Wednesday, March 7th 2012

Core i7-3770K "Ivy Bridge" Offers Solid Performance and Efficiency

Earlier today, Anandtech posted its preview of the Core i7-3770K "Ivy Bridge" processor. The i7-3770K will be the fastest Ivy Bridge LGA1155 processor, when launched. Anandtech put the chip through a battery of tests, starting from overall system performance synthetic test suites, such as SysMark 2012, content-creation, video transcoding, gaming, and system power consumption. The one conclusion you can draw out of these tests is that the Ivy Bridge kicks butt. It has higher performance per core, and single-threaded performance than even the Sandy Bridge-E (LGA2011) chips, it aces content-creation, shines with gaming, and has power-draw lower than even the Core i5-2400 from the previous generation. If you've been holding out over a platform upgrade for a while, the Core i7-3770K is rewarding. But then there's no big incentive, if you're coming from Sandy Bridge LGA1155 chips such as the Core i7-2600K. Read the full review at the source.
Source: Anandtech
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66 Comments on Core i7-3770K "Ivy Bridge" Offers Solid Performance and Efficiency

Addicted to Bacon and StarCrunches!!!
erockerI'm definitely upgrading my 2500K to a 3770K.. I just hope AsRock updates their bios like they said they would. If not, I suppose I need a new HTPC and my current setup will work great for that.
I am in the same boat here. I have noticed MSI and Gigabyte getting on the band wagon with the 22nm bios updates. Wished ASrock would as well.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Dent1Why are you always the first one to bring up Bulldozer's performance in Intel threads.

Why are you always the first to say something negative about Bulldozer in Intel threads?

Why are you always use an insult like "Nodozer" or something equally as silly.

Stop spreading false news based on two charts. Read the entire Anantech Bulldozer review beginning to end, Bulldozer is faster than Phenom II in majority tests.
Because I can.

This is an Intel thread! Ivy bridge is so much faster and has so much more performance per core than Nodozer that it looks to like it is going to take an entire remake of the architecture and another generation just for AMD to actually catch up!
I am a fanboy of innovation and I think you fail to take that into account when you FLAME on me for pointing some thing out that I see! What now, I am not entitled to an opinion because of you?
I swear You must have some kind of program that goes off any time I say some thing about Bulldozer or AMD or you just like to troll every post I make. You really need to get off my back.
Posted on Reply
faramirUgh, it is faster than 80286 too, does that mean that AMD beats Intel ? No. Comparison with obsolete out of production chips hardly makes sense ... especially when the margin of improvement is so tiny (and all thanks to the incease in number of cores rather than IPC increase).
What has this got to do with anything I said?
tricksonBecause I can.

This is an Intel thread! Ivy bridge is so much faster and has so much more performance per core than Nodozer that it looks to like it is going to take an entire remake of the architecture and another generation just for AMD to actually catch up!
I am a fanboy of innovation and I think you fail to take that into account when you FLAME on me for pointing some thing out that I see! What now, I am not entitled to an opinion because of you?
I swear You must have some kind of program that goes off any time I say some thing about Bulldozer or AMD or you just like to troll every post I make. You really need to get off my back.
You dont need a paragraph to mask your nonsense.

It's clear calling Bulldozer Nodozer will piss people off, so expect to be flamed for it.

And it's clear talking about Bulldozer negatively in EVERY SINGLE thread without adding anything constructive to the debate will piss people off, so again expect to be flamed.
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
I think the topic needs to stay on track. This is about Ivy Bridge's performance, not Bulldozer's.

As far as performance improvement, the amount of improvement is fairly minor, it's power consumption that got a large boost for loaded workloads. Idle power consumption hasn't improved a whole lot.

As far as improvement over the 3820 and the 2600k, it's pretty minor in most cases with an average of what? 5%? It's a revision of the same architecture so you're not going to see a lot of performance benefits on IVB over SB as far as IPC in concerned. Now we will have to wait to see how it over-clocks, because lower loaded consumption will benefit over-clocks if voltage vs temperature scales equally as well.

