Thursday, September 14th 2006

Nintendo Wii US & Japan launch details

So it now seems that the new Nintendo console will launch in the United States on November the 19th, and that the machine will cost $250. The console which was once named the "console for the masses" due to its cheap price, was first rumored to cost $149, then $179, followed by $229 Dollars.

Details for Japan are as follows (taken from TheINQ):

  • The Wii box in Japan will include: Wii, remote with strap, nunchuck attachment, power cord, AV cable, stand, sensor bar and stand, and batteries.
  • Apparently Japanese gamers will not get a pack-in game, but the US pack is expected to have Wii Sports bundled.
  • Wii Sports will sell for the knock-down price of ¥4800, and include Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Bowling, and Boxing.
  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will sell for ¥6800 Yen and will be a launch title.
  • Ten companies will be providing software at launch, and the Wii will launch with 16 titles in Japan. Full launch list here.
  • 24 companies have signed on to provide games for the Virtual Console, including Sega, Hudson Soft, Tecmo, Atlus, Capcom, Bandai Namco, and Square Enix.
  • 30 downloadable virtual console games are expected on launch.
    Famicom virtual console titles will retail for 500 yen ($4.25), Super Famicom titles for 800 yen ($6.81) and Nintendo 64 titles for 1000 yen ($8.51).
  • Standard Wii software will retail for between ¥4800 ($40) to ¥6800 ($58).
  • Consumers will be able to buy prepaid cards with Wii points on them (or just use their regular credit cards), those points will be used to purchase the virtual console games, very similar to Xbox Live's points system.
  • The nunchuck and the classic controller attachment will both sell for ¥1800, but there will also be a bundle with the classic controller and 5000 Wii Points for ¥5000.
  • The version of Opera for the Wii will be much more advanced than the DS Version, and will support popular technologies such as Flash.
Source: TheINQ
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10 Comments on Nintendo Wii US & Japan launch details

Im getting one :) I especially like some of the post launch titles. I'm definitly gunna buy up some of the classic games for my Wii, Mario Cart, Super Smash bros, all that good stuff :)
Posted on Reply
finally, i can pre-order one at my eb games!
Posted on Reply
Hmm I wonder how this official price will hurt their sales. If you think about it, if it was selling for $200 it would def. do pretty good sales (since you save about $100 from the XBOX360). But I dont think that saving $50 (based off of the XBOX360 price) will help them with leading people to buy the Wii.
Posted on Reply
hey who wants a xbox360 anyway if you can have a wii ??
Posted on Reply
I seriously would take a free Wii over a free Xbox360, to tell you the truth gaming kinda hit a plateau in the past few years. We see hundreds of games pop up some have innovative ideas, cool "revised gameplay" and other such things, but it has been a while since something innovative and totally new has popped up.

PC and console gaming has become vary regular, we see drawn out series, games with 20 expansion packs (cough* cough* BF2 etc) and sometimes terrible engines filled with new content intended to keep the aging and sometimes boring game alive. MORPGs that are updated monthly with new areas and content, but its all starting to become the same boring thing (Killing monsters and having your characters numbers go up, not to mention making him look pimp). Shit, I just gave you the three secrets to making a RPG. . . haha.

It's about time someone (in this case Nintendo) was smart and is dabbing back into the well of innovation that was here in the beginning. Console wars was turning into hardware war, all about Processing power, and graphics, Wii is what game consoles were originally intended for. Kicking back with some friends or family just enjoying a game, whether its yelling (sometimes derogatory terms) at your friends or laughing your ass off at your uncoordinated friend who can't use a thumb stick.

And its funny how finally something different happened during this generation of game consoles. PS3 goes high end, Xbox360 mid, and Wii Low end.

Now tell me which kind of PCs sell more, the high or the low end? Low end outsells high end by almost 100:1(Shot in the dark number) if not more. Now what happens if that PC in the low end has something neither the mid or high end have? You see sales shoot through the roof. If I had the money and wasn't a college student right now, I'd be investing a good deal of money into Nintendo. Dynasty’s rise and fall, as has Nintendo, but they know when they have caught that perfect wave.

That being said, this is still a prediction and based on my opinions and understanding of gaming so don't place your life savings at stake here . . . I know I was convincing though. . . haha.

Also this is open for Discussion.
Posted on Reply
It's too bad the Wii is launching with this high a price (and same price for games...)

I still want to get one... but am reluctant to drop all this money on getting one at launch. Maybe just after the 'holiday season'.
Posted on Reply
Prices will drop relatively quickly, just as they did previously. XBOX360 will go down in price by some denomination and Wii will counter. These prices are just launch prices.
Posted on Reply
I will probally consider getting one of these when it comes out im just not so sure about that controll it really doesnt look all that pleasing to me but ill just have to see when it comes out.
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Senior Moderator
The Wii might just be the first console I ever own if it's all it's cracked up to be.
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Azn Tr14dZ
I want a Wii more than an Xbox 360 or a PS3. And if I go to Costco or Sam's Club, I'm sure they'll have bundles w/ controllers and games for $50 more.
Posted on Reply
Mar 6th, 2025 22:31 EST change timezone

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