Friday, June 15th 2012

Diablo 3 Tops Sales Charts for May

The games market went to Hell in May. Diablo III topping retail software sales for the month, according to the latest sales figures from NPD, and helped fuel a resurgence in the PC games space. Other top performers included Max Payne 3, which launched the same day as Diablo III, as well as Sniper Elite V2 and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
While action titles continued their dominance of the top 10, 2K Sports' NBA 2K12 held the fifth spot for the second straight week. Blizzard continued to show its impact in the PC market with Diablo III at number 1, the first time since July 2010 that a PC-only title has accomplished that feat. The game that did it in 2010? StarCraft 2, another Blizzard mainstay.

Total video game sales continued to shrink, down 28 percent from last year. However, the PC market jumped 230 percent from the same time last year to $80 million, fueled by Diablo III sales. The overall spend in May, including digital sales and microtransactions was estimated to be $1.17 billion.

Here is the full list:

Top 10 Games (New Physical Retail only; across all platforms including PC)

Diablo III (PC)
Max Payne 3 (360, PS3, PC)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (360, PS3)
Prototype 2 (360, PS3)
NBA 2K12 (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS2, PC)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PC)
Sniper Elite V2 (360, PS3)
Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)
Dragon's Dogma (360, PS3)
Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360, PS3)

Major titles that have dropped off the list from last month include Mass Effect 3, Kinect Star Wars and The Witcher 2.
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65 Comments on Diablo 3 Tops Sales Charts for May

You hypocrite or just enjoying trolling others?
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
TheMailMan78In all honesty man 59 bucks is a steal for a game. I paid 49.99 for games back in 1985 when they were a LOT cheaper to make. If they upped the price for inflation to todays prices we would be paying like 120 bucks per game. I agree it sucks as a consumer. I'm with ya on that. But when you get down to brass tacts 59 bucks is a damn good deal.
The middle class's earnings in 1985 about match what they are today. The middle class isn't getting wages to compensate for inflation so commodity prices can't compensate for inflation either or else they won't buy them.

Considering games made a decade ago usually had at least 20 hours of gameplay and new games have less than 10, I also tend to disagree that "$59 bucks is a damn good deal." I think most game's fair market value is sub $20 but there are some exceptions out there (like Oblivion).
Posted on Reply
Big Member
Prima.VeraYou hypocrite or just enjoying trolling others?
Not trolling. But if you cannot afford a game because your local economy sucks that doesn't mean everyone should suffer because your leaders made poor financial choices. In other words people from strong economies should have to take a hit on profit because weak economies made bad choices. Don't like what you pay for games? Move or get a better job.
FordGT90ConceptThe middle class's earnings in 1985 about match what they are today. The middle class isn't getting wages to compensate for inflation so commodity prices can't compensate for inflation either or else they won't buy them.

Considering games made a decade ago usually had at least 20 hours of gameplay and new games have less than 10, I also tend to disagree that "$59 bucks is a damn good deal." I think most game's fair market value is sub $20 but there are some exceptions out there (like Oblivion).
I have over 50 hours in Diablo and I'm gonna keep playing it. Over 150 hours in BF3. If you pay 60 bucks for a 10 hour game that's YOUR FAULT for buying a product you were not informed about. Also development cost have sky rocketed. 59.99 is a gift price.
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
I'm sorry, but reading this thread makes me want to place a favorite quote of mine on TPU again...

"If you got problems with this world, then change yourself. If that's a problem, close your ears, shut your mouth & live like a Hermit."

As for the game topping sales charts. Glad to see it. To me, it's worth it. I'll buy GW2. I've preordered Torchlight 2... But, the game gives you so much more then to care about the price..IMHO.
Posted on Reply
In terms of gameplay, stories, talents/skills, and graphics.... This is the best Diablo by far.

Ok so now people bitch about the fact that there is no "offline play"... Whose fault is this? It's the gamers fault for downloading pirated copies (STEALING SOMEONE'S HARD WORK). PC gaming is better off online only... The games will turn out better because the developers/publishers ARE ACTUALLY GENERATING THE MONEY THEY DESERVE.