Then again it might not, because smaller circuitry will increase resistance, even more so as temperature increases.
Edit: For those who haven't learned how resistance and circuit heating works, I recommend reading a little bit about Ohm's law and Ohmic Heating... but for those who are too lazy to learn some Physics, basically as resistance stays the same (which it doesn't resistance goes up with temperature,) voltage increases will exponentially increase the amount of heat generated. With that said a 32nm wire has less resistance than a 22nm wire. So the same voltage on different sized wires will result in a higher temperature on the 22nm chip. This is only true if the 22nm aren't as long as the 32nm counter-part, so we won't really know until we can test it but theoretically with a similarly size die, temperature at the same voltage will increase. :)

All in all, IVB 3770k looks like it is going to be a nice chip, but it's not worth an upgrade over a 2600k and a couple bins up on turbo will close that gap very quickly. Keep in mind clock-for-clock, IVB will be almost the same as SB.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Dent1What has this got to do with anything I said?

You dont need a paragraph to mask your nonsense.

It's clear calling Bulldozer Nodozer will piss people off, so explect to be flamed for it.

And it's clear talking about Bulldozer negatively in EVERY SINGLE thread without adding anything constructive to the debate will piss people off, so again expect to be flamed.
It is clear that you are a fanboy. I only said
Did any one else see on the chart how the Phenom II X4 was better than the Nodozer?
Then you flame on me for it.

What every single post? I have NOT! Bulldozer is a fine CPU, I was talking about the CHART and the numbers do not LIE! Ivy bridge and many other Intel chips are going to be higher in price, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! Want lightning fast performance? Then you will have to pay for the better product.
Thing that makes me angry about it is that AMD has taken a step backwards! They have caused a mess for every one! Look if Intel keeps on this path AMD is out! And that is NOT going to be good at all! Right now the price of Intel's offering is way too high as it is, If AMD could match this it would lower prices across the field! With Ivy bridge it looks like it is going to take more than AMD is willing to do! :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
tricksonIt is clear that you are a fanboy. I only said Then you flame on me for it.

What every single post? I have NOT! Bulldozer is a fine CPU, I was talking about the CHART and the numbers do not LIE! Ivy bridge and many other Intel chips are going to be higher in price, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! Want lightning fast performance? Then you will have to pay for the better product.
Thing that makes me angry about it is that AMD has taken a step backwards! They have caused a mess for every one! Look if Intel keeps on this path AMD is out! And that is NOT going to be good at all! Right now the price of Intel's offering is way too high as it is, If AMD could match this it would lower prices across the field! With Ivy bridge it looks like it is going to take more than AMD is willing to do! :shadedshu
Stay on topic and stop flaming. AMD isn't focusing on top-end, "future is fusion," has been AMD's motto not "future is performance."
Posted on Reply
tricksonIt is clear that you are a fanboy. I only said Then you flame on me for it.
How can I be a fan boy? Do you ever see me trash talking Intel? No!

Do you ever see me referring to Intel negatively? No!

Do you ever see me calling Intel an unassigned and unofficial name? No.

So, apparently me being respectful towards Intel and their very high quality product makes me a fan boy? - You are not very smart, one would presume.
tricksonWhat every single post? I have NOT! Bulldozer is a fine CPU, I was talking about the CHART and the numbers do not LIE! Ivy bridge and many other Intel chips are going to be higher in price, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
What has this got to do with anything? Did you even comprehend my original post?

I never said the chart lied. I never said you didn't get what you paid for. I never brought up number or prices at all or performance comparisons.

All I said, paraphrasing. "trickson why do you always talk about AMD negatively in every thread". Where did you get performance and prices from????

