Friday, March 9th 2018

NVIDIA's New GPP Program Reportedly Engages in Monopolistic Practices

A report from HardOCP's Kyle Bennet aims to shake NVIDIA's foundations, with allegations of anti-competitive business practices under its new GeForce Partner Program (GPP). In his report, which started with an AMD approach that pushed him to look a little closer into GPP, Bennet says that he has found evidence that NVIDIA's new program aims to push partners towards shunning products from other hardware manufacturers - mainly AMD, with a shoot across the bow for Intel.

After following the breadcrumb trail and speaking with NVIDIA AIBs and OEM partners ("The ones that did speak to us have done so anonymously, in fear of losing their jobs, or having retribution placed upon them or their companies by NVIDIA," Bennett says), the picture is painted of an industry behemoth that aims to abuse its currently dominant market position. NVIDIA controls around 70% of the discrete GPU market share, and its industrious size is apparently being put to use to outmuscle its competitors' offerings by, essentially, putting partners between the proverbial rock and a hard place. According to Bennet, industry players unanimously brought about three consequences from Nvidia's GPP, saying that "They think that it has terms that are likely illegal; GPP is likely going to tremendously hurt consumers' choices; It will disrupt business with the companies that they are currently doing business with, namely AMD and Intel."
The crux of the issue seems to be in that NVIDIA, while publicly touting transparency, is hiding some not so transparent clauses from the public's view. Namely, the fact that in order to become a part of NVIDIA's GPP program, partners must have its "Gaming Brand Aligned Exclusively With GeForce." Bennet says that he has read NVIDIA papers, and these very words, in internal documents meant for NVIDIA's partners only; however, none of these have been made available as of time of writing, though that may be an effort to protect sources.

But what does this "exclusivity" mean? That partners would have to forego products from other brands (case in point, AMD) in order to be granted the GeForce partner status. And what do companies who achieve GPP status receive? Well, enough that it would make competition from other NVIDIA AIBs that didn't make the partner program extremely difficult - if not unfeasible. This is because GPP-branded companies would receive perks such as: high-effort engineering engagements (likely, aids to custom designs); early tech engagement; launch partner status (as in, being able to sell GeForce-branded products at launch date); game bundling; sales rebate programs; social media and PR support; marketing reports; and the ultimate kicker, Marketing Development Funds (MDF). This last one may be known to our more attentive readers, as it was part of Intel's "Intel Inside" marketing program which spurred... a pretty incredible anti-trust movement against the company.

As a result of covering this story, HardOCP's Kyle Bennet says he expects the website to be shunned from now on when it comes to NVIDIA or NVIDIA partner graphics cards being offered for review purposes. Whether or not that will happen, I guess time will time; as time will tell whether or not there is indeed any sort of less... transparent plays taking place here.
Sources: HardOCP, NVIDIA GeForce Partner Program
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317 Comments on NVIDIA's New GPP Program Reportedly Engages in Monopolistic Practices

bug^^^ Asus' gaming brand is ROG. EVGA arguably doesn't even have gaming brand. That's why I said I'm not sure about the implications of that phrase.
Well its really quite straightforward to see now its been named as a thing we can just look at the list of nvidia board partners and see how many make Amd cards and what those brands are called compared to their nvidia bretheren, asus had Rog AMd cards upto a point pure rog , i had a 7970 matrix platinum that was Rog i cant recall the ones after that but not saying anything really and gigabyte ,not many make both brands of Gpu all in and that's a fact, plain as day.

But it also explains to a degree AMD's big slant the last few generations towards a named platform ie from not really mentioning Architecture to noting polaris Big time to the next level of Vega being the card brand, clear evolution to adapt to just this.

@Prince Valiant Nvidia made nvlink as the safe gaurd against the threat of exactly that from intel, why do you supose intel consumer grade chips have so few pciex lanes natively, intel dont really want discrete Gpus ,thats not changed ,they want that revenue though some, no anyhow.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieI like @the54thvoid possibility too. What if all AIB banded together and said NO to Nvidia? Then they would have to abandon this preferential treatment and status quo exists.
Big IF that is unlikely

EVGA, PNY, Zotac have everything to gain since they are exclusive to Nvidia. They don't have to change anything to benefit from GPP.

The losers are the AIBs/OEMs that deal with both, ie Asus, MSI, Gigabyte. Even if they don't sing on to GPP and maintain their status quo they are relegated to a lower tier.

EVGA, PNY, Zotac would love to get more of Asus, MSI & Gigabyte sales.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
XzibitBig IF that is unlikely
Oh I know, my statement was pure fantasy. It was posed as the only way to get Nvidia to stop, and like you said, some AIB’s are already exclusive partners.
Posted on Reply
XzibitBig IF that is unlikely

EVGA, PNY, Zotac have everything to gain since they are exclusive to Nvidia. They don't have to change anything to benefit from GPP.

