Monday, October 28th 2013

AMD to Release Radeon R9 280X Revision this Late-November
AMD is planning to release a revision of the Radeon R9 280X this late-November, based on the new "Tahiti-XTL" silicon. Originally designed to be based on that ASIC, the R9 280X ended up being based on "Tahiti XT2," the same exact ASIC that drives the Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition, as "Tahiti XTL" wasn't ready for its early-October launch. The new silicon promises lower power consumption, heat output, and in turn, lower fan noise output. AMD won't announce the revision, but perform a "running change" for its add-in board partners. The only way you'll be able to tell it's a "Tahiti XTL" based R9 280X, apart from disassembling the card, will be reading its BIOS.
22 Comments on AMD to Release Radeon R9 280X Revision this Late-November
Now all of us interested have to play the trial and error game. I wonder if this revision will bring higher overclocks since the non reference 280x's are overclocking worse then the non reference 7970 cards (non ghz).
2. Nowhere does it state officially, that AMD won't differentiate it in any shape, way or form... Actually, even if so, I bet it's up to AMD's partners, to do whatever they want. Unless it actually makes a big difference and they have a ton of "old" R9 280X stock and need to get rid of it.
Either way, really, how many people do you think will actually care or know that much, to make the difference... Being part of an enthusiast (niche) group often makes one ignorant to the rest of the market. Also, if enthusiasts want a way, they'll find it, even it it's hunting down serial numbers on boxes.
Im guessing it wont affect cause its same Tahiti chips... but an expert advice would be great... :toast:
No return and replacement?
tally that.
They aren't shafting people that are buying right now because the cards they are selling now perform as they are advertised, overclockability is never a guarantee. Though even if they were, early adopters know what they get.
Advertising doesn't change
They can opt for reducing DP FP to...say 1/16?to make R 290X look more appealing on RAW power and make R 280X more appealing on power needed?
280x / ipad 3rd gen when released were new "flawed" products. 280x is "old" silicon passed off as "new" and the 3rd gen ipad was a high res screen update without the proper hardware to run the screen effectively.
The XTL silicon is new and the 4th gen ipad was a proper update to the line with processors able to run the higher resolution screen.
So gfx card enthusiasts and the commoners are getting screwed. They don't have any idea from the box if they are getting new or old silicon. Tahiti XTL wasn't ready for its early-October launch so AMD sold old silicon as new. It's bullshit and through and through. Nvidia pulls this same garbage as well.