Friday, November 1st 2019

Diablo IV Announced at BlizzCon 2019

Blizzard at this year's BlizzCon 2019 in Anaheim, California formally announced Diablo IV to the world, building on the 2012-released Diablo III as promised, after the company announced a refocus on its existing franchises. According to Blizzard, the game's premise stands as "Diablo IV takes place many years after the events of Diablo III, after millions have been slaughtered by the actions of the High Heavens and Burning Hells alike. In the vacuum of power, a legendary name resurfaces."

Blizzard claimed Diablo IV would have darker, grittier overtones such as in the earlier entries in the franchise, a style that was left somewhat in the background for Diablo III. There will be more blood, there will be more gore, and for now, three classes have been announced that will be your avatars in partaking in violence on Diablo IV: the barbarian, sorceress, and druid. Blizzard has also said some words regarding a technological push in the game, claiming that "This technology is at the heart of everything players will see, hear, and feel — delivering much higher fidelity and a more engrossing experience." No details on what exactly this meant were shared by the company, though. Chek out the reveal and gameplay trailers after the break.

Source: The verge
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62 Comments on Diablo IV Announced at BlizzCon 2019

"This technology is at the heart of everything players will see, hear, and feel — delivering much higher fidelity and a more engrossing experience."

I guess they're hyping RTX? :P
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
Dunno if i am all that bothered tbh about from what D3 turned out to be, now you have all the current sh*t going on. If they released it tomorrow i would not bother with it.

Will have to see how things are before i care about one of their games again.

Is this because their the loss they are currently seeing ?, haha serves right with mobile crap and all.
Posted on Reply
Damn, the game director said the game is not coming out soon, and that it's not even Blizzard's "soon".

Took a look at the panel and a stream, the game looks exactly what D3 should have been.
Skill system is better, runewords are back, sets are no longer be all end all, like in D3. And there are some mmo elements in it.
Posted on Reply
Outback Bronze
AsRockunno if i am all that bothered tbh about from what D3 turned out to be
Yeah me to matey. I was pretty disappointed with D3 after what D1 &2 brought to the table.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
Grim Dawn looks better than this to me, I'll pass. I'm just waiting on a sale then I plan to nab the expansions for Grim Dawn
Posted on Reply
The graphics looks outdated. The gameplay and game mechanics look outdated. I'm glad Dark souls happened or we wouldn't get a proper evolution of the action RPG genre.
Posted on Reply
Too little too late. I'm not supporting anything Blizzard until they get off the Communist teat of the PRC. This is coming from a lifelong fan too.
Posted on Reply
^^Yeap. This is all jedi mind shit to direct attention away from you know what.
Posted on Reply
Played all Diablo games except Diablo 3 and I'm not all that hyped inti D4... I spent so many hours on D2 LOD and finished the game using all characters multiple times...had fun with multiplayer too... I wish they'd remake that game...
Posted on Reply
Irrespective of how you feel about Blizzard after the past few months, it is a bit alarming that all they showed off were sequels. I guess Overwatch paid the bills well enough that they'll wait until that goes stale too to actually try something exciting. People who remembered Diablo I and II fondly from release are now approaching grandparent age. I would hope that they would work on putting out something that isn't online multiplayer and something that isn't a sequel to my dad's cohort of games.
Posted on Reply
Whatever Blizzard. No one cares about your games anymore.
Posted on Reply
Ah well it looks ok but if it's just another online version like Diablo III was then they can shove it where the sun doesn't shine
Posted on Reply
Speak for yourself people, I'm looking forward to this game!
Posted on Reply
GasarakiWhatever Blizzard. No one cares about your games anymore.
Funny guy you are.
Posted on Reply
D4 release date has been leaked. It's 2040 with a chance of 2050.
Posted on Reply
click. click. click.
clickclick. click. click.clickclickclick
Posted on Reply
was hoping there was some new starcraft continuation... :( one can hope
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I haven't really followed their progress, but this comes as a big news to me. It all comes down to the characters personally. No werewolf/werebear= no sale :D
Posted on Reply
lZKoceI haven't really followed their progress, but this comes as a big news to me. It all comes down to the characters personally. No werewolf/werebear= no sale :D
Good news for you then,
Posted on Reply
Who asked for this? I know I didn't. There are enough good clones that are so similar in gameplay, you'd think why you'd want to play this.

I personally prefered D2 for mods and the story (also able to play offline or local co-op), mechanically wise I mostly liked D3 for streamlining to reduce clicking and have more satisfying combat. I don't think they'll do anything new to wow most people that have played RPGs for a good chunk of their life.

I'll admit I'm not a hardcore hack and slash player, I don't participate in Seasons and what-not. And something like PoE might be too much for me, while I can just drop into D3 anytime and have fun.

I can't wait for them to add some sort of way to extort money from players.
Posted on Reply
trparkySpeak for yourself people, I'm looking forward to this game!
Same here.:)
Will definitely buy it Day 1/Pre order just like D3+RoS 'which I still play in every Season'.
Posted on Reply
Good trailers always accompanied the disappointing graphics in the game,
It's a good idea that they don't think of paying after hours of playing, but it still comes with an extra charge. And it will be an 18+ game given the violence. Fixed view bothers me the most! I much rather play Sacred 2 with bugs.
Posted on Reply
Hype is real, but I do hope they will deliver. I am one of those who liked D3, but it was not perfect and Blizzard lately has not exactly... been great. BfA still pisses me off.
dicktracyThe graphics looks outdated. The gameplay and game mechanics look outdated. I'm glad Dark souls happened or we wouldn't get a proper evolution of the action RPG genre.
Tell that to Path of Exile players :)
Both Diablo and Souls series are RPGs, sure. But they are very different subgenres. You are not exactly hacking your way through tens of demons at once in Souls for the sake of loot.
GasarakiWhatever Blizzard. No one cares about your games anymore.
I am sure that you are well aware that what you just said is just blatantly false, right?
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