The losers are the AIBs/OEMs that deal with both, ie Asus, MSI, Gigabyte. Even if they don't sing on to GPP and maintain their status quo they are relegated to a lower tier.

EVGA, PNY, Zotac would love to get more of Asus, MSI & Gigabyte sales.
A fair point, there's that sort of fragmantation among builders already. Still, imho Asus, MSI and Gigabyte together have enough market share to stop this if they work together. Then again, who's to say that if they work together, they can't be accused of creating a cartel? I hate it when it comes down to lawyers...

So, up until now, the only downside of joining this program seems to be that you need to have a gaming line branded for Nvidia specifically. Kinda thin for four pages of comments/rage.

What really puzzles me is the lack of a motivation for GPP. I mean, ok, you get more support from Nvidia if you join. But if they really want to make their products look as good as possible, wht stops them from providing said support without GPP in place. Which, btw, they are doing right now. I cannot shake the feeling that there's more to this story, yet everybody seems content to scrape only the surface.
Posted on Reply
I guess at the moment all cards are selling, why would any AIB go out of their way to create seperate lines, when they all sell out instantly anyway?

Gamers are victims and have a lack of choice anyway, Nvidia, AMD and their AIB partners are racking it in regardless.... no wonder Asrock want to join in, and it isn't for the benefit of gamers.
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FluffmeisterI guess at the moment all cards are selling, why would any AIB go out of their way to create seperate lines, when they all sell out instantly anyway?
The thing is, all we have till now is
In order to have access to the GPP program, its partners must have its "Gaming Brand Aligned Exclusively With GeForce."
And even that is part from the actual agreement, part from HardOCP's Kyle.
That could very well mean that the manufacturer doesn't have to have a gaming brand at all (can anyone say which is EVGA's gaming brand?). But if they do, they mustn't throw both Nvidia and AMD under the same brand. I'm not sure how dumb they think the average use must have gotten to need this kind of delineation, but that's what I understand from the little we have.
Posted on Reply
... I can't believe we, as consumers, have to go through this crap all the time, whether it is Intel vs AMD, Nvidia vs AMD, etc.

I'm kinda expecting an investigation for anti-competitive practices after this.
Posted on Reply
The other factor to consider here is Nvidia trying to weed out competition for it's own high priced OEM cards. Why sell a core and have to support it, provide engineering support, help pay for advertising, and biggest of all, take the dead die loss for cards used for mining.
Posted on Reply
dyonoctisIf the article on hardcop end up to be spot on, I must say, this is a pretty stupid move from Nvidia.
- "We are making a lot of money, we are the leader in the segment, so what should we do next ?"
- "What about openly abusing our dominance, and crush the competion to the ground by a making a deal with AIB that will be illegal on some aspect, sure to be heavily debated by the community, and would probably be closely watched by the juridic system of several continent/country ?"
- " Give this man a cookie !"

However when looking at the antitrust case of Intel:
- They weren't fined by the FTC, they just got a small slap on the hands.
- They never admited having done something wrong, and in september 2017 they managed to get a review on the European fine.
- In the end it never really mattered, as long as the product is good, people won't care if it was made by a company doing shady stuff, Intel is still "THE BRAND" for many people.
So i guess that Nvidia is trying his luck to see how much of a benefits they can make before getting sued.
I would try it too if I were Nvidia. The current US administration doesn't give 2 cents about corruption. You know this is true when they are pulling back the equifax probe. The EU on the other hand has but fining companies pretty hard. They will get away scott free in the US but I doubt they will be safe in the EU, especially with the impending trade war between the US and it's allies thanks to Trump tariffs.
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Super Intoxicated Moderator
This all made me think, and it is OT.

If Nividia (or any other partner surely), had PCB design interests, could a bespoke 'Gaming' card not be designed with a PCB that monitors power use? This would allow a dedicated, non-crunching/folding, non-mining design which looked for unusually high and constant power use. Such a design would throttle and ocasionally 'kill' the power through put after 'x' hours of constant high use. This would kill the demand for 24/7 mining rigs and make it perfectly usable for games which do not generally run for constant hours at full loads.

Now, you may bitch that would annoy people but how many games run for 4-6 hours at 90-100% load? But would such a design be appealing to a mining farm? Or is such engineering wizardry null and void?

You get two lines - Gaming power limited (cheaper) and Mining power unlimited (more expensive).

Just a tangent.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidThis all made me think, and it is OT.

If Nividia (or any other partner surely), had PCB design interests, could a bespoke 'Gaming' card not be designed with a PCB that monitors power use? This would allow a dedicated, non-crunching/folding, non-mining design which looked for unusually high and constant power use. Such a design would throttle and ocasionally 'kill' the power through put after 'x' hours of constant high use. This would kill the demand for 24/7 mining rigs and make it perfectly usable for games which do not generally run for constant hours at full loads.

