Gearbox today revealed the minimum and recommended specs for their upcoming Borderlands 3, to be distributed digitally as an EPIC Games Store exclusive. Developed in close partnership with AMD, Borderlands 3 is being pitched by the company as playing best on AMD-based CPUs and GPUs. There's support for AMD's FidelityFX Sharpening, and graphics settings can be finely tuned for your desired level of performance and IQ, with plenty of options for users to play with - including resolution scale, where you can set your render resolution lower than your display resolution, or higher (with the resulting increase in IQ).
These are relatively standard requirements, as you can see in the image below. Nothing jumps to mind as being out of place: we've already seen 16 GB and a midrange RX 590 as the recommended specs before. Keep in mind Minimum Requirements are listed for 1080p resolution, whereas the Recommended specs are geared for a 1440p presentation. Borderlands 3 releases on September 13.
39 Comments on Gearbox Reveals Minimum, Recommended Specs for Borderlands 3
Seems pretty tame, if you're good with a RX 590/GTX 1060 6GB for 1440p.
It's also crazy expensive, starting at $60, going up to $100 for digital only content, with a physical collectors edition going for $250...
PC games aren't affordable any more.
Of course, since he says he won't play any PC exclusives, it's safe to assume he also doesn't play any modern Ubisoft, EA, Activision/Blizzard and now Bethesda games. But it's cool to hate on EGS because...reasons?
Edit: Also means he doesn't play games like Half-Life or any other games exclusively on Steam.
Good thing the game only comes out on april, plenty time to upgrade...
I don't think I've paid that much for any recent game, although I didn't get BF V...
Me personally, I always wait for deals. I try to pay no more than 30€ for a game, but there are exceptions. But I don't really play the latest and greatest anymore. The most recent game in my library is Forza Horizon 4.
Unfortunately that fan feared for their life so much that they have shut down their YT channel over it. He claims they 'trespassed' onto his property but the way he was explaining things in one of his videos that was spread all over YT by games journalists, it was like he invited them in for tea and a biscuit. So the guy was a bit of a moron in that respect.
If they broke into his house then thats a criminal offense and he was under no obligation to talk to them but he did. I dont think they had to torture him to make him talk but he still sang like canary regardless
Whatever happened still doesnt make it right though.
This is not the first time Gearbox have sent hired goons to shake someone down or intimidate them. If Randy Pitchford ever resigns. i'll consider taking them off my shit list.
Oh and Colonial Marines. Lets not forget CM...
There are a few exceptions with titles/devs I want to support for making something different. Telling Lies came out last week and I'll pick that up at full price though, even at full price, it's $19.99.
Already have it pre ordered,idc about the EPIC store 'they are all the same to me' nor the drama I just want to play the game and have fun with it which I sure will.
Those system reqs looks quite friendly and if I can run it fine with my current system then I can also delay my GPU upgrade cause chances are I won't be playing any other game for a long time. :)