Wednesday, November 14th 2018

Battlefield V with RTX Initial Tests: Performance Halved

Having survived an excruciatingly slow patch update, we are testing "Battlefield V" with DirectX Ray-tracing and NVIDIA RTX enabled, across the GeForce RTX 2070, RTX 2080, and RTX 2080 Ti, augmenting the RTX-on test data to our Battlefield V Performance Analysis article. We began testing with a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphics card with GeForce 416.94 WHQL drivers on Windows 10 1809. Our initial test results are shocking. With RTX enabled in the "ultra" setting, frame-rates dropped by close to 50% at 1080p.

These may look horrifying, given that at its highest setting, even an RTX 2080 Ti isn't able to manage 1080p 120 Hz. But all is not lost. DICE added granularity to RTX. You can toggle between off, low, medium, high, and ultra as "degrees" of RTX level of detail, under the "DXR ray-traced reflections quality" setting. We are currently working on 27 new data-points (each of the RTX 20-series graphics cards, at each level of RTX, and at each of the three resolutions we tested at).

Update: Our full performance analysis article is live now, including results for RTX 2070, 2080, 2080 Ti, each at RTX off/low/medium/high/ultra.
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180 Comments on Battlefield V with RTX Initial Tests: Performance Halved

Vanguard Beta Tester
PhysX 2.0...
Posted on Reply
INSTG8RPhysX 2.0...
Actually I'm more inclined to say this is Hairworks 2.0. Barely visible improvements at major performance hit, but don't worry, you can make it super low quality to have decent performance. PhysX on GPU has almost always been pretty flawless and barely or didn't impact FPS at all.
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Vanguard Beta Tester

Actually I'm more inclined to say this is Hairworks 2.0. Barely visible improvements at major performance hit, but don't worry, you can make it super low quality to have decent performance. PhysX on GPU has almost always been pretty flawless and barely or didn't impact FPS at all.
Eventually. 2nd generations is where it became viable it will be the same case here. Out of the gate it killed everything.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86PhysX on GPU has almost always been pretty flawless and barely or didn't impact FPS at all.

Omg the initial PhysX launch and performance issues was very noticeable....
Posted on Reply
Our initial test results are shocking. With RTX enabled in the "ultra" setting, frame-rates dropped by close to 50% at 1080p.
These may look horrifying, given that at its highest setting, even an RTX 2080 Ti isn't able to manage 1080p 120 Hz.
So you mean it does 80+FPS at 1080p with DXR at highest possible setting?
Assuming the same (less than) 50% hit, it'll do 60+FPS at 1440p, and 40+FPS at UHD 4K.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Update: we are experiencing a lot of system instability, including CTDs, screen blackouts (requiring reboots), etc. None of our cards are overclocked beyond whatever factory OC.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
Vayra86I guess I clearly missed out on that :D
Well if you remember people used to buy low end cards and used them just for dedicated PhysX
Posted on Reply
b..b-b-bu..but.. but.. muh gigareeeeeeeeeyzzz!!! cool rays bro..

on a serious note, this real-time raytracing shenanigans is pretty much DOA right from the start. ever wonder why no gaming performance was included on the rtx card announcement? now you know..
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
btarunrUpdate: we are experiencing a lot of system instability, including CTDs, screen blackouts (requiring reboots), etc. None of our cards are overclocked beyond whatever factory OC.
Well that doesn’t bode well as a product showcase.
Posted on Reply
INSTG8RWell if you remember people used to buy low end cards and used them just for dedicated PhysX
Yes but I recalled that as something mostly AMD users did. Not sure why. Anyway... :D
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Vayra86Apparently not just TPU is having issues.
All my contacts who are awake and testing report tremendous instability. It's almost unplayable and stutters terribly. At some point you're no longer playing a game but watching a Powerpoint presentation.
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But yeah, Seriously, doesn't bode well,
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Well, not far from 120Hz ain't bad, although I'd expect to have resolution higher than 1080p having paid $1.3k+ for a GPU.
Vayra86PhysX on GPU has almost always been pretty flawless
In a green galaxy far far away.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
INSTG8RWell that doesn’t bode well as a product showcase.
Well EA aren't really known for bug free day 0 releases.. Maybe they used to some 10-15 years ago but not now.... Having an attack boat spawn inland on the Shanghai BF3 map still gives me PTSD And oohhhh the glitches...

Dont worry... We only need to wait another 8 months or so for Battle Royale mode to calm the pitchfork wielding crowds. BR will make everyone forget about RTX not working in no time
Posted on Reply
I love to say it... I told you so!

nGreedia... The way you're meant to be played! Fools.

Hope you 2080Ti owners enjoy the 1080p 30 to 60FPS gaming on your shiny 4K 144Hz monitors! And what about the experts here saying what value for money the 2070 is? Yeah, real value, right there! An 2070 at 15-35FPS 1080p sounds great for a $600+ “value”.

Can't wait to hear how wrong I am! nGreedia will be sending the software update out to the green NPC army right about now, so that should make this fun.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Vayra86Yes but I recalled that as something mostly AMD users did. Not sure why. Anyway... :D
Nah Man we couldn’t even do that. I mean seeing as NV is still using the same ancient CP you can still select what runs PhysX even now
Posted on Reply
With physx you cut at least have a second slower dedikated card for physx so that the performance dit not drop.

Wunder if that will become a thing with ray-tracing as it gets implemented over time. So far i am glad that i dit not wait for rtx card. Im happy with my gtx 1080 ti.
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not a surprise considering this is partially on EA's fault for setting the RT bar too high... on top of being an early public release.
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If its DXR, is it not the DirectX 12 implementation, and therefore would be platform agnostic? Are there drivers that are pushing nVidia's RTX Cores to utilize this? I mean, we know AMD can do this, hence Radeon Rays, but DXR is not RTX. I'm sure RTX can do DXR, but if performance is halved, does that mean its not using the actual hardware for it? Like how nVidia had to emulate Asynchronous Compute Shaders? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't design any of this, so its just my understanding, and if anyone has any more information I'd be happy to add it to the pile.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
Tsukiyomi91not a surprise considering this is partially on EA's fault for setting the RT bar too high... on top of being an early public release.
Yeah I mean EVERYBODY is an early adopter at this point including DICE.
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1300 € card to play games in 5-->50fps @ 1080p... Awesome fking job nGreedia. :toast:
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Please check if Explicit Multi-GPU is supported and if so.. Will RTX work?

BF1 had Explicit Multi-GPU added in the CTE update, and it worked better than SLI/DX11.
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this will put a few smiles on the faces of those who opted for a new 1080ti or those who already own one.. he he

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