Now, you may bitch that would annoy people but how many games run for 4-6 hours at 90-100% load? But would such a design be appealing to a mining farm? Or is such engineering wizardry null and void?

You get two lines - Gaming power limited (cheaper) and Mining power unlimited (more expensive).

Just a tangent.
This would really piss off all the motion designer, studio using rendering based on gpu. A mid range Quadro to drive the main display is nice, but for rendering geforce are really more cost effective.
Posted on Reply
windwhirl... I can't believe we, as consumers, have to go through this crap all the time, whether it is Intel vs AMD, Nvidia vs AMD, etc.

I'm kinda expecting an investigation for anti-competitive practices after this.
You can't believe what? No matter how clearly you draw the rules, companies will always try to find grey areas and exploit them. It's their job.
Only socialism behind the Iron Curtain adressed this from the root (i.e. the state took over the law, the courts and the economy). Trust me, that really, really hurt customer choice.
Posted on Reply
Market grabbing like that doesn't need any other motivation, besides greed, which nVidia has more than enough.
oxidizedYeah i've been hearing this for the last decade or more...
Well, why, Fermi was wonderful, wasn't it?
bugWell, that's exactly what they should do, instead of crying to journalists like little girls.
That worked well against Intel, didn't it?
RictorhellThere have been a ton of complaints about the drivers for AMD's cards not being up to snuff or being rough at the time of introduction, which is another area they need to work on.
"What year is this" ffs.
Posted on Reply
medi01Well, why, Fermi was wonderful, wasn't it?
Fermi 5xx was pretty good yes, surely better than the ATi/AMD counterpart. Aside from that you have anything else?
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
medi01Well, why, Fermi was wonderful, wasn't it?
What's ironic is that Fermi was in fact the most rushed and unpolished architecture Nvidia ever made in response to a vastly more efficient design that TeraScale was at the time.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusWhat's ironic is that Fermi was in fact the most rushed and unpolished architecture Nvidia ever made in response to a vastly more efficient design that TeraScale was at the time.
What's even more ironic is that as unpolished and rushed as it was, was still better than series 4000 and 5000 from ATi... to find something good we must go back to 2000 series or even before that, or forward to 7000 series and 200/300 to nowadays and even there they were still behind nvidia.
Posted on Reply
Power Slave
Surprise surprise surprise said gomer pyle.

But really Nothing to see here, move along or move to AMD. They burnt a lot of loyal fans with 970's 3.5 GB of RAM and their response was that of a monopolistic company, so we already knew how they handle things. Let's not get started on Gimpworks made specifically to gain an leverage over their competition by using a developers platform.

Locked overclocking and the Ge"forced" experience is what you get.

I miss the GTX 580 days. Good times with competition and pricing was high but justifiable. ..... and there was NO MINING. Good times.
Posted on Reply
Power SlaveSurprise surprise surprise said gomer pyle.

But really Nothing to see here, move along or move to AMD. They burnt a lot of loyal fans with 970's 3.5 GB of RAM and their response was that of a monopolistic company, so we already knew how they handle things. Let's not get started on Gimpworks made specifically to gain an leverage over their competition by using a developers platform.

Locked overclocking and the Ge"forced" experience is what you get.

I miss the GTX 580 days. Good times with competition and pricing was high but justifiable. ..... and there was NO MINING. Good times.
Don't forget nothing is confirmed, as of now it remains a claim made from someone who's been tipped from AMD itself, so i'd expect everyone to bash AMD the same way everyone's ready to bash nvidia, in case everything gets busted like it previously happened with gameworks stories about the witcher and other games...
Posted on Reply
oxidizedDon't forget nothing is confirmed, as of now it remains a claim made from someone who's been tipped from AMD itself, so i'd expect everyone to bash AMD the same way everyone's ready to bash nvidia, in case everything gets busted like it previously happened with gameworks stories about the witcher and other games...
Tbh it's not just onr guy's claim. Kyle has spoken to people from the manufacturers before making his claims. But the thing is most of his sources have spoken in anonymity and mostly about things they "fear would happen" if not joining GPP. So you see, no matter how accurate Kyle's claims are we don't have the full picture.
Posted on Reply
bugTbh it's not just onr guy's claim. Kyle has spoken to people from the manufacturers before making his claims. But the thing is most of his sources have spoken in anonymity and mostly about things they "fear would happen" if not joining GPP. So you see, no matter how accurate Kyle's claims are we don't have the full picture.
Nor does he, probably, but he thinks he does, if this is confirmed by many other source as important tech sites, and nvidia gets in trouble i'll be happy to eat my words, but as of now it's nothing but sh*ttalk, and wouldn't be the first time, and probably not even the last.
Posted on Reply
oxidizedNor does he, probably, but he thinks he does, if this is confirmed by many other source as important tech sites, and nvidia gets in trouble i'll be happy to eat my words, but as of now it's nothing but sh*ttalk, and wouldn't be the first time, and probably not even the last.
Well, the guy and his site are both respectable. Doesn't mean they're 100% foolproof, but they're not wtftech either.

