Wednesday, November 14th 2018

Battlefield V with RTX Initial Tests: Performance Halved

Having survived an excruciatingly slow patch update, we are testing "Battlefield V" with DirectX Ray-tracing and NVIDIA RTX enabled, across the GeForce RTX 2070, RTX 2080, and RTX 2080 Ti, augmenting the RTX-on test data to our Battlefield V Performance Analysis article. We began testing with a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphics card with GeForce 416.94 WHQL drivers on Windows 10 1809. Our initial test results are shocking. With RTX enabled in the "ultra" setting, frame-rates dropped by close to 50% at 1080p.

These may look horrifying, given that at its highest setting, even an RTX 2080 Ti isn't able to manage 1080p 120 Hz. But all is not lost. DICE added granularity to RTX. You can toggle between off, low, medium, high, and ultra as "degrees" of RTX level of detail, under the "DXR ray-traced reflections quality" setting. We are currently working on 27 new data-points (each of the RTX 20-series graphics cards, at each level of RTX, and at each of the three resolutions we tested at).

Update: Our full performance analysis article is live now, including results for RTX 2070, 2080, 2080 Ti, each at RTX off/low/medium/high/ultra.
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180 Comments on Battlefield V with RTX Initial Tests: Performance Halved

I wont knock Nvidia for some brand new tech being not perfect. There's a lot to hate about Nvidia but new tech is not one of them. Push the envelope Nvidia, never stop.

Please lower your prices............ we all can't afford 1k GPUs.

and all the other BS you do........
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
Added a teaser for our data. We're writing a new review-article on RTX performance impact. Nightmare.
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stimpy88I love to say it... I told you so!

nGreedia... The way you're meant to be played! Fools.

Hope you 2080Ti owners enjoy the 1080p 30 to 60FPS gaming on your shiny 4K 144Hz monitors! And what about the experts here saying what value for money the 2070 is? Yeah, real value, right there!

Can't wait to hear how wrong I am! nGreedia will be sending the software update out to the green NPC army right about now, so that should make this fun.
No one is denying RTX is bad but what does AMD have? A 2080ti owner switches off this RTX crap and suddenly it’s back up to 144fps+ @ 1440p or 60-100fps @ 4K on ultra. AMD can’t get anywhere near that right now, which is where the real problem lies. Because if AMD could match that performance then nGreedia would have to lower their prices to something more reasonable.
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How do I enable RTX as I have the latest Nvidia Drivers, Windows Update, and Battlefield V Update. Running 2 2080s in with NVLINK. I Have restarted several times and do not see the options like your screenshots.
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rgravineHow do I enable RTX as I have the latest Nvidia Drivers, Windows Update, and Battlefield V Update. Running 2 2080s in with NVLINK. I Have restarted several times and do not see the options like your screenshots.
Try disabling SLI. I have a feeling RTX is not working with SLI. Specially since DX12 never worked with SLI and DX12 is a requirement for RTX.

Dice will have to add support for DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU..
Posted on Reply
L33tTry disabling SLI. I have a feeling RTX is not working with SLI. Specially since DX12 never worked with SLI in this game, and is a requirement for RTX.

Dice will have to add support for DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU..
I have disabled it and still no DXR is BFV options. Im sure Im missing something somewhere.
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PerfectWavethe most failure in recent years LUL!
Lol dude you sound like Ralph Wiggum.

I think you meant 'The biggest failure in most recent years.'
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[XC] Oj101
The negativity surrounding RTX is unbelievable. Technologically, this is probably the biggest step up we’ve had in the history of the GeForce cards.

When the Voodoo was released was there widespread support for Glide? No. When the GeForce 256 was released was there widespread support for hardware T&L? No. When the GeForce 3 came out was there widespread support for programmable shaders? No. Why do you expect any different from this?

So far we do not have any games using an engine built from the ground up for ray tracing support. Ray tracing has been patched onto rasterization engines which were never designed for ray tracing.

Software needs to catch up to the hardware. Look at any launch title on console and compare the graphics to something a few years down the line. The hardware didn’t change, but the software caught up.

