Friday, September 28th 2018

Intel Processor Supply Issues to Persist Till 2H-2019: Compal President
In a statement that could refute speculation that Intel processors are in short-supply because the company is allocating its fabs for 9th generation processor launch, Compal President Martin Wong stated that supply issues with Intel processors could go on till the second half of 2019 (at least 9 more months). The issues threaten to undermine worldwide notebook shipments, he added. Compal is a major Taiwan-based notebook ODM and whitebox electronics manufacturer that supplies to major notebook brands.
Wong is miffed that Intel hasn't provided any clear schedule for restoration of supply normalcy. Intel responded that it is "cooperating closely" with its partners to manage the extra orders, and that supply priority will be given to Xeon and Core processors, including Core brand extensions "U-series" (ultraportable) and "Y-series" (ultra low-power).
Wong is miffed that Intel hasn't provided any clear schedule for restoration of supply normalcy. Intel responded that it is "cooperating closely" with its partners to manage the extra orders, and that supply priority will be given to Xeon and Core processors, including Core brand extensions "U-series" (ultraportable) and "Y-series" (ultra low-power).
22 Comments on Intel Processor Supply Issues to Persist Till 2H-2019: Compal President
I wonder how much difficulties OEMs will have picking up AMD-parts instead.
Wow Intel, just wow … How on earth you fucked things up like that?
How stupid is it to even refuse telling how long the shortage will take?!
Is that another dumb attempt in outdoing competitors, like „If we won't tell them how long it takes until we can supply in any numbers again, they will clearly not go for AMD. So let's do 'dis!“, or what?!
Did karma actually bought a Itanium CPU back then? A Larrabee-card by any chance? Or some Optane SSDs? What a bitch!
Besides, there was no mention of AMD whatsoever.
A lot of things are moving towards ARM, we're even seeing ARM powered notebooks and apparently the stuff Qualcomm is about to launch is said to be competitive with Intel's Y-series of processors.
But please, go ahead and make angry fan boy/girl accusations based on nothing, it makes you look totally sane...
There ain't any greater profits they get now anymore, since they ain't able to ship such chips in volumes to earn given high-profit margins to shadily pay their OEMs to stay with them in the first place!
It's a catch-22, isn't it?
On one hand Intel have has always being the almighty giant, being able to outbuy every OEM and/or market due to their vastly high-profit margins and thus their sheer inexhaustible pockets. Now AMD cut their earnings big times by competing with a virtually identical product (performance-wise) while being sold by a way smaller price. AMD did so in an attempt to aggressively gain market-share quickly (which seems to work pretty decent though …). Stupidly enough and despite literally every analyst advised against it, Intel actually did try the dumbest thing they've could do in that situation, ever – and that's trying to compete with AMD upon price-level and -structure. So Intel. with their eyes wide open, plunge into disaster ever since.
It's a doom loop! Intel just can't afford to pay their OEMs to stay with them anymore, that's a huge bummer!
It's been only about +1 year since Ryzen – but for me that particular point in time will be the new calendar I'll always rely upon in any future when it comes to technology or computer electronics in general. That era when AMD literally not only catched up upon Intel and equalled literally 'ten years of processor-development with unlimited Intelian billions' but even outrun Intel – all that with just a fraction of Intel's budget …
All that with a single design, and the very first draft of it. At the very first stage of its development.
On a manufacturing process initially build and engineered only for mobile and ultra-portable SoCs.
This is not just a resounding slap - and that's no insult to Intel's shareholders anymore. That's called mockery.
Seems AMD never really was actually gone, they just took a serious run-up.
AnandTech • 8 Cores, 3 GHz, 16 nm FinFET – Zhaoxin Displays x86-Compatible KaiXian KX-6000
Tom'sHardware • Hygon Dhyana · China Finds Zen – Begins Production Of x86 Processors Based On AMD's IP
Well what about you design a 5W Y-series for AMD? What about you improve that shitload power consumption of Raven Ridge for AMD?
U/Y series priority , did you read the article?
In addition, what you need 5W chips for? 15W like Ryzen 3' U-chips are decent enough for portables. Anything below you should leave the market to ARM since a X86 can't be that energy-efficient to compete against such.
Anyway, AMD have had such chips ever since so I don't know what you're talking about. Though who knows if AMD won't bring such 5W APU s on 7nm in the near future?
I sure am glad I got my Intel processors when I did.
My next build was going to be AMD anyways so no worries here unless AMD process sky rocket.
When your competitor is floundering, dont let up the pressure, keep it up on every category possible. That is a lesson AMD has desperately needed to learn for years now.
So much for the rumors that the PC market is dying. Or is it? :D
Ryzen already runs just as cool as intel and is just a efficient at stock
And for mobile skus I believe AMD did a great job of how the options are available
You have
4 Cores
4 Cores/8 Threads
8 Cores/16 Threads
Honestly most consumers 4 cores would be plenty. Most would overlook 6 easily and those who could make use of it and want the power would go with the 8 Core option instead but in the mobile space the low power/low cost option sells more.
Options is the name of the game. You need to give the consumers lots of options, to create confusion and make him buy the most expensive variant.