Thursday, February 23rd 2012

EA Kills Battlefield 3: Aftershock
After pulling off a largely successful AAA launch with Battlefield 3, which also served as a potent launch-pad for its Origin content-distribution platform, EA got carried away, and decided it could milk the name "Battlefield 3", only this time, the "battlefield" isn't on a PC or Console, but Apple's tech-toy, the iPad. EA launched Battlefield 3: Aftershock for the iPad, as the franchise's first entry to portable devices. Only the game was so offensively bad in every way, that EA decided to pull the plug on it.
To be fair, there are some pretty decent games out there for the iPad, which won on counts of good gameplay mechanics, and graphics engines that make decent use of what little hardware resources they have, even if its graphics-rendering capabilities aren't anywhere close to game-consoles, or even portable consoles such PS Vita.Reviewer GameZebo stated:
To be fair, there are some pretty decent games out there for the iPad, which won on counts of good gameplay mechanics, and graphics engines that make decent use of what little hardware resources they have, even if its graphics-rendering capabilities aren't anywhere close to game-consoles, or even portable consoles such PS Vita.Reviewer GameZebo stated:
"Whatever you do, don't play Battlefield 3: Aftershock. Don't look at it. Don't even acknowledge its existence. I cannot stress this enough. The game is beyond awful. Not only does it not include a bunch of features and content shown during previews, it's utterly unplayable and broken. This is the sort of game that comes along once in a blue moon: It's so bad that it digs a new bottom of the barrel to measure games against."It's that bad.
22 Comments on EA Kills Battlefield 3: Aftershock
Tablet gaming will become more popular but not at the pace Apple is fucking its customers.
Go Android or Don't bother.
Seriously, the reviewer was ranting so much, I'm sure he needed a lie down and de-stress after that!
Indeed what a steaming pile of... oh, what's the word, I've forgotten now. :p
Yeah, Android tablets may be ahead in horsepower, but they are consistently one step behind in what most tablet users notice first, the screen and interface.
As the type of user I am, I'd rather have the Transformer Prime, but I do have to give Apple credit where it is due.
BMW I'm not sure of, as I haven't done much research on the topic before. (Like yourself obviously) ;) :roll:
Android OS could also stand to benefit from more dedicated professional devs to write higher quality app as poor quality apps reflect so strongly on a platform (to those who cant separate app from OS).
damn now ive nowt to say:D
ohhh i do
i appreciate apples marketing prowess too and their design ofice both are brilliant, i cant believ a company can sell so little each time for so much and no mem card slots in 2012 on phones or pads finish blows apple for me , thats just wrong, people need these faclities
sos so off t
on topic i would have at least tried it had i known ,but most shooters on pads and phones are pretty poor they havent the snot for it