Tuesday, February 28th 2012

Samsung Miniaturizes 1920x1080 Pixels Into A 4.8" Display
Thought the 1920x1200 pixel 10.1-inch Super IPS+ display with ASUS Transformer Infinity tablet carried shock-value? Wait till you hear what Samsung's innovators have been up to. They've managed to develop a market-ready 4.8-inch display for the upcoming Galaxy S III smartphone that packs a whopping 1920x1080 pixels resolution, which smokes Apple's Retina display the iPhone 4S comes with (960x640 pixels in a 3.5-inch screen), or the 1280x800 pixels AMOLED screen Samsung's own Galaxy Note phone-tablet-thingy comes with. Then there are PC monitor vendors with the audacity of selling 27-inch monitors with the same 1920x1080 pixels resolution for upwards of $500. Multi-billion Dollar price-fixing scam much?
64 Comments on Samsung Miniaturizes 1920x1080 Pixels Into A 4.8" Display
The resolution should always match the native of the screen. You don't play guesswork "My dad got an 21.5" monitor at 1920x1080 (yes Win7 in case you are wondering) & i find that to small for that type of monitor (had to adjust the DPI manually) anyways i thing it should be 1680x1050/1600x900 max. for an 20-22" monitor & the 1920x1080 should be left out to only 23"-27" size "
Use the NATIVE resolution of the screen. Then set up the display settings (advanced) to 120dpi rather than 96dpi. Also set to "Large icons" (in display effects). And font smoothing to clera type. The clear type tuner isnt usually needed, but try it if you like. Whatever happens DO NOT USE "large fonts" which is something completely different and is a very bad attempt at making blind people read the screen.
I use 120dpi on my netbook and on my workstation. Everything works 100% and looks great. If you are having problems, something isnt set up properly.
It's when you get smaller screen with higher resolution (Dad 21.5") that it doesn't look good & by that i mean letters looks so small that it makes harder to read unless you're real close to it , not that i or my Dad couldn't read it further away but harder on the eyes if you know what i mean...
So i have set is monitor DPI to 115% manually & left the rest to default & it's all good this way , anything bigger like 120-125% DPI & it looks to big (letters wise) it's the same look as if you were to lower the resolution not that i did lower the resolution but look like it , get it now?
As for the DPI in windows it should auto adjust but it does not it's always on 96 what ever screen you got
High resolution 1080 on something that small is to me pretty much stupid & pointless like you're gona see any tiny details on such a small surface area , yeah! sure....
these devices are not meant for old people with eyesight problems. that would be the ipad.
125% too big you say? No. More like not enough shown on a y900 or y1080 screen. And if there is enough room, but you "feel" it is too big, then move the screen back a few inches. That's why you will see the whole Graphics Enthusiast Community go ON and ON and ON and ON about y1600 and higher screens and why we need HIGHER pixel density to render better font quality. We dont want smaller fonts. We want the same size but rendered with double the pixels.
IMO your y1080 on 24" is just nasty. It is a consumer resolution and made "big to sell". I have y1200 on 21", and y1200 is NOT ENOUGH. I really want 2k x 2k. Hell, there are monitors out there that do that... just expensive due to specialist installations
EDIT: It doesn't use a different font set, it's just that Windows renders the fonts as a bitmap and when you change the dpi Windows has to go through all the fonts and render them again. They are still the same fonts, just rendered differently.
and i can clearly see what's on the screen from like, 1 meter away,
and it's just 140ppi
its not that hard to just extend your neck a bit to see clearly,
but it's not a problem with me just because I'm used to see small prints