A friend of mine gave me a brilliant analogy last night. When a baby takes its first steps do the parents say “oh that’s crap, he’s so slow and unstable” or are the blown away that their little one is making such good progress?

The same will be true of ray tracing. For the first time we are looking at image generation in game differently and progress can only go one way. Wait until we have engines written with ray tracing in mind from the get go.

If you wanted all-wheel ABS in 1978, Mercedes offered it for around $ 32,000 BACK THEN. That was your only option. Now it’s found on almost every entry level car regardless of price. Give ray tracing a bit of time to mature. There will never be a “right time” for the initial release as without the initial release there will be no further progress.

Appreciate the technology for what it is and the revolutionary (as opposed to evolutionary) change it can bring.

So what if the RTX 2080 Ti gets 400 FPS instead of 180 FPS using traditional render methods? Both are beyond the level of perception of the human eye so it becomes an arbitrary figure. What we need is a way to drastically increase image quality without the performance hit we would have had prior to the RTX cards, which is now a reality. Don’t base the small increase in quality on a badly patched rasterization engine.

We now have the computational power that until not very long ago required a render farm packaged into a single GPU with a price tag that high end enthusiasts can afford. Show me one other graphics card that offers that?
Posted on Reply
rgravineI have disabled it and still no DXR is BFV options. Im sure Im missing something somewhere.
Are you running BF5 with DX12?
Posted on Reply
londisteAre you running BF5 with DX12?
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@btarunr An important question here: what are core clocks like while having RTX enabled? Given that the cards all max out their power budgets running standard rendering loads, I'm very interested in seeing just how power hungry the RT cores are and how much of the performance drop is due to this. If the RT cores pull 100W, it's no wonder that the performance drops dramatically ...
Posted on Reply
Based on the test reluts for 1080P Ultra in BF5, RTX reduces the FPS to the 40% of the non-RTX performance. We are talking about a 60% reduction there. And until it gets stable and playable we will probably need many patches of the game and updates of the nVidia drivers.
Posted on Reply
HD64GBased on the test reluts for 1080P Ultra in BF5, RTX reduces the FPS to the 40% of the non-RTX performance. We are talking about a 60% reduction there. And until it gets stable and playable we will probably need many patches of the game and updates of the nVidia drivers.
Why am I not able to see the DXR and RTX options in Battlefield? I have all the latests updates and 2 2080s
Posted on Reply
rgravineWhy am I not able to see the DXR and RTX options in Battlefield? I have all the latests updates and 2 2080s
Rather than hijacking this topic? would it not be better to create your own to get specific support?
Posted on Reply
rgravineWhy am I not able to see the DXR and RTX options in Battlefield? I have all the latests updates and 2 2080s
I would verify the game files just to be sure.
Posted on Reply
HellfireRather than hijacking this topic? would it not be better to create your own to get specific support?
This is related to RTX is it not?
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
[XC] Oj101The negativity surrounding RTX is unbelievable. Technologically, this is probably the biggest step up we’ve had in the history of the GeForce cards.

When the Voodoo was released was there widespread support for Glide? No. When the GeForce 256 was released was there widespread support for hardware T&L? No. When the GeForce 3 came out was there widespread support for programmable shaders? No. Why do you expect any different from this?

So far we do not have any games using an engine built from the ground up for ray tracing support. Ray tracing has been patched onto rasterization engines which were never designed for ray tracing.

Software needs to catch up to the hardware. Look at any launch title on console and compare the graphics to something a few years down the line. The hardware didn’t change, but the software caught up.

A friend of mine gave me a brilliant analogy last night. When a baby takes its first steps do the parents say “oh that’s crap, he’s so slow and unstable” or are the blown away that their little one is making such good progress?

The same will be true of ray tracing. For the first time we are looking at image generation in game differently and progress can only go one way. Wait until we have engines written with ray tracing in mind from the get go.

If you wanted all-wheel ABS in 1978, Mercedes offered it for around $ 32,000 BACK THEN. That was your only option. Now it’s found on almost every entry level car regardless of price. Give ray tracing a bit of time to mature. There will never be a “right time” for the initial release as without the initial release there will be no further progress.

Appreciate the technology for what it is and the revolutionary (as opposed to evolutionary) change it can bring.

