Thursday, November 29th 2018

UL Benchmarks Unveils 3DMark "Port Royal" Ray-tracing Benchmark

Port Royal is the name of the latest component of UL Benchmarks 3DMark. Designed to take advantage of the DirectX Raytracing (DXR) API, this benchmark features an extreme poly-count test-scene with real-time ray-traced elements. Screengrabs of the benchmark depict spacecraft entering and leaving mirrored spheres suspended within a planet's atmosphere, which appear to be docks. It's also a shout out to of a number of space-sims such as "Star Citizen," which could up their production in the future by introducing ray-tracing. The benchmark will debut at the GALAX GOC Grand Final on December 8, where the first public run will be powered by a GALAX GeForce RTX 2080 Ti HOF graphics card. It will start selling in January 2019.
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44 Comments on UL Benchmarks Unveils 3DMark "Port Royal" Ray-tracing Benchmark

I get what you're saying, every one of them has a few with the built-in light show, it happens.
It's just with the 2080 line it's more than the usual you'd expect.

Enough so they had to revise how it was made right down to different colored boxes so folks would know which ones were revised and what wasn't a revised version.
That's just fact not fiction unless someone is pulling our legs over it.

Maybe they've got it figured and we won't see this happen..... Then again you never know.
All I can say from here on is let's watch and see. :D
Posted on Reply
This is kind of what I am saying....

Nobody has any idea of the failure rates. What we have seen it mentioned by those down this rabbit hole (GNexuss) are that failure rates aren't higher than usual.

Also, try googling any GPU and fire and you will get a hit. I wasn't joking.

We really have no idea yet these statements I see repeatedly over the net like 'its more than usual'... or attributing the RAM swap as confirmation to the problem. We do not know. We can make a logical leap, I get that, but, nothing was proven on the % failure rate (everyone SAYS and THINKS its high and starts going off) or that the vRAM brand has anything to do with it. and see is right.
Posted on Reply
EarthDogHGH baby... studies prove!
Yeah! Ask Payton Manning about that!

Oh, wrong thread...sorry.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
EarthDogAlso, try googling any GPU and fire and you will get a hit.
That means nothing really. There has been a disproportional amount of complaints compared to other releases. That can't be denied and there must be a reason somewhere for that. If by this point you people still think that what we are seeing are just countless fake accounts all over the internet writing bollocks about their cards dying then I don't know what to say. RX 480s setting motherboards on fire because of one obscure complaint ? That was an example of fake news that haven't been proven not this.

Anyway why is this a subject here ?
Posted on Reply
sixorwow look at that bloom, it is 2006 again

what exactly are they going to bench? 2080 vx 2070?

i sort of hate 3dmark, they dont even have the installer on their website, their demos are so boring and mocap is bad when there are humans.

at least the old ati x800 x850 1950 xt2000 demos were nice, i still watch them and enjoy it
I agree... It used to be a huge event when a new 3DMark came out, and you could clearly see the progression of PC graphics from one version to the next, but after 3DMark 05, the whole demo/benchmark scene just died, and the quality hit the floor, with little to no increase in graphical fidelity or effects. Even the ATi and nGreedia demos stopped not long after.

The same thing happened with the hardware itself around the same time. There were clear changes, not just speed increases, made from one generation to another, actual new features like new AA modes, better filtering techniques etc, and that stopped too, around the same time. All we get now are minor Direct-X spec bumps, which are still not being used today, even in hardware if your nGreedia.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusThat means nothing really. There has been a disproportional amount of complaints compared to other releases. That can't be denied and there must be a reason somewhere for that. If by this point you people still think that what we are seeing are just countless fake accounts all over the internet writing bollocks about their cards dying then I don't know what to say. RX 480s setting motherboards on fire because of one obscure complaint ? That was an example of fake news that haven't been proven not this.

Anyway why is this a subject here ?
Vya DomusThat means nothing really.
Sure it does... it supports exactly what I said. Just because a card or two catch on fire doesnt mean it's a systemic issue. Again you are going to run into any number of catastrophic failures in 10s of thousands of units.

Nobody said they were fake. Just that there isnt a 'disporportinate' amount of failures. GN stated AIBs (which most cards use reference bits), have an extremely low failure rate. FEs were normal (according to GN).


