Monday, April 22nd 2019

ASUS, GIGABYTE, MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Graphics Cards in Pictures
As NVIDIA's AIB partners gear-up for launch of the $149 GTX 1650, more and more of their custom designs are popping up and about for interested buyers to start taking their picks. Remember that the GTX 1650 launch will be entirely partner-driven, with no reference design or NVIDIA-sold version of the graphics card.
GIGABYTE has seen the lid come off on no less than four graphics cards: three dual-fan configurations in the form of the GAMING OC (with LED lighting and the longest of the cards at 265 mm), WINDFORCE OC (sans RGB lighting and smaller at 229 mm), and the 1650 OC (1680 MHz Boost). An interesting proposition will be GIGABYTE's MINI ITX OC, which shrinks down dimensions considerably to just 152 mm length (sacrificing one of the two fans in the process).MSI has seen its usual cadre of graphics cards, with the Gaming X OC and VENTUS XS OC and another ITX solution in the form of the GTX 1650 AERO ITX, which sports a DVI connector.ASUS is represented by its ROG Strix OC (with LED lighting) and the GTX 1650 4GB DUAL, which employs the same dual-fan solution as found in the ROG Strix, albeit without the frill of LED. Another ASUS option, apparently, will take a single-fan route as well, though its dimensions aren't quite as constrained as the other smaller form factor graphics cards we've seen from the other manufacturers.
GIGABYTE has seen the lid come off on no less than four graphics cards: three dual-fan configurations in the form of the GAMING OC (with LED lighting and the longest of the cards at 265 mm), WINDFORCE OC (sans RGB lighting and smaller at 229 mm), and the 1650 OC (1680 MHz Boost). An interesting proposition will be GIGABYTE's MINI ITX OC, which shrinks down dimensions considerably to just 152 mm length (sacrificing one of the two fans in the process).MSI has seen its usual cadre of graphics cards, with the Gaming X OC and VENTUS XS OC and another ITX solution in the form of the GTX 1650 AERO ITX, which sports a DVI connector.ASUS is represented by its ROG Strix OC (with LED lighting) and the GTX 1650 4GB DUAL, which employs the same dual-fan solution as found in the ROG Strix, albeit without the frill of LED. Another ASUS option, apparently, will take a single-fan route as well, though its dimensions aren't quite as constrained as the other smaller form factor graphics cards we've seen from the other manufacturers.
15 Comments on ASUS, GIGABYTE, MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Graphics Cards in Pictures
Looking at the whole package, it's only competing with Pascal leftovers.
And of course another $50-60 gets you a 1660, which would make it the most effective way to spend money on a gaming PC.
But it's nothing new, right? 1060 was much better than 1050Ti based on price/performance.
Now, Nvidia selling a *50 card at $150 most likely means it's replacing the 1050Ti, not 1050. We'll see if this is confirmed by performance (ideally, 20-30% higher than 1050Ti).
It would be interesting to see what Nvidia planned for the low-power ~$100 price point (i.e. cards optimized for video output, not performance). We had 1030 and 1050.
1650 is way too powerful for low-profile passive cooling.
I smell a rebranded 1030/MX150... ;-)
It is currently at the price of unbeatable $120 - 140 sometimes $110.
The only thing the GTX 1650 beats the Rx 570 is the power consumption and maybe the newer video encoder, hence a niche product.
Nvidia most likely sells more 1050(Ti) than AMD sells GPUs in total (not counting the console and Apple stuff, obviously).
They simply need to make an attractive successor. They're already rebranding MX150 as MX250, so why not?
Pascal is good enough for this scenario - no reason to change anything.
Of course they can keep selling the 1030 for another 5 years as well...
In fact my friend has an i3-8350K & GT 1030 and it's also fine for basic gaming.
May I ask you the source of this information ?
I've looked at the AMD fans' favourite store: Mindfactory. I don't have statistics for periods, so we can only compare total numbers.
1050, 1050Ti - 54485 sold
all RX500, Vega and Radeon VII - 91990 sold
1050 has been around for longer (25%).
In other word, Mindfactory sells roughtly 2x more Radeon than 1050(Ti).
Keep in mind it's a store for DIY consumers, where high-end $500 CPUs outsell cheap mainstream models.
It's not a proof of what I've said, but maybe it at least makes it sound probable for you. :-)
I can't find the "Total number" you've mentioned but I found videos for weekly sales figures.
A quick peek at 2018 week 43 - week 46 sales figures suggested the exact opposite.
Market share of AMD on Mindfactory GPU sales were around 35% - 43%, let's say around 40%, so Nvidia gets 60%.
Inside that 60%, 1050 + Ti gets 10% - 14% , Let's say 12%.
So 1050+Ti get around 7% of the sales numbers overall.
7% is good from a market share stand point but it is nowhere comparable to AMD's total market share of 40%.
And yes I don't believe in steam survey, cause myself is a steam user for 10 years and I did not fill any of its survey for once.
Mindfactory shows how many items were sold. No need to google anything. And have you ever took part in a general election poll? :)
If it makes it any easier for you, I've never been asked by Steam as well (an I own a 1050, so it's one card they haven't counted ;-)).
I went back and check those numbers.
I simply search "1050" (so Ti is included) then "rx 570" + "rx580", and counted the numbers sold.
Although I thought this is not so correct since only "In stock" and "Available" items are shown,
Something like reference rx 570 and rx 580 , and rx 470 and rx 480 which are huge during the mining incident weren't there,
but anyway I tried played by your rules.
But the numbers are exact opposite as well.
1050 + 1050Ti = 54485 sold
Rx570 + Rx580 = 58070 sold
Rx570+Rx580 sold more than 1050+Ti on Mindfactory.