Thursday, February 14th 2019

Metro Exodus Now Available For Preload On Steam
For those who got lucky enough to pre-order Metro Exodus on Steam before its defection to the Epic Games store are now able to pre-load the title in preparation for its launch. It will require 51 GB of storage space, so if your connection is a bit slower, you'll be waiting a while for it to download, which means the Steam pre-load period quite beneficial. For those that bought the title elsewhere and have to go through the Epic Game store, you will have to wait for the official launch since the platform does not currently support preloading of soon to be released games. This will likely make those with slower connections a bit irked since it means they will be waiting even longer to play the title come release day.
The fact Metro Exodus was pulled from Steam but can still be preloaded on the platform, while the Epic Game store will force users to wait will likely just add to the drama and controversy. However, if you step away for a moment and focus on the game itself one thing remains breathtakingly clear, the game is quite astonishing in regards to the graphics, even with RTX disabled. You can take a closer look for yourself in our performance analysis of Metro Exodus.
The fact Metro Exodus was pulled from Steam but can still be preloaded on the platform, while the Epic Game store will force users to wait will likely just add to the drama and controversy. However, if you step away for a moment and focus on the game itself one thing remains breathtakingly clear, the game is quite astonishing in regards to the graphics, even with RTX disabled. You can take a closer look for yourself in our performance analysis of Metro Exodus.
21 Comments on Metro Exodus Now Available For Preload On Steam
And its not like its a steam only feature cause i also today activated Far Cry New Dawn on Uplay and there i cut fine preload the game. Its just epic launcher crappy service it seems. No wunder people is angry about moving Metro over to Epic launcher:banghead:. Its not a possitive start for me with epic launcher, since its the first time im using it and i can tell al ready now, i am not gonna buy more games to epic launcher, when you cant even preload the game:shadedshu:
it will be loaded early in the morning. the communication system fails, because I only found it on twitter, but blablabla...
Well since steam, uplay and such platform can do it and epic cant. That is pretty bad in my opinion and wait til the morning no thanks. It past midnight at my place and by that 15 februar and lauch day. This is the first and last game i ever get for the epic launcher. Next time some one pulls this stunt by remove from steam and go to epic launcher. I will boy cut them instantly.
enough rant, I will go to my backup plan and play some far cry then. They can get I right and lock the game up past midt night on uplay.
Gonna get it in a year, because let's be honest, it's gonna be under some 50% discount in Steam upon return.
And it's PC game, you can get it 50% off right now, what is the point of waiting the whole year ... ?
I'm gaming on PC only and there were no titles able to make me buy a console. My bad? Probalby, but that's my principle and I keep myself to it. If you are gaming you will know what sacrifice that means. Mine is bigger, because I mostly play stury-driven games which of the best are mostly PS-exclussive. Metro:Exodus is a story-driven single-player game. As such, content and gameplay is independent from the size of actual playerbase, so what is the point to get it right now? You reminding me to those who kept "mocking" me for playing the PC-version of GTA5 while they already finished it more than a year ago. So what? Story got rot? Something got cut out? No! They had absolutlely no advantage and I had abolutely no disadvantage by playing it when I did.
If he is willing to wait a year, he/she will loose nothing because of it. On the contrary! After a year there is a fat chance most of the initial bugs/problems will be patched/solved.
and you searched for new reasons, i just finished the prologue, the game is fine. sure you can play it when ever you want, i just finished Binary domain a game from 2012 few days ago, i didn't know about that game, the game sold bad, we won't see Binary domain 2. whose fault ? mine, and i can understand devs/publishers what is the point wasting xx Millions that could sale bad and kill the publisher or studio, when you make a on-line(BEST DRM EVER) only game for 2 bucks with 1 game mode and 2 maps and sell 50m copies in under 2 years, not include microtransaction.
But I guess if we can't complain about launch issues and bugs, gotta complain about stores and launchers :D Or texture quality. I like that one too. Let's just get real, if you're not buying it now, you're not, that's fine, your loss, have a nice day. I'm just waiting because I've got other things to play, no real need to dive into anything right at launch, and price of keys will come down 1-2 weeks from now. People need to chill.
The graphics are amazing. I am the kind of guy that plays games for their graphics, but for metro exodus this is not the entire case. I love the atmosphere and the stealthy approach.
I don't know what to say about the fact that they didn't add a proper peek around the corner or over the cover, system. Maybe it's better this way. People will start abusing that instead of finding different ways of approaching the challenge.
Overall I can see myself finish this game, and I would also recommend it to anyone who doesn't like the "rambo" style fps out there.
Yea, I can feel that. It's always a key moment to deliver the product to those who might be interested. It's not necessary just your fault. Remember what had you played back in 2012 and ask yourself would you rather play BD instead of those? If not, then BD failed to compete with the concurrent games. Capitalism at it's best.
Go and take a look on Psychonauts. Got almost every awards for everything, haven't sold at the stores. As a game it was a piece of art. As a product it was a failure.