/ offtopic donezo... :)
Posted on Reply
efikkanI wonder what will happen first; the first game where raytracing is useful or the first proper Direct3D 12 game without a Direct3D 11 abstraction layer?:rolleyes:
Not even the emulator coders want to use D3D12 it over Vulkan.

I don't hate having a good ray tracing benchmark, but a "CPU accelerated" option could be nice, to have a reference.
I hope they implement Vulkan RT too.
Posted on Reply
EarthDogLol, 'you people'....
I understand why an RTX milked owner is so annoyed.
Posted on Reply
B-RealI understand why an RTX milked owner is so annoyed.
Not a penny came out of my pocket for the 2070, 2080, or 2080 Ti FEs which currently reside in the stable.

Good thinking though!! :toast:
EarthDog/ offtopic donezo... :)
Posted on Reply
What does "unveil" actually mean in this context? I mean, they showed a couple of still photos. It won't be available for more than a month. Is this a paper launch of a useless software?
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intelzenthat is good news to RTX 20xx early adopters - at least they have something to RUN:D
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MelvisThe least run benchmark in history I recon this will be
I don't see why. Myself and a few people I know already have a RTX20xx series card.
Posted on Reply
GasarakiI don't see why. Myself and a few people I know already have a RTX20xx series card.
"Few people" Well if you new how to add up you'd find that all cards can basically run non rtx benchmarks, which is why it's going to be the least run benchmark yet.
Posted on Edit | Reply
"HGH!" - because you lack the capability to propose a point that makes sense.
You've got the GPU for free - congrats, but that doesn't mean you have the right to ass around and shill the product, you didn't purchase it out of your own money therefore you will not see how poor value for money the GPU is - it's obviously not designed to be the best value GPU anyway but it's one of the worst nvidia launches yet.
Posted on Edit | Reply
A shill? Naaa. Just a realist who isn't caught up in all the unsubstantiated noise :). Nobody said they were a good value, they weren't at launch (if you look at Pascal prices now and compare though, you'll find it to be A LOT better than a couple months back!!).

Have you ever played the game Lemmings? At times in forums I feel like I am watching that game live...hehe!
Posted on Reply
EarthDogA shill? Naaa. Just a realist who isn't caught up in all the unsubstantiated noise :). Nobody said they were a good value, they weren't at launch (if you look at Pascal prices now and compare though, you'll find it to be A LOT better than a couple months back!!).

Have you ever played the game Lemmings? At times in forums I feel like I am watching that game live...hehe!
No I haven't played Lemmings, It's pretty clear 2080 ti owners are upgrading from their old cards or are the type of people to upgrade every generation, in either case it's the best available you can possibly get on a single GPU - You can't change the fact everytime nvidia pushes up the price people will get annoyed here, I paid £765 for my new 1080 ti ftw3 during the mining nonsense, it's definitely worth going high end so if you have the cash to blow there's not really a reason not to go for it.
Posted on Edit | Reply
Maybe a 3rd time would help... :)

I'm not bothered by people's annoyance at the price of the cards. I agree with that sentiment. Its torch and pitchfork attitude over the other BS that gets utterly annoying at forums. You just see people filing in line not really having a clue on the truth. It is an Intel/AMD/NVIDIA agnostic thing. Just that the lines are longer at some forums than others. Here, it feels like I need to take a number. LOLOL!

Posted on Reply
EarthDogMaybe a 3rd time would help... :)

I'm not bothered by people's annoyance at the price of the cards. I agree with that sentiment. Its torch and pitchfork attitude over the other BS that gets utterly annoying at forums. You just see people filing in line not really having a clue on the truth. It is an Intel/AMD/NVIDIA agnostic thing. Just that the lines are longer at some forums than others. Here, it feels like I need to take a number. LOLOL!

So you're getting your torch and pitchfork out across an entire forum topic page repeating yourself about that. And not just here but everywhere you go on TPU, the past few days.

Irony? Yep

Content? Nope.
'HGH'... Speaking of utterly annoying, guess what, its you right now. But its fine, there aren't any repercussions here, right :)
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