Sunday, May 24th 2020

Possible 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen "Matisse Refresh" XT SKU Clock Speeds Surface

Last week, we brought you reports of AMD inching closer to launch its 3rd generation Ryzen "Matisse Refresh" processor lineup to ward off the 10th gen Intel Core "Comet Lake" threat, by giving the "Zen 2" chips possible clock speed-bumps to shore up performance. The lineup included the Ryzen 9 3900XT, the Ryzen 7 3800XT, and the Ryzen 5 3600XT. We now have a first-look at their alleged clock speeds courtesy of an anonymous tipster on ChipHell forums, seconded by HXL @9550pro.

The XT SKUs indeed revolve around 200-300 MHz increments in base- and boost clock speeds as many of our readers predicted in the "Matisse Refresh" article's comments section. The 3900XT comes with 4.10 GHz base clock, and 4.80 GHz max boost clocks, compared to 3.80 GHz base and 4.60 GHz boost clocks of the 3900X. Likewise, the 3800XT notches up to 4.20 GHz base clock (highest in the lineup), and 4.70 GHz max boost, compared to 3.90-4.50 GHz of the 3800X. The 3600XT offers the same 4.70 GHz max boost, a step up from the 4.40 GHz of the 3600X, but has its base clock set at 4.00 GHz, compared to 3.80 GHz on the 3600X. It appears like AMD's design focus is to reduce, if not beat, Intel's gaming performance lead. The 10th generation Core "Comet Lake" tops gaming performance by a mid-high single-digit percentages over AMD's offerings, and AMD could bring them down to low single-digit percentages with the XT family.
Sources: ChipHell forums, HXL aka 9550pro (Twitter)
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113 Comments on Possible 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen "Matisse Refresh" XT SKU Clock Speeds Surface

PatriotI am very very much not getting confused... and everything you are linking is the architecture not the ryzen product line.
I am not saying it cannot happen just that nothing has been guaranteed by AMD and all articles are referencing the same wording of Zen 3.

Even from the article you have linked... agrees with me yet again.
"although there's no word on which product line the microarchitecture will debut with "
EPYC needs verifications and better bins which means that if the Zen 3 chiplets CCDs are currently in production, they will have time till Q1 2021 to gather enough samples for EPYC release. While the worse bins go for ordinary consumer Zen 3 Ryzen 4000, like it has always been...
Posted on Reply
ARFEPYC needs verifications and better bins which means that if the Zen 3 chiplets CCDs are currently in production, they will have time till Q1 2021 to gather enough samples for EPYC release. While the worse bins go for ordinary consumer Zen 3 Ryzen 4000, like it has always been...
While I agree that they have launched ryzen first each time, nothing in their roadmap suggest it this time. I hope for Sept-Dec Zen 3 ryzen 4000... but every link and assumption is based on the same statement that does not in any way shape or form say what has been implied in this thread. I find it odd that they would launch xt now and Zen 3 desktop chips in 3mo.

The only difference for this year is Icelake is supposed to debut with 10nm server chips and large ipc gains, AMD may simply be prioritizing server over desktop to head off that threat. Though with Intel all but canceling CooperLake...

I am simply tired of publications taking rumor as fact, and taking words not said to mean what they wish it to mean.
AMD has never said Zen 3 Ryzen is coming in 2020. All articles referencing that statement have assumed it does mean zen 3 ryzen in 2020. They may happen to have assumed correctly but that is not what was said.

We are dealing with the rumor mill. History suggest Ryzen before Epyc and Epyc has been garunteed by end of 2020 for a launch.
XT throws a curveball as does icelake server chips.

We know some form of Zen 3 will surface. We know ryzen 4000 APUs are imminent and we know RDNA2 will launch desktop before consoles.
Everything else is extrapolation and supposition.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
PatriotI am very very much not getting confused... and everything you are linking is the architecture not the ryzen product line.
I am not saying it cannot happen just that nothing has been guaranteed by AMD and all articles are referencing the same wording of Zen 3.

Even from the article you have linked... agrees with me yet again.
"although there's no word on which product line the microarchitecture will debut with "
Dr. LISA SU CLEARLY STATED IN A PRESS RELEASE, more than once that ZEN3 is being released in 2020 based on the new ZEN3 microarchitecture.

She has categorically stated that AMD will be releasing Ryzen 4000 CPUs using the new Zen 3 microarchitecture this year.

