Friday, July 26th 2013

12K Resolution Gaming Setup Renders 1.5 Billion Pixels, Costs $17,000
What do you call a person who sets up three 32-inch 4K (that's 3840 x 2160 pixels each) side-by-side, pairs three of ASUS's HD 7970 GPUs together to play games using AMD's EyeInfinity technology, all of which costs a whopping $17,000? Insane is one word, rich another or a crazy gamer? Perhaps a mix of all the three.
The setup consists of three Sharp PN-K321 4K monitors connected to three AMD HD 7970 GPUs which are together capable of pushing a mind-blowing 1.5 billion pixels on the combined 12K screen resolution, together with a Power Supply Unit that conks off in a few minutes, perhaps just not able to bear the pure awesomeness of the setup. Oh, to get the setup working, AMD put together some custom drivers to make sure that EyeInfinity works well. Before using the custom drivers, the whole rig was able to pull together a measly 8 frames per second, to be more accurate, a slideshow.
Do check out the video, for that's as close as you're ever going to get to such a glorious setup.
Extreme Windows Blog
The setup consists of three Sharp PN-K321 4K monitors connected to three AMD HD 7970 GPUs which are together capable of pushing a mind-blowing 1.5 billion pixels on the combined 12K screen resolution, together with a Power Supply Unit that conks off in a few minutes, perhaps just not able to bear the pure awesomeness of the setup. Oh, to get the setup working, AMD put together some custom drivers to make sure that EyeInfinity works well. Before using the custom drivers, the whole rig was able to pull together a measly 8 frames per second, to be more accurate, a slideshow.
Do check out the video, for that's as close as you're ever going to get to such a glorious setup.
94 Comments on 12K Resolution Gaming Setup Renders 1.5 Billion Pixels, Costs $17,000
The case sucks, the PSU overheats because is probably a no-brand POS
and the CPU cooler ? really ,.. might as well use the stock one....
And am i missing something or does the article say "3 gpus" when i only
see 2 :wtf:
It would be convenient if these became more sanely priced right around the time where GPUs are much more powerful than they are currently (I hope that comes true within a few years). I guess for strictly desktop/photo work they would be excellent aside from having a microscopic user interface. Borderlands 2 (drops to ~80 FPS frequently, have to set my 120Hz monitor to 100Hz to minimize the drops), Tomb Raider 2013 (50-70 FPS), Planetside 2 (50-70 FPS), Far Cry 3 (50-70 FPS), etc. I haven't played any of the Crysis games in years but I might fire those up this weekend for shits and giggles, as they sucked on a 9800 GT back in 2009.
I also look upon this with envious eyes though I too would bin that case:p
I could have bought a monster 1080p rig, pre-ordered an Xbox One and PS4 + 1080p HDTVs, have a Steam Store shopping spree, a gaming laptop, Hell, I still could even buy a cheap car with the remaining $$$ and buy myself a few boxes of pizza and cases of beer.
Besides, I don't think my eyes can benefit that much anymore from have a 4k resolution instead of the normal 1080p, unless I'm far way in a couch, plus I like having more FPS more than a better resolution quality. I prefer seeing things move smoothly rather than seeing them more clearly.
That's why I game at my 1366 x 768 monitor instead for very demanding games, and I rarely use my HDTV. This practice started off when I was young, I got a pretty weak GPU(HD 3650) and can't play games like Crysis to the fullest, What I'd do is crank down the resolution but turn up the graphics to the highest(except AA), and then I could play the game smoothly.
But who am I to judge? If he got that much money to waste, Why not?
Personally I even play the games at 60fps with vsync on to prevent heating and keep the noise down.
That was for the trifire eyefinity. When he did a single monitor he only used crossfire.
I just can't imagine taking the games I consider "borderline" and making them run 4x worse with a 4x resolution increase. 15-25 FPS FTW?
I wonder what amd did to the drivers. What did they cut out to get extra fps?
thats my one year mortgage!
And all that to play Dirt 3 that can be played even by intel integrated HD4600 but this time they use 3 GPUs to get playable fps on a very light game...
Call me again when Battlefield 4 can be played at 12k res.