Wednesday, October 24th 2012

AMD Could Place x86 and ARM Cores on the Same Silicon: Report

Following last week's 15% workforce cut that came with the company's Q3 2012 results, AMD plans to consolidate its workforce and eliminate "bureaucracy." According to a VR-Zone report, the company plans to announce its future strategy next week, on October 29. This strategy could ride heavily on recent moves the company made in the area of "heterogeneous computing," and a working alliance it built with the likes of ARM, MediaTek, Qualcomm, Samsung and TI, under the heterogeneous system alliance (HSA).

According to the report, AMD's future looks to be heading towards building highly versatile SoCs for devices in the post-PC era. It's not far-fetched to imagine, for example, that AMD could integrate ARM IP onto APUs with x86 cores, with the ARM cores based on recent micro-architectures such as Cortex-M5, performing specific kinds of tasks (such as data-encryption). Down the line, AMD could also integrate baseband components into the APU, beating Intel to the punch on similar efforts.
Source: VR-Zone
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30 Comments on AMD Could Place x86 and ARM Cores on the Same Silicon: Report

adriantrancesThe lobotomized machine gun. Although excusable if you are 9 or 10 years old xD

Still sig worthy.
maybe an example might help, exactly how would you have said that:p,, right add five beers to ya brain,, now ya with me then:toast:

grama tarts annoy me as much as my grama anoys them so its all even m8

and im also probably right so plus points me :p:D
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i think they will be Succeed with this, better than working on FX cpu's , as APU's doing well
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So, why they sold Imageon ???
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Interesting... Do any of you remember the "leaked" xbox 720 papers from some months ago? Where it described microsofts vision for the next xbox.
It had just a few possible technical specs, but the interesting was it would have an arm based co-cpu for running the OS, and leverage the big cpu to do all the grunt work when gaming etc.

Looks like we are seeing the beginnings of a new trend.
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