Thursday, January 30th 2014

AMD Mantle Driver to Only Benefit Four GPUs Initially

Crushed your F5 key on AMD driver download page yet? Unless you have four very specific AMD Radeon GPUs, you can stop it right now. According to DICE, developers of the first game to take advantage of Mantle, the 3D graphics API AMD is introducing with its Catalyst 14.1 beta driver, will give tangible benefits to only four specific GPUs - Radeon R9 290X, R9 290 (non-X), R7 260X, and A-Series "Kaveri" APU-integrated R7 200 series.

Owners of all other Radeon GPUs, including those based on the Graphics CoreNext (GCN) architecture, such as the recently launched R9 280X and R9 270X, are out of luck, for now. AMD is still ironing out issues with Mantle on those other GCN GPUs. Interestingly, in the same press note, DICE posted performance numbers yielded on an HD 7970, which look promising. AMD is expected to release its Catalyst 14.1 beta driver a little later this week, as it's jousting with some last-minute bug-finds.
Source: DICE
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133 Comments on AMD Mantle Driver to Only Benefit Four GPUs Initially

It's not going to be vaporware. The trend will likely continue since game developers will want to make game engines that can take full advantage of the Mantle .API for framerate improvements on both the XBOne and the Playstation 4 (both using AMD).
Posted on Reply
What are you all complaining about.
Just like tokyoduongsaid ''Even if it's 5%, I'll take it as it is FREE''
Support for the other cards will probably be released in the following days, but as noticed by a forum user, they did use a AMD HD 7970GHz edition card in one of the tested specs so support for the HD 7000 series in pretty much here already.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
Devon68What are you all complaining about.
Just like tokyoduongsaid ''Even if it's 5%, I'll take it as it is FREE''
Support for the other cards will probably be released in the following days, but as noticed by a forum user, they did use a AMD HD 7970GHz edition card in one of the tested specs so support for the HD 7000 series in pretty much here already.
AMD said they'd have frame-pacing fixes for 7970, etc, over a year ago, but just launched support for Eyefinity(users that actually really needed it) for that in the last driver release, over a year later. If you have any faith on AMD being able to deliver anything...well...I expect Mantle to work in 2015 only.
Posted on Reply
W1zzardThat's the info we got from AMD this morning:

Yes the driver itself will support all cards of course
Considering that Johan Andersson's blog included benchmarks that utilized a HD 7970, I am unsure where the miscommunication lies but so far there is plenty of contradictions to the suggestion that only the 4 mentioned GPUs will have initial support.
How to enable Mantle
In order to use Mantle you will need the following:
-AMD Catalyst 14.1 Beta drivers. AMD will post them here.
-AMD Radeon GPU with Graphics Core Next
-64-bit Windows (7, 8 or 8.1)
There is definitely no mention of limitations...
Posted on Reply
3lfk1ngIt's not going to be vaporware. The trend will likely continue since game developers will want to make game engines that can take full advantage of the Mantle .API for framerate improvements on both the XBOne and the Playstation 4 (both using AMD).
If nVidia is not going to support it, then it will fast fade into oblivion. So far, only 3 or 4 games confirmed this year, and this is to little imo to make Mantle a real competitor to Direct3D 11. And be assured that M$ won't sleep this over. My guess they will take notice from Mantle and probably they will release a new improved Direct3D version 12 or 13th. Will see...
This is already starting to smell like Glide vs Direct3D. And even that at that time there were like 1 million games using Glide, we still know who the winner was in the end. Even 3dFX on its latest life stages starting to develop more for Direct3D than Glide...
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Slomo4shOConsidering that Johan Andersson's blog included benchmarks that utilized a HD 7970, I am unsure where the miscommunication lies but so far there is plenty of contradictions to the suggestion that only the 4 mentioned GPUs will have initial support.

