Wednesday, March 29th 2017

US House of Representatives Confirms Senate's Privacy Stance on ISPs

Only yesterday, the United States' House of Representatives carried the US Senate's joint resolution to eliminate broadband privacy rules. These rules, which are now seemingly on their way to political oblivion, would have required ISPs to get consumers' explicit consent before selling or sharing Web browsing data and other private information with advertisers and other companies. Much like last week's Senate joint resolution, the House's voting fell mainly along partisan lines (215 for, 205 against, with 15 Republican and 190 Democratic representatives voting against the repeal) to scrap the proposed FCC rules.

President Trump's desk (and the President himself) are now all that stand before the ISP's ability to collect geo-location data, financial and health information, children's information, Social Security numbers, Web browsing history, app usage history, and the content of communications - information that gives the most unthinkable leeway in understanding your daily habits. However, President Trump's administration have issued a statement whereas they "strongly support House passage of S.J.Res. 34, which would nullify the Federal Communications Commission's final rule titled "Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunication Services".
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has already issued a statement to today's vote with a statement that "If the bill is signed into law, companies like Cox, Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T, and Verizon will have free rein to hijack your searches, sell your data, and hammer you with unwanted advertisements. Worst yet, consumers will now have to pay a privacy tax by relying on VPNs to safeguard their information."

Ajit Pai, the current FCC Chairman, is a staunch supporter of rolling back the rules, claiming that "the FCC will work with the FTC to ensure that consumers' online privacy is protected through a consistent and comprehensive framework."

Those against the FCC ruling argue that it would have placed an unfair burden on ISPs while leaving sites like Google and Facebook free to collect and sell user data. What these supporters don't seem to consider, however, is how different the nature of Facebook or Google is compared to an ISP: you post what you want, when you want, if you want, and you even only use the service and inform it of your usage habits if you choose to do so. You can also choose to make your searches on Bing, or any other search engine. However, you can never pull the plug on your ISP's data collection of your habits and doings on the Internet. And with some customers only having access to one or two ISPs at any given time will also stand in the way of competition through reinforced privacy protection. If Comcast is the only ISP in your area, well, you can always not sign for the service if you don't want your information to be collected. Though you will end up sans internet access.

Unless, of course, you invest on a paid VPN - that is, if you don't already.
Sources: Engadget,, TechCrunch, Forbes, The Verge
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93 Comments on US House of Representatives Confirms Senate's Privacy Stance on ISPs

PC Gaming Enthusiast
HopelesslyFaithfuldid an FOIA and the cops purposely covered up the mic to hide what they were saying which was critical for me to file an unlawful detention lawsuit. They also never started dashcam and mics until i asked so much of the incriminating stuff was never recorded until half way into the unlawful detention and the other stuff that was, is now missing due to them covering up their mics.
And now we get to the heart of your issue. A personal vendetta based on your viewpoint of what happened.

And what has this and all your other conspiracy/ coverup/ false arrest theories to do with the OP?

I think I am done here. :shadedshu:
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieAnd now we get to the heart of your issue. A personal vendetta based on your viewpoint of what happened.

And what has this and all your other conspiracy/ coverup/ false arrest theories to do with the OP?

I think I am done here. :shadedshu:
yea right...use logical fallacies to distract from facts regarding the law, case precedence, and reality.

Let me know when you want to be intellectually honest and have real facts and not logical fallacies.

You have provided 0 proof showing i am wrong so you resort to red herrings. Yep, you are one dishonest person. :peace:
Posted on Reply
Big Member
rtwjunkieAnd now we get to the heart of your issue. A personal vendetta based on your viewpoint of what happened.

And what has this and all your other conspiracy/ coverup/ false arrest theories to do with the OP?

