Monday, March 12th 2012
Diablo III: No PvP at Launch
Blizzard announced that its highly anticipated title, Diablo III, will not ship with Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay, because its development and refinement is holding Blizzard back from meeting the April 17, 2012 launch date. "The PvP game and systems aren't yet living up to our standards," said Jay Wilson, Game Director. The PvP component will instead be added to the game as a patch, months after the game's launch. The patch will include PvP arenas, achievements, and a matchmaking system. The arenas, according to Wilson, will be "as brutal, bloody, fast-paced, and awesome as we know they can be."
92 Comments on Diablo III: No PvP at Launch
Sorry Tatty, that post didn't come to mind until a few minutes later :laugh:
In fact more i think about it more i like it lol.
And WTF are people on about 1/2 done because no PvP on release.
PVP is not the main focus of D3 but will be a welcome addition, WOW did not release with battlegrounds but you did world pvp instead. I played on sargeras and Southshore vs. Tauren Mill was the best pvp area ever :P.
I think they are making these decisions to get the game out relatively "soon". The co-op will be so much fun I'll wait for the polished PvP system.
DIII isn't a CoD game and there won't be a DLC for a major feature such as PVP. The patch will be released in due course and we will get to play D3 at the announced release day without a buggy, half-baked PVP system. I really don't see what the problem is.... This statement is full of so much fail I don't even know where to begin....
the people who expect a game to be released complete, with a full feature set are the assholes - and the apologists who simply say "it's no big deal, at least we GET a diablo 3" are the good guys.
whatever reasoning you put behind it, you are still defending them because they have done something that requires defense. they have decided to release incomplete software in order to meet a release date. does that sound like the blizzard we all love? no. it sounds like activision.
if this were the first bad news in regards to d3, it would be nothing - but it's the latest in a line of announcements that have left me underwhelmed for the game. i never ever imagined i would be saying that but it's the truth. I put more hours individually into d1 and d2 than any other game or game series. they made me a gamer, but i will be (pleasantly) surprised if d3 brings back that feeling. Activision has taken over :(
Is that how the PvP stuff works? I don't fully understand.
And if that's the case, then delay of PvP servers, well, makes sense to me. Heck, if htere's monthly fees on this, I'm nto gonna buy anyway, so really, that is the critical peice of info I need, and the rest is just idle chatter until that info comes.
What i dont understand is how people are flying off the handle about a game that is mainly single-player. As for the monthly fees, Im unsure.