Thursday, February 28th 2019
AMD Showcases FreeSync 2 HDR Technology With Oasis Demo
AMD is looking to further push the adoption of FreeSync with the release of FreeSync 2 HDR Technology. The primary goal of the new standard is to take what FreeSync already offered including wide variable refresh rates and low framerate compensation and to pair that with HDR for a truly immersive experience. To show off what FreeSync 2 can do while also pushing for broader adoption has resulted in AMD creating their new Oasis Demo. Following the familiar principle that seeing is believing, AMD will be looking to compare their FreeSync 2 monitors against their non-HDR counterparts with this new demo at retail locations. This will allow consumers to see the difference for themselves in a way static images and youtube videos cannot convey. The Demo itself has been built using Unreal Engine 4 and has full support for HDR10 and FreeSync 2 HDR transport protocols. When it comes to settings the demo packs numerous options including FPS limits with various presets or custom options, vertical sync on/off, FreeSync on/off, Content modes, etc. You can view AMD's overview of the Demo in the video below.
29 Comments on AMD Showcases FreeSync 2 HDR Technology With Oasis Demo
Model ABC 27QFS ($450) - comes with FreeSync
Model ABC 27QFSP ($575) - comes with FreeSyncPlus
Could even offer update kits like nVidia did w/ the Asus VG248QE
The issue (for some) is when using faster and fastest settings here - The brightness goes way down, just like ULMB and WITHOUT faster or fastest enabled, the smearing and blur will be MUCH WORSE.
Comparison (from TFT Central)
Low Input Lag Mode OFF vs ON
Total Display Lag (SMTT 2) 25.10 vs 7.00
Estimated Signal Processing Lag 18.60 vs 0.50
Input lag can be just fine on VA monitors! Response time is the main issues for fast paced games.
Now that we went over input lag, the issue that you are experiencing not to resolve itself is 'clouding' - reverse tracing in non-VA terms. Best practices are 100Hz - MBR. However, Samsung has removed the feature activation, it being activated by default at higher pixel voltage settings. It is a simple OSD issue if they would only enable installing the launch OSD driver for CFG70 Series. So, the settings are just listed their utmost counterproductively; pixel blurry and pixel cloudy options are all there is. You could try the middle, though, and try 100Hz hoping for the best.
You'd be surprised how many people are sitting in front of a badly calibrated monitor. One part of that is brightness, most monitors have an ideal brightness in the lower regions of the settings bar, yet most monitors are set for brightness > 50. Contrast is another such thing, the amount of people that crush whites and blacks and have no clue is staggering.
Color accuracy on TVs is only a recent thing. Most TVs used to oversaturate and panels contained major deltaE errors when you use the regular settings menu. For monitors, color accuracy became a thing with the introduction of mainstream IPS, simply because its almost always accurate and people noticed, as they came from a crappy TN.
With the HDR spec, VESA effectively legitimized poor display technologies supported by a brighter backlight. Its nothing other than that. Luckily you also see progress on the panel tech side of things, (Quantum Dot, OLED, improved VA) because people aren't stupid these days, there is a real demand for quality displays and we are aware of LCD shortcomings. VA's smearing does little for competitiveness, the rest of the panel's color range is nice and fast, often even faster than IPS. With strobing, its very easy to get used to. But this is a personal thing, and a trade off as always; against IPS glow and low static contrast, or against TN's viewing angles.
However I am adamant VA needs a strobing backlight. The motion clarity takes a tremendous leap forward, its hard to beat.