyone will get excited about this is if prices go down and games come out that can use the power at 1080P (where the average shmoes like me game)
Posted on Reply
I don't care i just want to see some kick ass performance ill keep my HD 7970 until i see Nvidia has some think to offer then ill sell it.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidAbso-fucking-lutely. Pie in face if their cards don't rock the planet. Though I have a feeling given the recent reports from CD at S/A that NV may indeed have a good thing coming. And if you can stand the site at all, have a look at how much he's been lambasted by it's users for suggesting NV (and i paraphrase CD) 'are going to win this round on about every single metric'.
And yes, despite what people think about CD, one thing he is not, is an NV fan, at all.

Edit: check out his pricing rumours at semi-accurate. I'm not linking as he has strange track back things going on.
I want to see them win on the 3D mark per dollar metric. I just do, for once.

It's very cute to release a chip that's say, 20% better than the competition's fastest chip, but when it costs 50% more, is it really THAT great an accomplishment?

This is nothing new, the Geforce 2 Ultra, back in... 2000 I think, cost $800 at launch. Bravo.

But nVidia's frothing-at-the-mouth fanbois never, ever cease to epeen with the "yeah but nV has THIS CHIP which is 20% faster than the fastest Radeon" preening like champions of righteousness while they try to run BF3 with their SLI GT 240*...
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The Knife in your Back
The one thing that comes to mind here is, OC ceilings. I do agreee the stock 7970's I hoped were a bit faster, but then I see people getting 400mhz OC's on the GPU... thats just insane. I was happy with 150mhz on my 6950. So I don't think NV will have any issues coming out with a faster card, but will it have that much untapped power is the real question.
Posted on Reply
Why should I care?

Nvidea has several extra months, they'd better perform better.
Nvidea has not produced any numbers. No numbers mean they haven't provided any proof.

Beyond those two points, Nvidea has done little more than cock slap the consumer. Proving that your chicken is the largest, without actually proving it, is worthless. Wake me when they release performance figures.
Posted on Reply
1Kurgan1The one thing that comes to mind here is, OC ceilings. I do agreee the stock 7970's I hoped were a bit faster, but then I see people getting 400mhz OC's on the GPU... thats just insane. I was happy with 150mhz on my 6950. So I don't think NV will have any issues coming out with a faster card, but will it have that much untapped power is the real question.
It looks like AMD is letting the board makers make all the extra money by building cards that will be much faster than stock. Letting board makers differentiate from each other would be a master move on the part of AMD, especially if nV releases GPUs specced at the top of their clock ranges. Board makers LOVE to be able to put out a unique products and low-clocked GPUs let them do just that.
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HD7950 is coming...will it be another price/performance monster???
From what I've seen so far prices should be ~400eur in my region 420$ for US maybe!
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nV talking smack with nothing to back it up........ OH WOOW :cry:

Hardware speaks for its self and since they dont have shit to show their just blowing smoke.

Atleast AMD has something on the table nV :nutkick:

As far as their next release AMD has alot of overclocking headroom and at least another 3 months to work on it ;)
Posted on Reply
Wow it really getting thick now... sounds like thier after making a marketing "faux pa" having executives beating the drum and start promises without any numbers?

Sounds like bantar should've titled it "Wait for Me, please"... :shadedshu
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The Knife in your Back
HorruxIt looks like AMD is letting the board makers make all the extra money by building cards that will be much faster than stock. Letting board makers differentiate from each other would be a master move on the part of AMD, especially if nV releases GPUs specced at the top of their clock ranges. Board makers LOVE to be able to put out a unique products and low-clocked GPUs let them do just that.
I agree, for the tech savvy people who want to save money, they can buy a reference card and clock it themselves. For the non-tech savvy people they are usually fine with spending a bit more money to have the OCing done for them. Seems like a win/win/win to me. Having a card that has almost a 50% OC ceiling, I mean how can you go wrong, if the next NV top dog is 20% faster, that won't be enough unless it has a good OC roof as well. Otherwise the older AMD cards OC'd variants will be just as fast.
Posted on Reply
I lol at many people here. This is not an statement from Nvidia. This is what a rep in CES told one guy from NH in the backstage. This is not any conspiracy. And as much as you guys hate it, it is probably true.

