Thursday, May 24th 2012

Diablo 3 Declared 'Fastest Selling PC Game' Ever

From the launch day server meltdown to the way everyone you know seems to be playing, it's pretty clear that Diablo III is quite popular. But just how popular? Blizzard announced today that it sold 3.5 million copies within the first 24 hours, which supposedly makes it the fastest-selling PC game of all time. On top of those 3.5 million copies were another 1.2 million doled out free to World of Warcraft Annual Pass subscribers. After a week, Blizzard says, Diablo III was up to 6.3 million players--not including South Korean game rooms, where it's estimated to have a 39% share. "We're definitely thrilled that so many people around the world were excited to pick up their copy of Diablo III and jump in the moment it went live," CEO Mike Morhaime said in the announcement.

"We also regret that our preparations were not enough to ensure everyone had a seamless experience when they did so. I want to reaffirm our commitment to make sure the millions of Diablo III players out there have a great experience with the game moving forward, and I also want to thank them for their ongoing support." As well as rolling out sneaky little balance updates, Blizzard is investigating reports of nasty hacks, and preparing to launch the real-money auction house on May 29.
Source: Shacknews
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96 Comments on Diablo 3 Declared 'Fastest Selling PC Game' Ever

Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
Don't get offended because I don't find Diablo 3 to be a real Diablo experience. If it is fun for you that is fine. I put in a billion hours on Diablo 1 and 2 when I was a teenager. I most definitely know how a Diablo game should feel and #3 isn't it. But that's just me.
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhinotorchlight 2 will be a lot like diablo 2 with but with updated graphics and a lighter story line at less than half the cost with a real single player mode and lan mode.
It will be interesting to see if TL2 lives up to its own hype. On paper is has everything an old d2 player would want (minus the cartooney-graphics), and an open modding system.
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i am a huge diablo fan and am very disappointed in d3. don't get me wrong, the combat is AWESOME. i enjoy the lore, the art direction is good.

the itemization is boring, the customization is boring. the replayability is not there for me. i will play it full through normal - likely to 60 for all skills, and then that's it.

in another post you mentioned 360 hrs dave. diablo ii gave me THOUSANDS. granted compared to other games 360 is a lot but when compared to DIABLO, it's not.

i have been playing torchlight 2 beta and can't wait for it. the itemization is awesome - the customization is there and the combat is fun. no it's not as good as d3 could have been - and d3 does do some things better , but it is very definitely a staunch competitor and i believe will get more of my time than d3.
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Mr McC
Easy Rhinodiablo 3 really isnt a diablo game. it is more of a WoW experience. torchlight 2 will be a lot like diablo 2 with but with updated graphics and a lighter story line at less than half the cost with a real single player mode and lan mode. but i think we are all beating a dead horse with these diablo 3 threads...
Just to kick the pony a bit more: I think you're probably right, I will be passing this by due to the DRM and the cost, but I'm definitely picking up the sequel to Torchlight. Still, how much authenticity should we expect, over and above nominal similarities: how much does this title have in common with the two previous installments in terms of people actually getting their hands dirty? As far as I'm aware Torchlight's developers were members of the old Diablo crew.
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If requiring an always on connection is the price needed to get consistent awesome games like Diablo 3, sign me up. The game is fun, period, end of story. If you've played it through on normal, and not had fun, then it's just not you're cup of tea. Fine, everyone's got an opinion. But me thinks this is more appropriate;
Posted on Reply
Its funny to hear opinions and criticism about Diablo III from people who haven't played it or barely played it (for the love of god this game only came out last week).
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Mr McCAs far as I'm aware Torchlight's developers were members of the old Diablo crew.
from the TL2 faq. Basically, only one guy from the D2 developers is there, and he is the CEO of Runic.