If you "can't afford" to buy a 60$ game that is the best action RPG ever made, then don't bitch about the game or publisher or developer, get off your tight wad wallet and the buy game. It's more than worth it.
Posted on Reply
RavenasIn terms of gameplay, stories, talents/skills, and graphics.... This is the best Diablo by far.

Ok so now people bitch about the fact that there is no "offline play"... Whose fault is this? It's the gamers fault for downloading pirated copies (STEALING SOMEONE'S HARD WORK). PC gaming is better off online only... The games will turn out better because the developers/publishers ARE ACTUALLY GENERATING THE MONEY THEY DESERVE.

If you "can't afford" to buy a 60$ game that is the best action RPG ever made, then don't bitch about the game or publisher or developer, get off your tight wad wallet and the buy game. It's more than worth it.
While I don't think piracy was the ONLY motivation for no offline play, obviously it is a big part of it. Even if this is not going to stop pirates for long. But personally, I don't think a 4-player game is going to be a big LAN party hit as much as D2 was with it's 8 player games. 4 player console games are fine but it's not as much fun playing an RPG with so few people, it is more fun to have a lot of people and a lot of class variation, player styles, and class builds. D3 doesn't have that in the way D2 did. It's not bad, just different. So as much as I love the game, and I'll continue to play it (and I'd even pay $15 a month to play it if I had to), I don't think I'd consider it a game to have in my bag of LAN party must haves.

And as for the price, there was one AMAZING argument I remember hearing on another forum I visited from a tech enthusiast. His argument was that he couldn't afford to pay $60 for a game, because he had to buy high end parts just to play said game. So because he ALWAYS had to buy the latest $400 gpu and the newest SDDs, and the fastest ram, along with what ever incremental upgrade came for cpus (like 2600k to 2700k) - he could not afford to buy all these games, he had to pirate them. No matter how many people tried to convince him that all the hardware upgrades were entirely useless and would buy him no greater gains (really what is 120fps vs 145fps when both are entirely playable at maxed detail?), his mind was made up that piracy was the answer. Obviously this is an example of the insanity of one person, but in my mind just shows how some people who do believe in piracy just don't care about the developers. They would rather spend their money elsewhere and just not buy the game because they don't have to buy the game.
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
I didn't like the "online only" aspect of the game at first, but the've made it so easy to jump into games, communicate with your friends and just have a good time in co-op that the online aspect is a plus.

Maybe people would like a LAN version, which I could see for LAN parties, but it really doesn't matter. What they've done is let you create an instance of the game that 4 people can run around in, and also added the GAH if you want to make a little in-game gold for your character.

I'm quite happy with the purchase of this game.
Posted on Reply
Crap Daddy
TheMailMan78I have over 50 hours in Diablo and I'm gonna keep playing it. Over 150 hours in BF3. If you pay 60 bucks for a 10 hour game that's YOUR FAULT for buying a product you were not informed about. Also development cost have sky rocketed. 59.99 is a gift price.
I totally agree on this. I payed and hopefully will be able to pay full price for certain games either on pre-order or soon after launch if I consider they give me my money's worth. All other interesting games (almost said interesting console ports) that offer under 10 hours of gameplay and no enjoyable multiplayer are bought when on sale heavily discounted.

I don't make a lot of money, family, kid and all other expenses but I still could afford spending the equivalent of around 250-300 Euro per year on games. On a montly basis it's roughly the same amount that I pay for cable TV, HBO and other pay channels and the internet. It is the cheapest form of entertainment as it was very well said here. If I go at the cinema with my family to see a crappy Holywood blockbuster it'll cost me at least 20 Euros for 2 hours of 3D nightmare.

And I will probably buy eventually Diablo (we got Starcraft 2 on launch day...)
Posted on Reply
I Voted yes, and I'm always playing. No problem here to connect to the server or anything since 4 days after launch.

Price is hight for game, but if the game is good, fine. instead, can always wait on steam for rebates, like I paid Metro 2033 for 9.99$, same for alien versus Predator :D
Posted on Reply
ChristTheGreatI Voted yes, and I'm always playing. No problem here to connect to the server or anything since 4 days after launch.

