Monday, July 30th 2018

PUBG is Still a Juggernaut: Sells 4.7 Million Copies in June on Steam
PUBG is still a juggernaut of a game and Battle Royale experience, no matter how much Fortnite has been making increasingly larger waves on PUBG's pond of success. To prove that is the fact that released reports for PUBG sales during the month of June point towards a grand total of 4.7 million copies sold during that month alone. That's the second-highest amount of copies in a single month the game has ever sold - only surpassed by October 2017 - and brings the games' total sales up to some 53 million copies. The reduced, sale-level price point of $19.99 (down from the usual $29.99) helped drive sales maybe even more than the games' popularity.
DSO Gaming, via ETEknix
21 Comments on PUBG is Still a Juggernaut: Sells 4.7 Million Copies in June on Steam
And yes i don't own game and i never will.
This is also the reason why Bohemia have not really been bothered to finish making the DayZ standalone. The game has sold as many copies as it will ever sell and the zombie survival craze is a thing of the distant past. Bohemia know this all too well as Ive heard they have pulled devs off the dayz team to go make another survival type of game.
It is what it is.
In fact, if it wasn't for epic and fortenight i doubt bluehole would of even bothered with content like new maps or given the chance for players to vote to play on what map they wanted
I feel like this purchasing craze must be people getting banned and making new accounts to play the game, how many more different people are out there left that would pickup and buy this game that have not already.
Have you ever checked the dev blogs?
And yes I do. Dev blogs have been a joke the last few years.
I hear they are really trying to finish working on the game now. But my opinion is just that. They will finish the game but it will be nowhere near as good as people thought or hoped it would be and the community made dayz mod will still be straight up better. Bohemia could put in a half assed effort just to finish it and release it because they know they wont make huge amounts of money off it.
Nobody will care about DayZ like they care about Fortenight or PUBG because the zombie survival craze has come and gone. Even the original creative developer Brian Hicks left Bohemia and back then DayZ was his dream but he got bored of it.
What you will see in the finished game is probably only part of his original dream and that while it may still be heading in the same direction in terms of genre, a lot of the original dream will probably never be added into it.
And I say this, having spent loads of hours playing the mod and also having purchased the game in early access back in 2013 as soon as it was available.
If Bohemia was to shut down DayZ standalone development nobody would care too much. People would be a tiny bit frustrated about having paid for early access but that is the nature of early access... THere is no contract saying that they have to finish the game.
A good example of this is H1Z1 -- This game originally started off as a DayZ competitor -- it was a zombie survival game but the developers ended up spinning the zombie survival element of the game into its own game which is an absolute buggy mess while the main core of the game is battle royale style gameplay like fortenight or pubg. -- DaybreakGames have already made their money off H1Z1 through game sales and microtransactions and paid lootcrates. What made it even better for them as they were really the first studio to really really kick off the battle royale style of game and almost every person on twitch was streaming it at one point. Daybreak no longer care to innovate anymore. because the game has made the most money it will ever make and the market is dominated by PUBG and Fortenight for it to really be mainstream anymore.
Its just how some developers are... How many games have you seen on steam that have been abandoned by their devs after selling a few hundred copies?? There are quite a lot of them. Some of them are left on the steam market while others are removed by the developer saying they want to focus on something else. but early access is early access and that is not a guarantee, promise or signed contract that the developer will ever finish the game or has to.
You gotta learn how to respond to people more politely brah. Just because you dont agree with me or see things the same way i do doesnt give you the right to attack me for it. :):)
good day to you :)
Anyway, TL;DR
You won't change your nonsense opinion anyway, so why would I bother arguing with you.
Okay lol...
I won't change my 'nonsense opinion' because you haven't given me a legitimate reason to and since you decline to share you views and rebut my comments/opinions in a respectful manner other than calling me a troll or 'intellectually deficient' then maybe your own opinions are just as 'intellectually deficient' if not even more? ;);)
I'm always open for healthy debate.
Nothing I did (I'm a PC tech) would fix it...drivers, reinstall game etc...all the usual stuff, which put me off the game for life.
What a business model it is and according to Sensortower "At present, we estimate that PUBG Mobile is now earning more than $700,000 per day in player spending across both stores worldwide and has grossed more than $16 million to date. "
Seems that they're well on the way to overtaking Fortnite, but what is odd is that the Steam reviews are 50-50 and during the last 30 days, 70% negative due to buggy software.
If there were a free demo I'd probably give it a go just to see what the fuss is all about, so I may give the free version of Fortnite a go just for the hell of it.
Oh @Prima.Vera , the PC I referred to earlier was, as far as I recall, a 4790k, 970GTX and a 750w psu, so the hardware wasn't the issue.