I think I am done here. :shadedshu:
Yup. I've been under investigation by the FBI twice, not once but TWICE! Murder suspect once and detained more times than Ill admit. I've talked and proven my way out of it EVERY SINGLE TIME without a lawyer. Cops/Feds don't detain/arrest people without a damn good reason. They put me in a pinch before because well......the company I kept, wrong place at the wrong time and honestly I have an authority issue. Point is I was doing suspect behavior and if I were a cop/fed I would have done the same thing.

I am not denying cops/feds do crooked things. Its just not anywhere as widespread as you claim. Guess what? People are people. Some are assholes. Some are not. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. You have your first hand experience and so do I.

Easy to point out the bad when so much of the good goes unreported also. Kind of like voter fraud. Doesn't exist until its investigated. Same thing. Different spectrum.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Yup. I've been under investigation by the FBI twice, not once but TWICE! Murder suspect once and detained more times than Ill admit. I've talked and proven my way out of it EVERY SINGLE TIME without a lawyer. Cops/Feds don't detain/arrest people without a damn good reason. They put me in a pinch before because well......the company I kept, wrong place at the wrong time and honestly I have an authority issue. Point is I was doing suspect behavior and if I were a cop/fed I would have done the same thing.

I am not denying cops/feds do crooked things. Its just not anywhere as widespread as you claim. Guess what? People are people. Some are assholes. Some are not. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. You have your first hand experience and so do I.

Easy to point out the bad when so much of the good goes unreported also. Kind of like voter fraud. Doesn't exist until its investigated. Same thing. Different spectrum.
People claim there are many good cops...if thats the case where are they when these things happen? Where were all the good cops when an LA officer shot partner and murdered a man covering it up? Where were the good cops going on the record about that cover up? Where were they saying the DA was wrong for not charging this murder? Watch the footage for yourself.

This never happens.
I am sure i can find dozens of these. I just am not going to bother to google for more. Police Unions defend murders all the time and moronic law breaking cops all the time. So does the justice system.

Where were all the CPD employees going on the record about an illegal black site in Chicago? Oh that's right none of them said anything.

What about the 100s or 1000s of people who knew about PRISM or any of the other illegal activities? Oh thats right only Snowden and Binney and a few others actually reported these things. Whistle blowers are a rare breed and their lives are ruined in the process with doing the right thing. People are not inherently good and most do not report illegal activity or stand up against it. Most people are okay with it.

Almost no cops ever stand up and report illegal behavior. The 10-20 cops I know would agree here that no one reports illegal behavior and covers for their buddy.

My time working for the DOD before I retired showed plenty of cases of cover ups and people looking the other way. It ranged from covering up/distraction of a marines death in the barrack, sinking Amtracks, cover ups of beatings, and so much more.

People simple do not report on each others and our system supports 0 accountability in these cases. Kelly Thomas is a perfect example too.

Police also have extra legal rights that no citizen would ever get in the same case.

Please show me cases where Police are coming out blasting other police behavior. Show me where prosecutors or judges blast others. I will gladly add it to my records.

Here is another great one. Police shoots bystanders like a retard....and they charge an unarmed man for their own stupidity.

Tell me of a case anywhere in the US where if a citizen did that they would not be in jail. Please find me a case like that. I would love to read that.

What about the kid shot in his own house by a female officer? she had 0 legal authority to shoot him even if he had a weapon. He is in his own house.

where were the good cops blasting this? or any of the 10s or more cases i have posted.

EDIT: here are more
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
I am reporting this thread and tagging every senior mod because it needs to close. This is the degenerative crap that TPU gets dragged into when you open the door to politics.

I don't work for or own TPU and yet I actually care about this site.

@btarunr @Raevenlord @Tatty_One @sneekypeet @erocker @W1zzard
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HopelesslyFaithfulPeople claim there are many good cops...if thats the case where are they when these things happen? Where were all the good cops when an LA officer shot partner and murdered a man covering it up? Where were the good cops going on the record about that cover up? Where were they saying the DA was wrong for not charging this murder? Watch the footage for yourself.