Partnerships like this have existed since forever, all we have right now is this one could be fishy and needs to be watched closely.
For all we know, this can be a marketing stunt from AMD: look, they're so scared of us, they're planning to break the law to keep us at bay. Obviously I'm making stuff up, but if I wanted to start a(nother) crapstorm, I could coroborate the above with the fact that it was AMD who tipped Kyle (interestingly enough manufaturers weren't as bothere by the GPP) and I could start a page conspiracy theorists will love.
So let's not do that here on TPU and try to concentrate on what we know, instead of what our gut or bias tells us.
Posted on Reply
bugWell, the guy and his site are both respectable. Doesn't mean they're 100% foolproof, but they're not wtftech either.
No doubt the guy and his site are respectable.
bugPartnerships like this have existed since forever, all we have right now is this one could be fishy and needs to be watched closely.
For all we know, this can be a marketing stunt from AMD: look, they're so scared of us, they're planning to break the law to keep us at bay.
I don't think that honestly, AMD is respectable, a move like that could completely make them disappear, if it was to get busted, that is.
bugObviously I'm making stuff up, but if I wanted to start a(nother) crapstorm, I could coroborate the above with the fact that it was AMD who tipped Kyle (interestingly enough manufaturers weren't as bothere by the GPP) and I could start a page conspiracy theorists will love.
So let's not do that here on TPU and try to concentrate on what we know, instead of what our gut or bias tells us.
That's exactly what i'm saying. What we know is basically nothing besides public's desire for blood when there's some rumor/article/claim that puts nvidia under bad light, and victimizes AMD, that and some article on a usually respectable tech website.
Posted on Reply
oxidizedNor does he, probably, but he thinks he does, if this is confirmed by many other source as important tech sites, and nvidia gets in trouble i'll be happy to eat my words, but as of now it's nothing but sh*ttalk, and wouldn't be the first time, and probably not even the last.
Kyle has the agreement or portion of. He talked to Nvidia about his concerns before he published the story. Its the Yellow text in the article in-case you missed it.
KyleI have documents with the program terms and I discussed the one that was worthy of noting in the article.
He sure sounds like he dotted his i's and crossed his t's.
oxidizedThat's exactly what i'm saying. What we know is basically nothing besides public's desire for blood when there's some rumor/article/claim that puts nvidia under bad light, and victimizes AMD, that and some article on a usually respectable tech website.
We know Nvidia isn't being transparent about their transparent program at the moment. They responded in the Forbes article.
Posted on Reply
XzibitKyle has the agreement or portion of. He talked to Nvidia about his concerns before he published the story. Its the Yellow text in the article in-case you missed it.

He sure sounds like he dotted his i's and crossed his t's.

We know Nvidia isn't being transparent about their transparent program at the moment. They responded in the Forbes article.
Yeah? What did they say? "We're not being transparent with you about GPP" Cmon people, you gotta stop this crusade against nvidia, every damn time something weirds comes up everyone is always instantly grabbing their pitchfork.
Posted on Reply
oxidizedYeah? What did they say? "We're not being transparent with you about GPP" Cmon people, you gotta stop this crusade against nvidia, every damn time something weirds comes up everyone is always instantly grabbing their pitchfork.
Sounds like your not bothering to read any of it. Think your going off emotion and attachment.

If you bothered reading how the story developed no-one picked up their pitchforks or went on a crusade. It was shopped around of all things yet that didn't happen. On the contrary one person did his own investigation and then after talking to AIBs/OEMs did he feel their was something to it. Enough so he is willing to put his reputation on the line as well as his sites credibility with possible legal retribution. Others are reporting on him and his story.
Forbes: Nvidia"The program is transparent and beneficial to gamers, and we have nothing further to add at this time."
Remember the Time line. The Nvidia Blog for GPP didnt happen until after Kyles correspondence with Nvidia on the matter.
HardOCPAt this point you're probably wondering, "What is NVIDIA GPP?" A couple of weeks after we began questioning NVIDIA on GPP, it put up an article on its domain entitled, "GeForce Partner Program Helps Gamers Know What They're Buying." Here what John Teeple, Director - Partner Marketing at NVIDIA, has to say about GPP.
For a transparent program which is to benefit us as gamers was in the shadows and who knows if Nvidia would ever say a word about it if it wasn't for the actions that took place.
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