I hope the game does well, but I've seen a lot of these low-budget high-expectations games fall flat due to bugs and non-optimized gameplay.
Ooooh, fancy question, let me give you a fancy answer. Max and Erich Schaefer, founders of Blizzard North and the heads of the Diablo 1 and 2 (including LOD expansion)'s development teams, are among the founding members of Runic Games, with Max being the CEO. Matt Uelmen did the music for the original Diablo games and is doing all the music and sounds for the Torchlight series, including using the same orchestra. Peter Hu was the man behind the Diablo 2 1.10 patch, but left Runic Games some time ago. However, the other 30 or so members of Runic Games hail from different places, so it would be inaccurate to say that Runic Games is the original Blizzard North development team. However, the other members of those original Diablo teams are no longer at Blizzard, and are not involved with Diablo 3. Extrapolating, neither team is Blizzard North, and thus each teams' work should be judged on its own merits, not their histories. (My personal opinion)
Posted on Reply
NinkobEibut I've seen a lot of these low-budget high-expectations games fall flat due to bugs and non-optimized gameplay.
torchlight 1 was a smash hit and the beta is awesome, at $20 how high ARE your expectations exactly?
Posted on Reply
Mr McC
bpgt64If requiring an always on connection is the price needed to get consistent awesome games like Diablo 3, sign me up. The game is fun, period, end of story. If you've played it through on normal, and not had fun, then it's just not you're cup of tea. Fine, everyone's got an opinion. But me thinks this is more appropriate;
I wouldn't argue with you ;) Of course this opinion is just as valid and I was not suggesting that the game is not fun. I just feel that Torchlight II will offer a similar, perhaps even superior gameplay experience at a fraction of the price. If the DRM is not an issue for you, again no argument from me, I simply don't have the time to play all the games I own, so when I see something that I find distasteful, I choose to avoid it.

Enjoy your game man and forget about me ;)
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Mr McC
digibuccof course - anyone with a different opinion is an asshole. had to come up eventually.
I'm the guy who walked into the maternity ward and called the baby ugly?
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Big Member
Easy RhinoDon't get offended because I don't find Diablo 3 to be a real Diablo experience. If it is fun for you that is fine. I put in a billion hours on Diablo 1 and 2 when I was a teenager. I most definitely know how a Diablo game should feel and #3 isn't it. But that's just me.
I am personally offended that you do not like this game I have no tie to other then owning it. :laugh:

What I'm saying is its not a bad game in itself. I am playing Diablo in ANY form for the first time and this game is awesome. You are coming from "Its not what I remember" and I'm saying "This game could be called Attack of the Genital Wart and it would be awesome". Your view on this game is tainted by your pre-conceptions which is sad because I think you are missing out. Forget the name and play the game.

HOWEVER with that being said I enjoyed Titans Quest more I think. Ill have to reinstall and see.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Your view on this game is tainted by your pre-conceptions which is sad because I think you are missing out. Forget the name and play the game.
you're not wrong but that's easy to say. you are not the one that is getting something entirely different than what they waited 10 years for. and though better than many modern games, is nowhere near as good as it could/should ahve been.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
digibuccyou're not wrong but that's easy to say. you are not the one that is getting something entirely different than what they waited 10 years for. and though better than many modern games, is nowhere near as good as it could/should ahve been.
Sure Ive been there before. BF3 is not BF2. I was very disappointed in a lot of ways. Still am. However I play each game as its own game. BF3 is AWESOME in its own right and I wont disown it because its not a true sequel to BF2. Bottom line having a closed mind is costing you some great gaming experiences.

And of course I'm not wrong. When have I ever been?
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Bottom line having a closed mind is costing you some great gaming experiences.

And of course I'm not wrong. When have I ever been?
lol :) but it's not costing me - as i said i will play it through, that's just a relative term and will be much shorter than d1 and d2 were.
Posted on Reply
digibucctorchlight 1 was a smash hit and the beta is awesome, at $20 how high ARE your expectations exactly?
It sounds like you are hyping TL2 by a lot. If the original is a 'smash hit,' and beta is 'awesome' then I say that's a good deal of hype right there.

However, if you're just judging games by their beta and price, then shouldn't Path of Exile be the greatest game in history? It's FREE and has an off-the-charts beta, and likely a much more open skill system than TL2.