It's stating facts, not conjecture or opinion. Lol
Posted on Reply
Super XPDr. LISA SU CLEARLY STATED IN A PRESS RELEASE, more than once that ZEN3 is being released in 2020 based on the new ZEN3 microarchitecture.

She has categorically stated that AMD will be releasing Ryzen 4000 CPUs using the new Zen 3 microarchitecture this year.

It's stating facts, not conjecture or opinion. Lol
Yet you can't seem to find any sources for these facts.

All I have heard confirmed from Lisa Su and seen in slides is Zen 3 by end of year, which is the Arch not a specific product.

Do you have AMD press slides from after the finance day?

Do you have any newer information where AMD has actually said Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 will launch this year or are you just going to keep rehashing and hoping that when they said Zen 3 is coming this year it is to consumer products and not server.

But I guess you are smarter than Dr Ian Cutress who spoke to Lisa Su himself...
Posted on Reply
Super XP
PatriotYet you can't seem to find any sources for these facts.

All I have heard confirmed from Lisa Su and seen in slides is Zen 3 by end of year, which is the Arch not a specific product.

Do you have AMD press slides from after the finance day?

Do you have any newer information where AMD has actually said Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 will launch this year or are you just going to keep rehashing and hoping that when they said Zen 3 is coming this year it is to consumer products and not server.

But I guess you are smarter than Dr Ian Cutress who spoke to Lisa Su himself...
A direct Quote from Dr. Lisa Su on a interview by Anantech.
Rather than ask me the question three times Ian [laughs], let me clear: you will see Zen 3 in 2020!

And what do you mean did she specifically say Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 will launch this year? Looks to me you are grasping at straws and creating this debate with nothing more than conjecture.
She specifically said ZEN 3, what would you call that? Ryzen 10,000? Ryzen 6000? lol
Posted on Reply
ARFEPYC needs verifications and better bins which means that if the Zen 3 chiplets CCDs are currently in production, they will have time till Q1 2021 to gather enough samples for EPYC release. While the worse bins go for ordinary consumer Zen 3 Ryzen 4000, like it has always been...
That's not necessarily true, Intel samples & even supplies the likes of FB, Google, MS, Amazon with server chips sometimes much ahead of schedule ~ depending on their requirements & of course what they're willing to pay. No reason why they'd have to wait in line to get top of the line server chips just as every other customer would, enterprise clients are given priority & a lot of the validation & testing is is done in conjunction with them (well in advance) prior to a public launch.

If you want to know when zen3 ships, perhaps you'll get a better result in their SEC filings.
Posted on Reply
Master Tom
These refresh CPUs are really good. They should kick Intel into the arse.
Posted on Reply
Super XPA direct Quote from Dr. Lisa Su on a interview by Anantech.

And what do you mean did she specifically say Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 will launch this year? Looks to me you are grasping at straws and creating this debate with nothing more than conjecture.
She specifically said ZEN 3, what would you call that? Ryzen 10,000? Ryzen 6000? lol
I would call it... Epyc 7003 because that is the only product they have promised this year sporting Zen 3.
So we will absolutely see Zen 3 this year as she has said... What she has not said is anything about Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 launching this year.

I don't understand if there is some language gap or other issue at play here that is preventing you from understanding the difference between a product stack and an architecture.

AMD has launched Zen, Zen+, Zen 2 and will launch Zen 3.

They have launched Athlon, Ryzen, Ryzen APU, Ryzen Mobile, Threadripper, Epyc, Epyc as products that use Zen cores and their later generations.

For an architecture to launch, A single product using this architecture has to launch. Lisa Su has said 2 things, Zen 3 is coming in 2020, and Epyc with Zen 3 is coming in 2020.
You have continuously pointed at the same statement as fact for something you wish to be true but have no evidence of.

AMD has launched Ryzen 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000APUs in front of EPYC models.
What AMD has not done, is launch Zen 2 Ryzen 3000 3mo after Zen + Ryzen 2000.

So at the same time as AMD has first launched Ryzen then Epyc, they have also not crowded consumer launches.
XT launches in July, Icelake server launches in Q3 ... If they can block intel desktop gains with a speed bump, they can focus on the server and block intel there with Zen 3.