So what if the RTX 2080 Ti gets 400 FPS instead of 180 FPS using traditional render methods? Both are beyond the level of perception of the human eye so it becomes an arbitrary figure. What we need is a way to drastically increase image quality without the performance hit we would have had prior to the RTX cards, which is now a reality. Don’t base the small increase in quality on a badly patched rasterization engine.

We now have the computational power that until not very long ago required a render farm packaged into a single GPU with a price tag that high end enthusiasts can afford. Show me one other graphics card that offers that?
While I agree with your “evolution” this is not a software thing but a Hardware thing. RTRT until now In the professional setting is done by render farms because of the sheer complexity. This is the first time it’s in the consumer space and it’s the bare minimum of RT coupled with the same bare minimum hardware to get it done. While the technique can be refined it still needs the hardware to leverage it. We can clearly see that we are not there yet. I would expect it to take a generation of hardware at least before it becomes viable for the masses.
Posted on Reply
rgravineThis is related to RTX is it not?
But it's a discussion topic, in the news section, Support section is That way.... ---->
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[XC] Oj101Technologically, this is probably the biggest step up we’ve had in the history of the GeForce cards.
Unplayable stuttering and 50% FPS drop on a $1200 card. Truly a technological marvel.
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oh my oh my..
oh look, it turns out to be very optimized for nvidia rtx lol

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~Technological Technocrat~
trog100this will put a few smiles on the faces of those who opted for a new 1080ti or those who already own one.. he he

you mean its time to void your 2080ti purchase by switching back to your 1080Ti or switching RTX off?? :p
Posted on Reply
[XC] Oj101The negativity surrounding RTX is unbelievable. Technologically, this is probably the biggest step up we’ve had in the history of the GeForce cards.

When the Voodoo was released was there widespread support for Glide? No. When the GeForce 256 was released was there widespread support for hardware T&L? No. When the GeForce 3 came out was there widespread support for programmable shaders? No. Why do you expect any different from this?

So far we do not have any games using an engine built from the ground up for ray tracing support. Ray tracing has been patched onto rasterization engines which were never designed for ray tracing.

Software needs to catch up to the hardware. Look at any launch title on console and compare the graphics to something a few years down the line. The hardware didn’t change, but the software caught up.

A friend of mine gave me a brilliant analogy last night. When a baby takes its first steps do the parents say “oh that’s crap, he’s so slow and unstable” or are the blown away that their little one is making such good progress?

The same will be true of ray tracing. For the first time we are looking at image generation in game differently and progress can only go one way. Wait until we have engines written with ray tracing in mind from the get go.

If you wanted all-wheel ABS in 1978, Mercedes offered it for around $ 32,000 BACK THEN. That was your only option. Now it’s found on almost every entry level car regardless of price. Give ray tracing a bit of time to mature. There will never be a “right time” for the initial release as without the initial release there will be no further progress.

Appreciate the technology for what it is and the revolutionary (as opposed to evolutionary) change it can bring.

So what if the RTX 2080 Ti gets 400 FPS instead of 180 FPS using traditional render methods? Both are beyond the level of perception of the human eye so it becomes an arbitrary figure. What we need is a way to drastically increase image quality without the performance hit we would have had prior to the RTX cards, which is now a reality. Don’t base the small increase in quality on a badly patched rasterization engine.

We now have the computational power that until not very long ago required a render farm packaged into a single GPU with a price tag that high end enthusiasts can afford. Show me one other graphics card that offers that?
So much F*** damage control in one post it is unbelievable. Dude give it a rest , ray tracing is shat in bf5 and Turing is nothing more than a half baked beta testing arch with ONE ELEMENT ray tracing.. Calling Turing a revolution is an insult to the entire PC gaming and tech spectrum..
Posted on Reply
btarunrAdded a teaser for our data. We're writing a new review-article on RTX performance impact. Nightmare.
Could the RT cores be memory limited? They seem to be from 1080p teaser image..
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What did the Tom's Hardware editor say again?

'Just buy one, why wait to experience ray tracing when you can have it now before all your friends'. Presumably he was talking about barely noticeable ray tracing 1080p gaming at 30 fps....
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