Wednesday, September 12th 2018

Battlefield 1 On Sale for €4.99, Free Premium Pass Download
For users who might want to get their hands on DICE's Battlefield 1 (which remains one of the bastions of PC Gaming, both graphically and engine-wise), need only go to Origin's store and grab them while they're cheap. The base Battlefield 1 game has seen a discount down to €4.99 - more than a bargain for the game it is - and the Premium Pass, which includes 16 multiplayer maps, new Operations and game modes, Elite classes and more in four themed digital expansion packs. There's also added replayability with challenging weapon assignments which lead to unlocks ranging from new blades to firearms. Either as a way to whet your appetite for the upcoming Battlefield 5, or just to get some inexpensive quality gaming, head on through the source links.
Battlefield 1 Store, Battlefield 1 Premium Pass
44 Comments on Battlefield 1 On Sale for €4.99, Free Premium Pass Download
Lol@the EA hate. I wish I could be as cool as you guys.
Gaming isn't just a business. It's an art form and entertainment industry. It requires care and involvement, paying attention to your audience and their concerns.
Yeah, EA does scummy things. Every large publisher does. Just about the only exception to that rule in the gaming world is CDPR. Though when it comes to anti-consumer behavior, I'd argue that companies like Valve and Sony are far worse.
Nope, as someone said, not even for free.
There are still companies that do deserve gamers money, EA is definitely not one of them.
That makes this a very good deal at $5...I think this is a very good deal for those with EA/Origin access and I think this is geared towards those people.
I'm not going to pick this up truth be told but I'm still going to give EA money in some other way because they are the best bang for your buck game service on PC.
EA has had some flops and yes they want your money and will go as far as the market will allow in order to get your money...Surprise!?
But hey, keep hating EA for perceived transgressions while ignoring those of others. That myopic view can only lead to good things.
Yeah, I was first like WTF when Uplay wanted to install when I bought Far Cry 3, but then I was like ok, if it wants to install, then go ahead.. And after it installed I just played the game.
If I'd say something bad about EA, it's that about 3-4 years ago Origin wasn't that great, but that didn't make me to not play their games. Was Steam perfect way ago? Not. Is it still perfect? Not. Do people use it? Yes. It is (I mean Origin) just a damn platform, and with it, games work fine. Why anyone should have that "fk that because EA" attitude and not play good games?
Just my 2 cents here... I'll go play some damn PS1 games, no digital platforms there.. :D
The EA hate is strong in this thread. I mean, I'd take a dump on the front door of EA HQ too, but I've got to admit, I'm considering pocketing the game for a measly fiver...
Life is to precious to harbor hate, and we ALL know that is true. :toast:
BTW I got BF1+premium when it's on 50% sale and I'd say I have no regret. Anyway if you want to pass this game for whatever reason I won't stop you, but if you are on the fence and wonder if $5 worth it, I'd say you definitely won't disappoint. After all, I believe we all have wasted more than $5 on worse games than BF1 at some point in our life, right?
As for the rest of your comments, if you like EA feel free to buy from them. Hate is too strong a word. Dislike with a passion is a better way of putting it. Unwilling to tolerate shady, greedy crap is another.
EA knows the BF1 servers are packed with cheaters, they dropped the price so they can fill up the server with some new fresh meat to put in the cheaters cross hairs.
Cheating snipers with OP rifles just destroys the game for every one, will be the same in BF V.
Everybody says there is noting to be done about cheater using ESP radar "not aimbot" just to se all player anywhere.
THIS IS BULLSHIT, the cheat code must use the graphics card with an overlay to let the cheater see the extra graphics to spot all players.
Game manufacturers could work with nVidia and AMD to detect this with code in the graphic card and the cheat manufacturer could do noting to counter this.
Ask your self why they are not doing this, just because they calculated how many millions they are making of of cheater and don't want to lose that revenue stream.
But I still won't play it.