Wednesday, April 4th 2012

Nintendo WiiU Hardware Less Powerful Than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3: Developers
Although Nintendo's next-generation WiiU game console can drive 1080p graphics, developers familiar with its hardware specifications say its hardware is not even as powerful as that of current-generation Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. "No, it's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360," one of the developers who spoke with GamesIndustry Internation said "The graphics are just not as powerful," they reiterated. Another developer, working for another company backed this view. "Yeah, that's true. It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360," said the source. This should let us in on Nintendo's focus with the WiiU: gameplay mechanics over visual details.
61 Comments on Nintendo WiiU Hardware Less Powerful Than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3: Developers
If it isn't as powerful, it shouldn't be able to do 1080p stuff. PS3 is mostly 720, Xbox is similar but has an upscaler. I seriously doubt the credibility of the devs when they talk like that.
I'm not sure which position you would rather be in; but I'm going with Nintendo.
Yes, I know that you meant Nintendo, not Nvidia.
Anyways, I find these sooo hard to believe.
Anonymous developers come spouting this, while others (ie. Ubisoft, gearbox, etc..) have claimed the complete opposite. But I love how this rumor is in the front page of just about every tech site. Lovely. Can't wait 'til E3.
Or more practically, they can play some pretty damned detailed games for something so thin. My SGS2 is thinner than a 2.5" hard drive, and can make amazing graphics. Why can't a stupid ass WiiU which is like 10 times bigger do that?
If you were to attach a GameCube to your SGS2, I can assure you the GCN games will look and be several times better than your Angry Birds Space.
And let's not ignore the fact that your SGS2 (and most top of the line smartphones for that matter) are over $500 unsubsidized.
But, yeah. I'll pass. Consoles bore me. The Wii is good to have for when the relatives come over but beyond that, it mostly collects dust. I'd rather play Windows games.
On the other hand, Nintendo never really emphasised on the graphics hardware (perhaps the GC was an exception), so this can turn out to be true after all. (... but I doubt it)
Just... how?!
I'm sorry, not buying it.
So lets guess it will have the graphics power similar to a card like lets say HD4670
Still, almost twice the GPU horse-power of XBOX360\PS3