There is definitely no mention of limitations...
cause amd asked dice to change their wording from the initial post
Posted on Reply
The Von Matrices
cadavecaAMD said they'd have frame-pacing fixes for 7970, etc, over a year ago, but just launched support for Eyefinity(users that actually really needed it) for that in the last driver release, over a year later. If you have any faith on AMD being able to deliver anything...well...I expect Mantle to work in 2015 only.
You're completely mistaken. AMD still has yet to release that driver.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
The Von MatricesYou're completely mistaken. AMD still has yet to release that driver.
13.12 added a huge amount of fixes...sadly, I only have one GPU so cannot test. If it ain't working still..well...I guess it'd be safe to assume that Mantle will get the same treatment.
Posted on Reply
The Von Matrices
cadaveca13.12 added a huge amount of fixes...sadly, I only have one GPU so cannot test. If it ain't working still..well...I guess it'd be safe to assume that Mantle will get the same treatment.
There is no option for frame pacing in the 13.12 drivers on configurations like mine. AMD said the fixes would be in January not December or November; of course, I doubted the January schedule back then and it looks like I will probably be right. I especially love how The Tech Report says in that article:

"The current release time frame for the driver is "January." AMD doesn't expect additional delays, but it warns that, "as always," its schedule could change."
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
3lfk1ngIt's not going to be vaporware. The trend will likely continue since game developers will want to make game engines that can take full advantage of the Mantle .API for framerate improvements on both the XBOne and the Playstation 4 (both using AMD).
Mantle is not being used on the consoles. AMD has said this multiple times already. This API is strictly for PC Gaming.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
I could care less about BF4. I am looking forward to Mantle in Thief. It will also be the first title to use TruAudio(which doesn't apply to me)But still sill be a "full fat" title using AMD's new feature set.
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraIf nVidia is not going to support it, then it will fast fade into oblivion. So far, only 3 or 4 games confirmed this year, and this is to little imo to make Mantle a real competitor to Direct3D 11. And be assured that M$ won't sleep this over. My guess they will take notice from Mantle and probably they will release a new improved Direct3D version 12 or 13th. Will see...
This is already starting to smell like Glide vs Direct3D. And even that at that time there were like 1 million games using Glide, we still know who the winner was in the end. Even 3dFX on its latest life stages starting to develop more for Direct3D than Glide...
What are you talking about?
What Nvidia will do is irrelevant right now. This is something that they can't control without changing the way they do business. Because the only thing they can do is give much higher DirectX performance at the same price points as AMD, and knowing Nvidia they will not do that. They are just too arrogant to ask for less money than the competition for the same or more performance in DirectX.

Also I think you missed about half a dozen articles that say that more than 20 titles are expected to come with Mantle support. Mantle is the easiest way to pass console optimizations to PCs. As long as you have AMD APUs in consoles, Mantle is just far from oblivion.

As for Microsoft. As long as Mantle is not available on Linux, Mantle is a huge positive for Windows against Steam OS and Linux in general. Not to mention another reason for all those XP systems to move on to Windows 8.1. So, until Mantle becomes a problem for Microsoft, which I don't think it is going to happen anyway, it is in their best interest to see it spreading. Don't forget that there is OpenGL. It isn't that Linux doesn't have an API for gaming.

Glide vs Direct3D? There are so many many articles that explain the reasons why Mantle is not another Glide. Google it.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
john_What are you talking about?
What Nvidia will do is irrelevant right now. This is something that they can't control without changing the way they do business. Because the only thing they can do is give much higher DirectX performance at the same price points as AMD, and knowing Nvidia they will not do that. They are just too arrogant to ask for less money than the competition for the same or more performance in DirectX.

Also I think you missed about half a dozen articles that say that more than 20 titles are expected to come with Mantle support. Mantle is the easiest way to pass console optimizations to PCs. As long as you have AMD APUs in consoles, Mantle is just far from oblivion.

As for Microsoft. As long as Mantle is not available on Linux, Mantle is a huge positive for Windows against Steam OS and Linux in general. Not to mention another reason for all those XP systems to move on to Windows 8.1. So, until Mantle becomes a problem for Microsoft, which I don't think it is going to happen anyway, it is in their best interest to see it spreading. Don't forget that there is OpenGL. It isn't that Linux doesn't have an API for gaming.

Glide vs Direct3D? There are so many many articles that explain the reasons why Mantle is not another Glide. Google it.
Hes saying 4 games this year, which is pretty close to true. Those 20 games are not all being released this year.
Posted on Reply
AlienIsGODcause amd asked dice to change their wording from the initial post
Then wouldn't that be proof invalidating this article's claim of mantle being limited to 4 GPUs initially?
Posted on Reply
Don't worry Johny, your system will still wont be able to use Mantel unless you upgrade your GPU. And agree, there is no point to compare Mantle with Glide. Mantle supports only a couple of cards, Glide supported ALL generations of 3dFX cards. Agree.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216Hes saying 4 games this year, which is pretty close to true. Those 20 games are not all being released this year.
Really? I see.
Prima.VeraDon't worry Johny, your system will still wont be able to use Mantel unless you upgrade your GPU. And agree, there is no point to compare Mantle with Glide. Mantle supports only a couple of cards, Glide supported ALL generations of 3dFX cards. Agree.
I am going to my little corner to cry
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
The Von MatricesThere is no option for frame pacing in the 13.12 drivers on configurations like mine. AMD said the fixes would be in January not December or November; of course, I doubted the January schedule back then and it looks like I will probably be right. I especially love how The Tech Report says in that article:

"The current release time frame for the driver is "January." AMD doesn't expect additional delays, but it warns that, "as always," its schedule could change."
You're talking about the SECOND frame-pacing fix, and I'm talking about the first, last year. Funny how that works, eh?

Anyway, like, who does this help, really? Mantle...? AMD CPU users only? This is more niche marketing, disguised as a big deal.

Unless, of course, developers can use it to make porting titles from the consoles over more efficiently, both in time, and the code produced/used. I mean, I understand hardware, generally speaking, but I fail to see why it is even relevant.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
cadavecaYou're talking about the SECOND frame-pacing fix, and I'm talking about the first, last year. Funny how that works, eh?

Anyway, like, who does this help, really? Mantle...? AMD CPU users only? This is more niche marketing, disguised as a big deal.

Unless, of course, developers can use it to make porting titles from the consoles over more efficiently, both in time, and the code produced/used. I mean, I understand hardware, generally speaking, but I fail to see why it is even relevant.
Isn't that what Mantle was pretty much made for, yet we aren't seeing it?
Posted on Reply
I am more interested about HSA than mantle in this upcoming driver, but mantle is also welcome and I hope it goes well for developers more than gamers.
Posted on Reply
The Von Matrices
cadavecaYou're talking about the SECOND frame-pacing fix, and I'm talking about the first, last year. Funny how that works, eh?
You specifically mentioned eyefinity fixes in your OP, but the first fix doesn't include support for eyefinity.
Posted on Reply
MxPhenom 216Hes saying 4 games this year, which is pretty close to true. Those 20 games are not all being released this year.
I think the poin here is Prima.Vera is biased and can't muster up a argument or counter-argument without being full of it, no offence. I'm sorry, but I can't take people like him seriously.

Also, what crawled up the guy with the second post's ass and exploded?
MxPhenom 216Isn't that what Mantle was pretty much made for, yet we aren't seeing it?
Seeing it in what? There's barely any "next-gen" console games out...
Hell, where I live, PS4 and XBO just barely started appearing in stores... (was on special pre-oders slightly before tho).

Easy cross-porting with Mantle won't start untill the older consoles die out, and the vast majority of games are released only on the new generation (that's like developing for 4 and a half platforms... or more, if you count Wii U... when they can develop for just 2 and a half... the half being PC development and it's reduced costs supposedly due to Mantle).

...well, if it isn't dead 'till then.
Posted on Reply
cadavecaAMD said they'd have frame-pacing fixes for 7970, etc, over a year ago, but just launched support for Eyefinity(users that actually really needed it) for that in the last driver release, over a year later. If you have any faith on AMD being able to deliver anything...well...I expect Mantle to work in 2015 only.
The part 2 of frame pacing will also be in 14.1

What else do you want to complain about Dave?


Mantle support all GCN cards. You must not have actually read the news from AMD. It clearly stated that.
Posted on Reply

Mantle support all GCN cards. You must not have actually read the news from AMD. It clearly stated that.
Oh I read the news, but it seems you do not understand it... ;)
GCN Cards are the ones from 7000 series and above. How about users with 5000 or 6000 series?! Hmm? Both of those generations support Direct3D 11, but obviously Mantle is to good for them...
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
cadavecaYou're talking about the SECOND frame-pacing fix, and I'm talking about the first, last year. Funny how that works, eh?
You mean how the first one seemed to work fine for my 6870s? I think you're getting a little too into the discussion, Dave. ;)

Everyone is getting angry about something that AMD is releasing for free. You're not being forced to use it, you're not being hindered by it, so what's with all the hostility? It sounds like some people ran out of their anxiolytic or anti-depressant meds or something. Please, people, lets calm down a little bit. AMD has done much worse things than attempt to release Mantle.

At least give AMD the benefit of the doubt that they're trying to improve the experience with their cards hardware.
Posted on Reply
Honestly, reading this thread is ridiculous lol.

No good deed goes unpunished.
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