It's amazing, how can you respond when you don't even understand or comprehend the topic matter of what you are responding to lol
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
AquinusStay on topic and stop flaming. AMD isn't focusing on top-end, "Future is Fusion," has been AMD's motto not "Future is performance."
Yeah, Ivy bridge is a small step in the right direction. Leads me to wonder if they are about to tap out the architecture of the current offerings. a 10% performance increase is not much, But still some thing. Are they at there max? Or is there more? I would also like to know one other thing do these have the 3D transistors that Intel was talking about a year or so ago?
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
tricksonYeah, Ivy bridge is a small step in the right direction. Leads me to wonder if they are about to tap out the architecture of the current offerings. a 10% performance increase is not much, But still some thing. Are they at there max? Or is there more? I would also like to know one other thing do these have the 3D transistors that Intel was talking about a year or so ago?
The goal of tri-state transistors and 22nm is to reduce power consumption and to keep up with Moore's Law. Haswell is Intel's next architecture revision, and more maturity of the 22nm process so don't expect too much from IVB, after all it is a "tock" iteration. Thank you for finally posting a reply that's on topic. Let's keep it that way. :cool:

Edit: That includes you too Dent1, I'm not singling trickson out. We don't need a flame war, but I appreciate both of you not pushing this further. :)

Edit: IVB will benefit low-power platforms more than anything else.
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
AquinusThe goal of tri-state transistors and 22nm is to reduce power consumption and to keep up with Moore's Law. Haswell is Intel's next architecture revision, and more maturity of the 22nm process so don't expect too much from IVB, after all it is a "tock" iteration. Thank you for finally posting a reply that's on topic. Let's keep it that way. :cool:

Edit: IVB will benefit low-power platforms more than anything else.
Cool, So this is why the power is lower on ivy bridge. Cool, It is nice to see them 3D transistors in action.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Going to be interesting! Cant wait to trade in my ol cpu for the new 22nm
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
fullinfusionGoing to be interesting! Cant wait to trade in my ol cpu for the new 22nm
Are you NUTS? Your CPU is FAR from OLD! Look at mine! Now that is OLD! :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
tricksonAre you NUTS? Your CPU is FAR from OLD! Look at mine! Now that is OLD! :shadedshu
:laugh: Na just board with what I got. :wtf:
Posted on Reply
i want an i5 3570k for my board >.<
Posted on Reply
btarunrThe silver bullet is OC headroom. Being able to do ~5 GHz with stock cooling.
tedyfor what? 10fps more? ;)
How is that not a worthy improvement? I'd pay $300 any day of the week for a 10fps boost. Plus, gaming isnt the only cpu intensive applications in the world.... I shall be upgrading my 2500k to a 3770k for the extra threads and overclockability for my audio production applications. :) Should be good, I could use some more cpu power :o
tricksonBecause I can.

This is an Intel thread! Ivy bridge is so much faster and has so much more performance per core than Nodozer that it looks to like it is going to take an entire remake of the architecture and another generation just for AMD to actually catch up!
I am a fanboy of innovation and I think you fail to take that into account when you FLAME on me for pointing some thing out that I see! What now, I am not entitled to an opinion because of you?
I swear You must have some kind of program that goes off any time I say some thing about Bulldozer or AMD or you just like to troll every post I make. You really need to get off my back.
First post ever where I agree with trickson. :nutkick: :roll:

Dent1 stop derailing and fanboying please. :wtf: :roll: :toast:
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
Yo_Wattup:First post ever where I agree with trickson. :nutkick: :roll:

Dent1 stop derailing and fanboying please. :wtf: :roll: :toast:
Yeah I know! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Nice performance for the 3770K. A better comparison would have been with the 2700K...
Anyways, can the internal GPU be totally disabled?? I mean completely shut down when running with a dedicated PCI-EX video card??
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
Max. BClk multiplier of Ivy Bridge is 64X, that's higher than the max. multiplier of Sandy Bridge (57X). Then Ivy Bridge uses tri-gate transistors that [by design] drop power draw dramatically, improving temperatures. Stable 5 GHz on stock air-cooling is not far-fetched. Both extreme overclockers and PC enthusiasts gain.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
erockerI'm definitely upgrading my 2500K to a 3770K.. I just hope AsRock updates their bios like they said they would. If not, I suppose I need a new HTPC and my current setup will work great for that.
yep im hoping the same thing. My first thing though is to get off this GTX470
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Dent1What has this got to do with anything I said?

