Monday, March 12th 2012

Diablo III: No PvP at Launch
Blizzard announced that its highly anticipated title, Diablo III, will not ship with Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay, because its development and refinement is holding Blizzard back from meeting the April 17, 2012 launch date. "The PvP game and systems aren't yet living up to our standards," said Jay Wilson, Game Director. The PvP component will instead be added to the game as a patch, months after the game's launch. The patch will include PvP arenas, achievements, and a matchmaking system. The arenas, according to Wilson, will be "as brutal, bloody, fast-paced, and awesome as we know they can be."
92 Comments on Diablo III: No PvP at Launch
And I'm more than willing to wait. I'd rather wait for Blizzard, and Rush Valve and HL3/EP.3.
And Blizzard doesnt do DLC. Everything they do comes in the form of a patch. Ive never had to pay for a patch thats not an expansion from them and even then, im really only paying $40 for a cd key. Because everyone downloads the expansions they just arent accessible to you until you enter in a cd key.
Just love how people read their own thing with things like this. "oh there isnt going to be pvp straight away? so youre going to release it months later? Sounds like DLC that im going to have to pay for even though you said PATCH."
People get their panties in a knot too fast when they read something that they dont like.
True dat. I got $10 says less than 1 month to first underground server.
I completely agree with you. I love how people put on their tin foil hats and get all pissed off about something that was never even said. I hate nothing more than when people assume stuff like that.
Honestly, I take all of the stuff you are saying with a grain of salt. Anyone with that much hate towards something should be disregarded. You are acting like they took your first born and burned down your house. Clearly you know nothing of Blizzard.
I harbor no hatred, just anger, you seem all to eager to accuse others of ignorance, when you yourself spew nothing but. That said you are free to your opinions, but perhaps you should judge yourself more and others less.
I am angry at blizzard for the unmitigated gawl to peddle half finished games at the price of full games. The price should reflect the content level! People will continue to pirate their games, and I hope it ends them.