Friday, June 29th 2012

Battlefield 3 Premium Sells Over 800K Since Launch
While many scoffed at Battlefield 3's late-arriving competitor to Call of Duty Elite, it seems to have worked quite splendidly for the publisher. More than 800,000 players have signed up for Premium in its first two weeks of availability, EA Games' Patrick Soderlund revealed. Although Premium less a "service" like Elite and more of a DLC Season Pass, the $50 asking price does include a lot of content. Namely, Premium includes access to over $75 worth of content, making it a "value" for hardcore fans of the series. Speaking to USA Today, Soderlund said that "we are very pleased with the performance so far." When asked if this strategy is something EA will pursue with future games, he said: "We're actually only two weeks into it, so it's a little early to tell how this is going to pay off. It certainly it looks very promising right now."
Call of Duty Elite currently has over two million paying subscribers, a number which took about six months to reach.
Call of Duty Elite currently has over two million paying subscribers, a number which took about six months to reach.
69 Comments on Battlefield 3 Premium Sells Over 800K Since Launch
The new knife doesn't interest me, playing with devs doesn't interest me, Premium specific dog tags don't interest me, and the recently announced Double XP for a WEEK certainly doesn't interest me. Aside from saving a whole $10 by buying Premium, (Karkand is free to anyone with a copy of BF3 now, and the price of Premium doesn't change no matter how many DLC's you've bought already), the rest of the perks are useless to me.
I am glad that they are at almost half of what CoD's Elite service has raked in, in much less than half the time though. F*** CoD!
See you on the Battlefield! Best FPS ever, but f*** Premium... IMO.
Wow, arrogant much?
I'll play CQ if im bored and have no clan mates to play with but mainly waiting for the other DLC packs with the large scale maps.
BF has defiantly gone the way of CoD and just charging for maps, at least BFBC2 Vietnam felt very different from the original
EDIT: I see TMM said the same thing above. :)
O and unwashed FTW!
did pay for premium though...
I can still buy them all, and plan to as long as i'm still intetested in the game. If i stop playing after the next two DLC's, for example, I'll actually be saving money not buying premium. :;
Or, translated into your strange interweb speak:
Miss the point much?
Also I see many people I play have premium as well
$50 for a PC game has been the norm for hmm..5-6 years?
Can you even go to movie and buy popcorn for that cost?
A lot of people will get hundreds of hours out of the $50, vs a couple at the theatre for the same cost...