You dont need a paragraph to mask your nonsense.

It's clear calling Bulldozer Nodozer will piss people off, so expect to be flamed for it.

And it's clear talking about Bulldozer negatively in EVERY SINGLE thread without adding anything constructive to the debate will piss people off, so again expect to be flamed.
Who the hell cares in bulldozer is faster then Phenom II. Thats a given, obviously. And in some benchmarks core for core performance is slower then Phenom II. Read more then one review, not just anandtechs. Bulldozer was meant to compete and hopefully beat intels options, but it massively failed to do that. It may have come in pretty close in some respects, but it still failed.
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
LagunaXNot going to happen - needs SBish volts and leaks a lot of heat(start with post 88):
That's because of the circuitry size. 22nm wire has more electrical resistance (and impedance, for wires with varying voltage such as the cpu clock,) than 32nm wire. which explains why resistance goes up as wires get smaller (current density increases because the wires are smaller.)

and which explains why it gets hotter with higher resistances.

Also as temperature increases, so does resistance, so generally speaking a 22nm has more heat issues at higher power levels. Tri-gate transistors are a good idea but it doesn't make the wires any less resistant to an EMF, actually it is the exact opposite.

Edit: I feel like I've explained this 4 times in the last week. :mad:
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
nvidiaintelftwWho the hell cares in bulldozer is faster then Phenom II. Thats a given, obviously. And in some benchmarks core for core performance is slower then Phenom II. Read more then one review, not just anandtechs. Bulldozer was meant to compete and hopefully beat intels options, but it massively failed to do that. It may have come in pretty close in some respects, but it still failed.
BD's IPC needs improvement but once they do they will be cramming more cores on the same area of die. You can't expect the first revision of a brand new architecture to be perfect over night. The thread is about IVB not BD, so why are we talking about this? I did ask everyone to stop on this topic since it isn't what this thread is about, and if you continue the flame war, I'm sure I won't be the only person reporting it.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
AquinusBD's IPC needs improvement but once they do they will be cramming more cores on the same area of die. You can't expect the first revision of a brand new architecture to be perfect over night. The thread is about IVB not BD, so why are we talking about this? I did ask everyone to stop on this topic since it isn't what this thread is about, and if you continue the flame war, I'm sure I won't be the only person reporting it.
no i know, but seeing how long it took for BD to release, im pretty sure we can all agree on that fact we expected a lot more from it.

Now back to ivy bridge. I am hoping ot get one of these 3770k and a Z77 motherboard, because I heard that IB may not work on P67.
Posted on Reply
nvidiaintelftwWho the hell cares in bulldozer is faster then Phenom II. Thats a given, obviously. And in some benchmarks core for core performance is slower then Phenom II. Read more then one review, not just anandtechs. Bulldozer was meant to compete and hopefully beat intels options, but it massively failed to do that. It may have come in pretty close in some respects, but it still failed.
You obviously have no clue what is going on in this thread, because your post is misdirected. It would have helped if you read all the posts thoroughly before responding.

Trickson, brought up performance of Phenom II based on Anandtech, so perhaps your post should have been directed at him? Yes/No

Sanadanosa, was agreeing with Tricksons analysis of Anandtech's Phenom II performance, so perhaps your "Read more then one review" jibe should have been directed at him? Yes/No.

You either will ignore my response or pretend you didnt read it as a lame excuse not to apologise. Sigh.
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