Anyway, I'm tired of all this TL2 vs D3 nonsense, as most true gamers will probably play them both and enjoy them both. Calling one or the other terrible is just childish.
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
The problem with Torchligt for me was that it was Diablo 2, but worse. So I played D2 instead.
Posted on Reply
Easy RhinoDon't get offended because I don't find Diablo 3 to be a real Diablo experience. If it is fun for you that is fine. I put in a billion hours on Diablo 1 and 2 when I was a teenager. I most definitely know how a Diablo game should feel and #3 isn't it. But that's just me.
I am feeling just like you - so we are two now :laugh::toast:
I think games are blurring genres and target audience just to sell more - so they become more and more "fertilizer". Definitely I rarely find something interesting to play lately. But it is just me, or maybe not ?
Posted on Reply
NinkobEiIt sounds like you are hyping TL2 by a lot. If the original is a 'smash hit,' and beta is 'awesome' then I say that's a good deal of hype right there.
smash hit was widely used on it's release, though i am having trouble finding more than a few blog posts now. awesome is my own personal opinion, but it seems to be shared.
NinkobEiHowever, if you're just judging games by their beta and price, then shouldn't Path of Exile be the greatest game in history?
path of exile is awesome, i am a supporter - but just because those are the only two things i mentioned doesn't mean that's all i judged it by. my point was simply that things are looking very optimistic.
NinkobEiAnyway, I'm tired of all this TL2 vs D3 nonsense, as most true gamers will probably play them both and enjoy them both. Calling one or the other terrible is just childish.
i only responded because you were being so obviously negative toward TL2. i bought d3 collectors AND gave a free copy out here, i am a silver supporter of POE -and i bought tl2. i will play and enjoy all of them. that doesn't mean i won't discuss the differences , pros and cons. are you the only one allowed to do that?
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Addicted to Bacon and StarCrunches!!!
In all honesty, even though I am getting the game soon, I think dungeon siege 2 is better than D3 :(

The detail and extra stuff that game had in its time. It has things D3 needed to have like zoom in and out along with 360 views.
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My name is Dave
Easy RhinoDon't get offended because I don't find Diablo 3 to be a real Diablo experience. If it is fun for you that is fine. I put in a billion hours on Diablo 1 and 2 when I was a teenager. I most definitely know how a Diablo game should feel and #3 isn't it. But that's just me.
IF you wanted Diablo II, you can still buy. Expecting the same thing from new media is nearly never going to happen, expecially considering most of the original Diablo devs left and made Torchlight. If you want the traditional "Diablo Experience", Torchlight is THAT game, IMHO.

That doesn't make Diablo III bad for me, nor disappointing. I think Blizzard was pretty plain that Diablo III was going to be different, and I personally appreciate that difference.

MY wife played thousands of hours of Diablo I and Diablo II. For her, Diablo III fixed all the issues she had with the first two while you have your own opinion, there are many others that are just as valid. There's nothing wrong with choosing to go with Torchlight II rather than Diablo..personally, I'll play both.

Digibucc...yes ia realize playtime with Diablo II is potentially less, but that doesn't bother me. There are far too many titles out there for me to restrict my playing to a single title for more than a few hundred hours, and very few games can meet my needs for that. Diablo III is good enough for me, that I bought three copies, and my oldest son, my wife, and myself, will all be playing together. Torchlight doesn't offer the ease of user for such a wide player base.

And with that said, since I've got two adults and a 10-year old kid playing, all those features that many seem to be looking for are only obstacles for us enjoying our time palying games together. I got EXACTLY what I expected out of Diablo III, which leaves me wondering why anyone expected any more than what it is?

I mean really, playing the original were how old? What other games were out then? And how have they held up? And yourself, are you not a slightly differnt person now, with different needs, and more maturity, that may affect your perspective on things as well...?
Posted on Reply
As a long time player of D2 (not so much 1), D3 is bloody amazing, combat is so visceral and engaging. Loot drops could be better, way too random for my liking, absolutely tiny amount of unique items and sets compared to even release D2. As an Aussie, latency sucks (300-400ms), so I constantly get teleported around and get hit by a lot of stuff that looked like it missed (I'm looking at you Belial). Blizzard didn't hide the fact they're were going the always online route, so I don't mind too much, just wish they'd get some servers closer to Aus and other countries. :(
Posted on Reply
Digibucc...yes ia realize playtime with Diablo II is potentially less, but that doesn't bother me. There are far too many titles out there for me to restrict my playing to a single title for more than a few hundred hours,
on average i'm lucky to get 30 hrs, but this is Diablo. I tried not to expect more i really did. it just doesn't fill the gap.
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digibucci will play and enjoy all of them. that doesn't mean i won't discuss the differences , pros and cons. are you the only one allowed to do that?
On this note, i'm totally done talking to you. lol :slap:
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MT Alex
Damn, just when I was softening on the idea of getting this game. I guess I'll just watch Dancing with the Stars instead.:roll:
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