This never happens.
I am sure i can find dozens of these. I just am not going to bother to google for more. Police Unions defend murders all the time and moronic law breaking cops all the time. So does the justice system.

Where were all the CPD employees going on the record about an illegal black site in Chicago? Oh that's right none of them said anything.

What about the 100s or 1000s of people who knew about PRISM or any of the other illegal activities? Oh thats right only Snowden and Binney and a few others actually reported these things. Whistle blowers are a rare breed and their lives are ruined in the process with doing the right thing. People are not inherently good and most do not report illegal activity or stand up against it. Most people are okay with it.

Almost no cops ever stand up and report illegal behavior. The 10-20 cops I know would agree here that no one reports illegal behavior and covers for their buddy.

My time working for the DOD before I retired showed plenty of cases of cover ups and people looking the other way. It ranged from covering up/distraction of a marines death in the barrack, sinking Amtracks, cover ups of beatings, and so much more.

People simple do not report on each others and our system supports 0 accountability in these cases. Kelly Thomas is a perfect example too.

Police also have extra legal rights that no citizen would ever get in the same case.

Please show me cases where Police are coming out blasting other police behavior. Show me where prosecutors or judges blast others. I will gladly add it to my records.

Here is another great one. Police shoots bystanders like a retard....and they charge an unarmed man for their own stupidity.

Tell me of a case anywhere in the US where if a citizen did that they would not be in jail. Please find me a case like that. I would love to read that.

What about the kid shot in his own house by a female officer? she had 0 legal authority to shoot him even if he had a weapon. He is in his own house.

where were the good cops blasting this? or any of the 10s or more cases i have posted.

EDIT: here are more
As I said its easy to find the negatives when the positives are never reported. We get it. You got screwed so the whole system is screwed. Get over it.

@Raevenlord I hoped you learned a lesson. I think you are a decent writer but, this is going to happen EVERYTIME you go political. If you care about TPU (which I think you do) you will stop.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78As I said its easy to find the negatives when the positives are never reported. We get it. You got screwed so the whole system is screwed. Get over it.

@Raevenlord I hoped you learned a lesson. I think you are a decent writer but, this is going to happen EVERYTIME you go political. If you care about TPU (which I think you do) you will stop.
Still no proof from you. I will gladly read any press release posted by cops swearing up and down against any of the cases i gave you. Prove that the system isn't broken and there are good cops. You said there are more good than bad cops. PROVE IT!

Prove that the law doesn't protect cops and designed to support no accountability.

I provided laws, case law, Sumpreme Court case law, and more that its designed to not keep them accountable.
@rtwjunkie @TheMailMan78
You claim otherwise. Prove it. Don't use red herrings. Use facts.

Also I was never screwed over. I am just honest about the system and see how jacked it is from actual cases, history, and the actual law.

The legislators even include special exceptions for government agents and provide heavier sentencing.

The law itself shows its unconstitutional (equal protections) and bias.

Prove your position...all you got are red herrings.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieI am reporting this thread and tagging every senior mod because it needs to close. This is the degenerative crap that TPU gets dragged into when you open the door to politics.

I don't work for or own TPU and yet I actually care about this site.

@btarunr @Raevenlord @Tatty_One @sneekypeet @erocker @W1zzard
I think this thread has value, you just have to be willing to find it and see it. I don't know why you feel the need to report it and seems a bit censorish. No one is being disrespectful and people are trying to work out their points. No one is making or forcing anyone to view or participate in this thread. I mean 14 out of the 84 posts in this thread are yours and this just seems like a agree with me or else thing to me.
Posted on Reply
DRDNAI think this thread has value, you just have to be willing to find it and see it. I don't know why you feel the need to report it and seems a bit censorish. No one is being disrespectful and people are trying to work out their points. No one is making or forcing anyone to view or participate in this thread.
dont worry it is common here.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
DRDNA14 out of the 84 posts in this thread are yours
Way too much time on your hands.

