Thursday, April 26th 2012

AMD Gains CPU Market Share at Intel's Expense in Q1
AMD gained CPU market share at Intel's expense in the first-quarter of 2012, according to the latest data by Mercury Research. Intel's CPU market share dropped from 81 percent last quarter, to 80.2 percent, while AMD's rose from 18.2 percent to 19.1 percent. Principal analyst at Mercury Research, Dean McCarron said that AMD benefited from improvements in hard drive supplies. AMD is strong in desktop processors, with 43 percent of the market, the same as last year. Customers also opted for lower-priced laptops, many of which had AMD's chips. Supplies of AMD's A-series chips code-named Llano were restored after manufacturing issues were resolved, McCarron said.
47 Comments on AMD Gains CPU Market Share at Intel's Expense in Q1
If I sell 10 PC's 8-9 of them are under 600$ and maybe 7-8 are built with AMD Cpu... Price really does matter! Also 7/10 pc's have Radeon graphics... It changes when we take the pc's above 600$ but mainstream counts most. Mostly people say that if they want to play games it is better to buy an AMD and lose like 5fps to the Intel Cpu but saved money spend on graphics which will give them 20fps more...
(athlon 64).
They're cowards, like most corps in that position. They claim to be the best, but can't even compete (to this day) with a comparatively tiny company without resorting to outright cheating. Pathetic.
AMD is going to need to sell vast quantities of Llano/Trinity/Brazos style chips to even make a modest gain revenue in relation to Intel, simply because Xeon has the high margin workstation/pro/x86 HPC pretty much sewn up, and Intel wont stand idly by without making a move down into ULV CPU's. So AMD have chosen their battleground as the "good enough" system level...which looks increasingly like they will be fighting a two-front war against Intel and ARM. AMD have been in the same position before. Somehow the management always seems to turn a potential profit into a loss.
As for the mobile market, Intel has some phones out that sip power and are competing with ARM in that regards and seems to be doing fine. If AMD can squeeze trinity, brazos, or llano down to that size with their SoC with gPU and cPU combined and a great power envelope, they could do well in that segment.
i have myself built 3 AMD desktops in the last year :D
i do intel after the budget is enough to accomodate an i5 2500k and a 6850 :)