Wednesday, November 28th 2012

NVIDIA GeForce 310.64 Beta Spotted in the Wild

Just as enthusiasts are beginning to test their hardware with Far Cry 3, and the GPU-toasting visual marvel that it is, NVIDIA released a driver specifically for it. Although intended for testers, the driver made its way onto the NVIDIA website. According to the change-log posted by them, the GeForce 310.64 beta enhances performance on Far Cry 3 by as much as 38 percent, in addition to all the performance enhancements and bug fixes being trickled down by previous R310 series drivers.

DOWNLOAD: GeForce 310.64 Beta
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14 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce 310.64 Beta Spotted in the Wild

Totalbiscuit said it ran like a dream on his 680, i bet he will be happier now :D
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Jeeeez 3 drivers in almost as many weeks. Seems like unusual behaviour from Nvidia when compared to normal. But the more improvements the better I guess. :)
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btarunrenhances performance on Far Cry 3 by as much as 38 percent
seriously, only far cry enhancement (compared with their GeForce 310.61 Beta Driver) ? :banghead:
oh yes, i forgot to mention that it was beta-candidate :wtf:
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It's good to see AMD and NVIDIA finally poking at the performance tweaks. It seems to me like we haven't had any proper (and generic) performance improvements for the last 2 years or so.
Though i have to admit that they've added quite some pretty nice features like MLAA2 and FXAA by NV. That also counts for something.
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Oh come on...., I just yeserday unistalled my old ones and installed 306.97 WHQL. It says for testers, I don't care :) and plus I don't have FarCry 3 anyway :D
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Already installed it but not coz of Far Cry 3 i don't like the Far Cry Series its some bogus type of game shitty if you ask me, but that's just my opinion, updated the driver just for the sake of updating.
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st.boneAlready installed it but not coz of Far Cry 3 i don't like the Far Cry Series its some bogus type of game shitty if you ask me, but that's just my opinion, updated the driver just for the sake of updating.
Sucks that you feel that way. I have always hated the FarCry series, but this was, to me, better than the rest. Many people will say it's like skyrim, but i find it less fragmented than skyrim, feels a lot more fluid. The map is smaller yes, but all the same, this game changed my opinions of the series - there may be hope yet. 1 and 2 however, will remain terrible in my eyes...
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RCoonthere may be hope yet. 1 and 2 however, will remain terrible in my eyes...
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I remember the day Farcry 2 came out so well. I was tempted, by the devils to buy it. Went round my friends house who just bought it for his xbox, watched him play it for 10mins, laughed in his face, and then went home with money not wasted.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
FC2 is like beer. It only starts off bitter.
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Crap Daddy
btarunrFC2 is like beer. It only starts off bitter.
But also might get a pretty nasty hangover.
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RCoonWent round my friends house who just bought it for his xbox, watched him play it for 10mins, laughed in his face, and then went home with money not wasted.
Crap I had that happen to me. I invited my friends over and I was playing the game on my 360. I tried so hard to sell them on the game, saying stuff about the most realistic fire effects and what not, all the while thinking why I was playing this crap lol.

Those bastards didn't buy it, they laughed....they shall pay!
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
I can't wait for Far Cry 3! Definitely going to have to get these drivers haha
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