Apparently I'm too busy fabricating evidence and violating people's rights to try to counter all of hopeless' singular examples, one of which is his own vendetta and has nothing to do with the topic.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieWay too much time on your hands.

Apparently I'm too busy fabricating evidence and violating people's rights to try to counter all of hopeless' singular examples, one of which is his own vendetta.
Still red herrings and not a shred of proof......

Signaler examples that hilarious. I even posted laws and case precedence that enables police. the denial and logical fallacies are strong in you.

Facts and history and real world examples and basic logic is my own vendetta....okay....dishonest much?
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HopelesslyFaithfulStill no proof from you. I will gladly read any press release posted by cops swearing up and down against any of the cases i gave you. Prove that the system isn't broken and there are good cops. You said there are more good than bad cops. PROVE IT!

Prove that the law doesn't protect cops and designed to support no accountability.

I provided laws, case law, Sumpreme Court case law, and more that its designed to not keep them accountable.
@rtwjunkie @TheMailMan78
You claim otherwise. Prove it. Don't use red herrings. Use facts.

Also I was never screwed over. I am just honest about the system and see how jacked it is from actual cases, history, and the actual law.

The legislators even include special exceptions for government agents and provide heavier sentencing.

The law itself shows its unconstitutional (equal protections) and bias.

Prove your position...all you got are red herrings.
And you don't seem to comprehend that good goes unreported because ITS NOT NEWS WORTHY. Do I really need to search the internet to prove that Police do good things in our society? Are you that brainwashed to the point you really believe ALL COPS are crooked?

Apparently you are to young to remember such things as the drug wars of the 1980's in places like Miami.

Here is just one minor story of cops being arrested and prosecuted under federal law. ONE CASE OUT HUNDREDS in Dade County ALONE in the 80's. Today they are busted even more! Cops get arrested all the time bubba. As for proving their are good cops......really?

Here I googled it for ya....*&spf=1
Have fun and be sure to NEVER dial 911.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78And you don't seem to comprehend that good goes unreported because ITS NOT NEWS WORTHY. Do I really need to search the internet to prove that Police do good things in our society? Are you that brainwashed to the point you really believe ALL COPS are crooked?

Apparently you are to young to remember such things as the drug wars of the 1980's in places like Miami.

Here is just one minor story of cops being arrested and prosecuted under federal law. ONE CASE OUT HUNDREDS in Dade County ALONE in the 80's. Today they are busted even more! Cops get arrested all the time bubba. As for proving their are good cops......really?

Here I googled it for ya....*&spf=1
Have fun and be sure to NEVER dial 911.
I explicitly stated you to find examples of press releases....they are all public records and Googleble. Where police or unions condemn any of those travesties I posted. Several cases are of complete corruption and murder.....not one I have found condemning it. I have googled. The entire police department was in on the cover up of murder. The DA was too....your telling me you can't find a slew of people speaking out on it? That isn't press selective reporting thats people being complicit in covering up a murder.

And yes i would never dial 911. I can defend myself. I welcome any moron to walk into my house and see what happens.
(when i get the chance i want to move to an open and carry state and leave Chicago)

let me think this is okay?

It is highly unconstitutional.


here is a prime example of how the law allows police to kill citizens. If a citizen did this or any military member in a war zone they would go to jail/brig. I remember ROE briefs and examples of Marines going to jail over stuff like this.

Here is the video.
Anyone else would go to jail for attempted murder. That is how the law is written and how the court systems work. It is a system wide issue and not selective.
(Makes sure "emotionally traumatized" cop-buddy is okay while the victim is bleeding out on the floor for 5 minutes)
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HopelesslyFaithfulI explicitly stated you to find examples of press releases....they are all public records and Googleble. Where police or unions condemn any of those travesties I posted. Several cases are of complete corruption and murder.....not one I have found condemning it. I have googled. The entire police department was in on the cover up of murder. The DA was too....your telling me you can't find a slew of people speaking out on it? That isn't press selective reporting thats people being complicit in covering up a murder.