Price is hight for game, but if the game is good, fine. instead, can always wait on steam for rebates, like I paid Metro 2033 for 9.99$, same for alien versus Predator :D
Blizzard games will never appear on Steam.
Posted on Reply
I bought the game after not having an interest at first. I think it's a justified price for the increasing challenge of the game. I have to admit, I have never picked up a Diablo game until this one. I was a lot more in RTS games when D2 was around so I never bothered. However, I love the story of this game, and I'm fortunate enough to have friends plug me in to the story of the Diablo franchise.

As for LAN parties, just because you don't have a LAN option doesn't mean you still can't take your gear to a friend's house and party on. Sure, it might not be an option for everyone, but it's still the same experience.
Posted on Reply
Where is the option for WoW Annual Pass? :P
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Agreed Easo :D I would have bought the game, but the Annual Pass deal came up and i figured hey, why not. Tho they prolly will get $60 out of me for my daughter to play on her own account (ima buy it with RMAH earnings :p )

Also Blizz are notorious for $60 titles, and they rarely come down in price, i mean i think this weeks SC2 deal is the second time i've seen it since the game launched. The only reason WoW gets bundled is so ppl feel they are getting a deal on the older exp packs even though they still pay full price for the latest one and the $15 sub fee.
Posted on Reply
I voted "I will" I'm hoping that a sale will pop up from newegg or something for July 4th if I don't see one then I'm just going to buy it.

the biggest problem for me so far with the Starter Edition is that I get good FPS 55+, but my internet is so slow that its laggy:banghead:
Posted on Reply
WCG-TPU Team All-Star!
I didn't buy Diablo 3, but I might. the real point of interest to me though is not the game itself, but the fact that a PC game developed exclusively for the PC was released and readily accepted and appreciated by the PC community. It proves that not all PC gamers are pirates, and that if developers put time and care into games, they would sell better. I'm glad D3 is considered awesome to so many. If only we had more games like this, we would be all set.
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraEasy to talk, when you are not living in countries that the average income is less than 500$...
I live in a country with average monthly income less than USD200
yet im still able to purchase the game, though i have to pay in installment (i paid roughly 10USD/month)
and I do enjoy every second spent on what you called crappy game
Posted on Reply
When you factor inflation, games are much, much cheaper today than they ever have been.

Diablo 3 was worth every single penny I paid for it, I'm not even bored with the game yet.
Posted on Reply
RavenasIf you "can't afford" to buy a 60$ game that is the best action RPG ever made
Best RPG game ever made????!??!? You serious, or you have just discovered PC gaming?!?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Posted on Reply
Hmm... i just noticed that the numbers were for retail/physical copies. Wonder how much more D3 would be kicking butt if they took into account digital copies as well. (have tons of friends that got digital copies, myself included.)
Posted on Reply
magibegHmm... i just noticed that the numbers were for retail/physical copies. Wonder how much more D3 would be kicking butt if they took into account digital copies as well. (have tons of friends that got digital copies, myself included.)
And basically everyone who owns the game in Mainland China owns a digital copy, Diablo 3 is not officially sold there ;)
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
magibegHmm... i just noticed that the numbers were for retail/physical copies. Wonder how much more D3 would be kicking butt if they took into account digital copies as well. (have tons of friends that got digital copies, myself included.)
I too have a digital copy. I wonder why the DDS's seem so reluctant to release digital sales figures for specific games?
Posted on Reply
I regret buying the game now that they got the RMAH breaking the experience into a "pay to win".
Posted on Reply
its not pay to win because you can get anything you can buy with real money, with ingame time. hense not pay to win.
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
This thread is really about the sales of D3. If you want to discuss what you think about the game, go to the D3 Clubhouse where we discuss these things all the time. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Bought D3 yesterday for my wife. She loves it.

Though as a hardcore Diablo II fan, I'm not impressed. I watched her play some. Characters look very WoWish and overall the whole game graphics look like it is at least 5 years older than it actually is.

At least a PC exclusive game is doing well though, although really they could have released this on Game Cube.
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