Wake up, Nvidia won this round and that's it.
Posted on Reply
BenetanegiaWake up, Nvidia won this round and that's it.
nV won :confused:

So nVidia doesnt even need to release hardware and they win :roll:
Posted on Reply
OneCoolnV won :confused:

So nVidia doesnt even need to release hardware and they win :roll:
I think that it doesn't take much to realize that the GTX 580 isn't much far from the 7970 and the former is based on 40nm tech node.
As much as I'd say to wait before saying anything I think Nvidia does not have to put much effort to surpass the HD 7970.
And no, don't say that the 7970 overclocks better because that's mostly thanks to the 28nm node and the next Nvidia chip will probably overclock as good as the 7970.
Posted on Reply
OneCoolnV won :confused:

So nVidia doesnt even need to release hardware and they win :roll:
TBH not really, if you can do 2+2. Apparently you guys believe that Nvidia won't release a card at all, or that their new card will be worse than Fermi despite using 28nm, because that's the only posible way in which Nvidia fails to win this round with ease. Wake up.

- HD7970 == 4.3 billion transistors.
- GTX580 == 3 billion transistors. +50% == 4.5 billion
- GTX 560 ti == 1.95 billion transistor. x2 == 3.9 billion (how does GTX560 ti SLI perform against HD7970 again??)

- Kepler more efficient than Fermi.

End of story.
Posted on Reply
BenetanegiaI lol at many people here. This is not an statement from Nvidia. This is what a rep in CES told one guy from NH in the backstage. This is not any conspiracy. And as much as you guys hate it, it is probably true.

Wake up, Nvidia won this round and that's it.
I have no doubt that Kepler will be a faster card, it's the principal that people are talking about. If you want to construde it as "hate" by all means I doubt people care.
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Big Member
erockerI have no doubt that Kepler will be a faster card, it's the principal that people are talking about. If you want to construde it as "hate" by all means I doubt people care.
It better be 6 months AFTER the 7970.
Posted on Reply
Problem is, is when nVidia releases their first Kepler, it's gonna probably be priced higher than the 7970, and then AMD will likely counter by releasing the 7990 at the same time, for only a little more. I don't know for sure, but expect the 7990 to wipe the floor with whatever Kepler nVidia launches in Q2.

Then, it'll be a while still before nVidia outs their supposed "high-end" Kepler, or a dual-gpu of their own.
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The Exiled Airman
I find it funny how Green remarks like this yet they have nothing... Sounds like Green is really worried
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78It better be 6 months AFTER the 7970.
April is only 3 months after January. March is 2 in case they paper launch it after all. They said they would wait until there's sufficient stock, but things can easily change. TSMC recently reported that ramp up is going faster than they first thought.
eidairaman1I find it funny how Green remarks like this yet they have nothing... Sounds like Green is really worried
The funny thing is people pretending that a comment made off the record by a representative, is any kind of strategy. 99% of what can be read in NH is just the writers interpretation of what the rep said. And the only thing that he said is "Honestly, we expected more from our competitor’s new architecture." Which is just probably true. Everything else is the writers analysis.
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With 6 months more of development they better beat the 7970. Anything less would be underwhelming to say the least.
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Big Member
BenetanegiaApril is only 3 months after January. March is 2 in case they paper launch it after all. They said they would wait until there's sufficient stock, but things can easily change. TSMC recently reported that ramp up is going faster than they first thought.
By the time this retails they will have had 6 months more development time. If Nvidia cant beat em with that then Nvidia is done for.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78By the time this retails they will have had 6 months more development time. If Nvidia cant beat em with that then Nvidia is done for.
Why did they have 6 more months of development? If it is released 3 months later, it's released 3 months later, period or 2 or 4, because that still remains to be seen.

But how much more has been in development we do not know. GCN is a new arch that was suposed to be released when Cayman, but was delayed until 28nm, so it's been in development for 1 more year than Kepler, probably.

EDIT: Also having x months more to develop means absolutely nothing in this market. What can be done is tighly related to the manufacturing process and the limits are the same today as they will in 9 months. Look at Cayman, released 1 year after Cypress, and it was faster than Cypress, but also increased die size and power consumption accordingly. They had 1 more year, but...
Posted on Reply
They better perform well, after all they have more time do develop it. SI was merely a shrunk NI, so obviously there won't be quantum leaps in performance: just some added processing units and higher clocks, with lower power consumption and better overclocking. I'm just hoping the prices will be more affordable after Nvidia steps in and AMD can't price their cards so high.
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
Typical nvidia
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Until Nvidia actually comes up with something good to counter AMD's efforts it needs to shut it's f***ing mouth.
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