And yes i would never dial 911. I can defend myself. I welcome any moron to walk into my house and see what happens.
(when i get the chance i want to move to an open and carry state and leave Chicago)

let me think this is okay?

It is highly unconstitutional.


here is a prime example of how the law allows police to kill citizens. If a citizen did this or any military member in a war zone they would go to jail/brig. I remember ROE briefs and examples of Marines going to jail over stuff like this.

Here is the video.
Anyone else would go to jail for attempted murder. That is how the law is written and how the court systems work. It is a system wide issue and not selective.
Congrats on finding the bad apples. I mean ALL cops HAVE to be the same. We should take this to cultures and race too. Dude I never said they cops were perfect. But I have never seen ANY evidence of ALL police being crooked. But lets take your theory a step further. Chicago is a war zone right now. Murders all day every day. You are from Chicago and are not dead. Therefore you must be a murderer.

See how stupid it sounds? If you can't then I welcome you to prove YOU'RE NOT A MURDERER. Because by your same logic you are in fact a killer. Prove to me you are not.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Congrats on finding the bad apples. I mean ALL cops HAVE to be the same. We should take this to cultures and race too. Dude I never said they cops were perfect. But I have never seen ANY evidence of ALL police being crooked. But lets take your theory a step further. Chicago is a war zone right now. Murders all day every day. You are from Chicago and are not dead. Therefore you must be a murderer.

See how stupid it sounds? If you can't then I welcome you to prove YOU'RE NOT A MURDERER. Because by your same logic you are in fact a killer. Prove to me you are not.
Again...your using red herrings. This is a matter of law. Nothing to do with cops. The courts and law have ruled/made it where cops can shoot anything they want without any penalty when if a citizen did it they would go away for attempted murder or murder. Is this too hard for you to comprehend?

Again nothing but logical fallacies from you.

You are making stuff up as you go...its sad.

Also Chicago isn't a warzone and people have rights. they can't vanish. And Marines in real warzones have stricter rules of engagements for legit reasons. Yet cops can shoot anything that moves and its okay.

If you think cops should have looser ROE than Marines your insane. Cops should not be able to shoot anyone under loser rules than a citizen. It is illogical.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HopelesslyFaithfulAgain...your using red herrings. This is a matter of law. Nothing to do with cops. The courts and law have ruled/made it where cops can shoot anything they want without any penalty when if a citizen did it they would go away for attempted murder or murder. Is this too hard for you to comprehend?
I dunno. You still haven't provided me with any links showing me you are not a murderer.
Posted on Reply
Speaking of comprehension, it would be great if people could comprehend the topic and stick to it. I won't ask again. Those who fail to do so won't be posting for a while.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieWhy are you all losing your shit? Have any of you researched this? They only voted to take us back to September, 2016. All this was allowed until the restriction was implemented in October, 2016.:shadedshu:

Everyone upset should have been so during the years prior to last October. But it wasn't noticed then because it wasn't a big deal to most people. So why now? Why act as if all of a sudden privacy is out the door?

And again, @Raevenlord needs to stop dragging TPU into the gutter by bringing in stories about U.S politics. Where is the China politics? EU political stories? Etc, etc.
People WERE fighting for these privacy laws FOR YEARS. I've been apart of multiple organizations fighting for it and among the sponsors are big tech business. Literally the only ones for no privacy laws are the ISPs. Most of the republicans don't care though, they have made it blatantly obvious that they are in office for companies and not the america people.

The average defense I see for it is "Well Google and Facebook do it!" but the big difference there is that you can choose not to use their service. You can't choose your ISP in America because nearly everywhere is a regional monopoly. On top of that, Facebook and Google provide a service in exchange for that data. You already pay your ISP, them selling your data is just double dipping.
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