Saturday, March 3rd 2012

Assassin's Creed 3 to take place during the American Revolution

After much speculation it has been confirmed that Assassin's Creed 3 will take place during the American revolution. Images with hints of this have been floating around the internet for a few days now but Ubisoft has released the official box-art for Assassin's Creed 3, which confirms that the game will indeed take place during the American Revolution. Prior to this several images were seen on Kotaku, Game Informer, and Shacknews leading to this speculation. No word yet on a release date or if the game will use the intrusive DRM that previous titles did.
Source: Shacknews
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25 Comments on Assassin's Creed 3 to take place during the American Revolution

Big Member
Looking forward to killing some Hessian and Red mid-evil garb......wait what?!
Posted on Reply
Ok if they don't notice him now....

He stands out like a sore thumb.
Posted on Reply
bastards at UBi are pissin me off , this looks good yet ill never play it i guess, im no longer gettin down with their DRM, at all.
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Big Member
AphexDreamerOk if they don't notice him now....

He stands out like a sore thumb.
Yeah its kinda stupid. Some dude running around in a white the forest....isnt going to steak up on a F#$king tree never mind battle harden Hessian.
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well, uhm okay....and perhaps the next sequel would be placed somewhere in china...or hong kong...

Assassin's Creed kungfu edition baby... yeah..!!:nutkick:
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TheMailMan78Yeah its kinda stupid. Some dude running around in a white the forest....isnt going to steak up on a F#$king tree never mind battle harden Hessian.
I understand that you are comparing his white robes with those of the soldiers in the background but I am guessing that the game's 'theme' and actual game-play will feature "snowy environments / winter seasons" where his white robes would make sense, and in fact even more sense than AC:2 or AC:Brotherhood where the environments were more colorful Italian cities.
This link shows some 'possible' screenshots of AC:3 which shows snowy environments:
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to defend the costumes used in AC:3, but lets wait for the trailer and not make any premature comments on this title.

However, I do feel white robes made most sense in AC1 with priests & drab environments.
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So it's true...
Oh no !
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I bet i know where it goes and how
Even the fourth is easily predicted
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so we will be killing terrorists?
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reverzeso we will be killing terrorists?
That's the next one.:laugh:
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Ugh... getting sick of this franchise.. It's ubi's version of COD
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So... basically this is the missing link of how desmond's ancestors came to the US
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Dj-ElectriCSo... basically this is the missing link of how desmond's ancestors came to the US
Good point.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
AC4 : Desmond takes on Seal Team 6 (in his white midevil outfit) lol

Sorry couldn't resist. Game does look more interesting than the others (even though I've never played them)
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How appropriate, because we're in dire need of another revolution.
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bear jesus
American revolution? do they mean the last one or the upcoming one? :laugh:
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i want to kill Columbus
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ShiBDiBUgh... getting sick of this franchise.. It's ubi's version of COD
Lol so true :D
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Mr Verro
another revolution :eek:,there is many going on:laugh:
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pr0n Inspector
So we get to kill those damn rebels with their weird religons? YAY!
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Big Member
Black PantherThe official trailer:

I like the look of this game. Its a good reminder of what we did and what we became and with any luck we will do again.
Posted on Reply
Not really impressed. Where is the Assassin part of this game?
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