Friday, October 5th 2018

Intel Manufacturing Facilities Run 365 Days a Year
Intel will join the National Association of Manufacturers on Friday, Oct. 5, 2018, to celebrate Manufacturing Day. The majority of Intel's advanced manufacturing and research and development is in the United States, creating high-precision, high-value, IP-driven products that enable industries and businesses to innovate around the world. Intel Corp.'s U.S. manufacturing and research and development facilities are in Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico. They operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
32 Comments on Intel Manufacturing Facilities Run 365 Days a Year
I'm not really concerned about design per se though. Like I said in that SM thread - they're designed in the USA too. Didn't stop their products from having digital Gonorrhea.
I feels bad for the workers in factory already, imagine your phone rings while you sleeping.
They are being designed and researched in a huge facility in the north, and manufactured in the south, as well as the American fabs.
Currently under expansion is the south factory to include 10nm production alongside 14-22nm. Almost all 14nm products currently come from the American fabs.
That's it, some insight :)
Your are working at your full capacity and your are not responsible of prices increases?
Then again, maybe the US deserves it. Leaders here think in terms of "5 year plans", while China looks a hundred years in the future.
What's the point of telling us this? Does Intel want a cookie or something
I feel absolutely ZERO apathy for intel, they wanna be the top dog in the chip biz, so they gotta do what they gotta do to make it happen.......
As in " if'n ya wanna play, ya gotsta pay" :D
when PIC is not on his shift, his colleague will call him to fix some issues.
I am not talking Intel as company, but its employees.