AMD has yet to launch Ryzen and EPYC at the same time, doesn't mean they wont or cant. I can't wait to find out.
Posted on Reply
Super XP
PatriotI would call it... Epyc 7003 because that is the only product they have promised this year sporting Zen 3.
So we will absolutely see Zen 3 this year as she has said... What she has not said is anything about Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 launching this year.

I don't understand if there is some language gap or other issue at play here that is preventing you from understanding the difference between a product stack and an architecture.

AMD has launched Zen, Zen+, Zen 2 and will launch Zen 3.

They have launched Athlon, Ryzen, Ryzen APU, Ryzen Mobile, Threadripper, Epyc, Epyc as products that use Zen cores and their later generations.

For an architecture to launch, A single product using this architecture has to launch. Lisa Su has said 2 things, Zen 3 is coming in 2020, and Epyc with Zen 3 is coming in 2020.
You have continuously pointed at the same statement as fact for something you wish to be true but have no evidence of.

AMD has launched Ryzen 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000APUs in front of EPYC models.
What AMD has not done, is launch Zen 2 Ryzen 3000 3mo after Zen + Ryzen 2000.

So at the same time as AMD has first launched Ryzen then Epyc, they have also not crowded consumer launches.
XT launches in July, Icelake server launches in Q3 ... If they can block intel desktop gains with a speed bump, they can focus on the server and block intel there with Zen 3.

AMD has yet to launch Ryzen and EPYC at the same time, doesn't mean they wont or cant. I can't wait to find out.
We aren't talking about Server CPUs, we are talking about Ryzen 4000 Series (Vermeer) mainstream desktop CPUs. The processors AMD is talking about is Ryzen 4000 Vermeer desktop CPUs powered by ZEN3 being released with new RDNA2 graphics cards as stated by AMD and shown on the roadmaps. They are talking about PC Gamers.

Not sure why you keep refering to server Epyc chips, but you are confusing yourself bro.
Wccftech, AnandTech, TPU, and a bunch more credible sites have stated exactly what I stated.
Posted on Reply
Adam Krazispeed
WilsonThere will be 0 changes to architecture and node. 1800x vs 1700, 2700x vs 2700 or 3700x vs 3800x kinda gap with current flagmans of the same core count at absolute best
wrong... 7nm either has had i big jump in yeilds?/ or AMD are building these on 7nm/P or 7nm+ /7nm+/w EUV so WE DO NOT KNOW ALL THE DETAILS IF THESE ARE EVEN REAL OR NOT, BUT IM GETTING ONE TO REPLACE MY OLDER 2600X/1800X

and Comparing a 3000XT cpu to a 1000 Series??? Really.. 1st gen was LIMITED YEAH!!! 2nd gen got aot better, 3rd gen was MASSIVLY IMPROVED ,Espeically in Fabric Clocks???? i get 144FPS all day long on a 5700XT so dont tell me these clocks will NOT HELP Minimum FPS or even maximum FPS.... i do get dips down to 120-100fps depending on the scene ( Division 2) but this is also a live service game on a server...
(yes, even if playing solo, it still connects to the server for AI)

most other games run at or up to 144-200 fps with hardly no dips below 130 fps in other games... i do run an ultra wide 2560 x 1080p so this does hurt my fps a bit but , my old cld 1920x1080 it ran 144 fps was a 144hz panel and ran 144fps 99.9% of the gaming time.... on a 3700X, my 3800X pc raised the minimums up from 134 up too 140fps 1% lows so just a small tic in boost -1core- and 300mhz base clock boost from the 3700x's 3.6 to the 3800x's 3.9ghz, +100mhz on max boost, it runs much better, but tho if you had both system side by side you really wouldnt notice it too much. unleess ur in a combat situation hence server accassing ai

144hz with v sync locked @ 144, and ran perfect, butterly smooth, if set properly but i never used Freesinc/G-sync, niether ever work properly and or casue stutter, yes. even nvidias G-sync BS, i do have a GTX 1080Ti 11Gb GPU also, my 5700XT is faster and give way better FPS/Framtimes performance! 98% of the time no ocs either on cpu or gpu, just Fclk & Uclk @ 1800 Mhz with DDR4 @ 1800Mhz also DDR4 3600Mhz Cl16 Gskill Trident Z NEO 16GBx2 3600 MHz CL16 (16 19 19 19 39) timings ($180 When i bought this kit) on newegg
Posted on Reply
Super XP
Minus InfinityThe trouble is Zen 3 is September, say available October, these XT’s probably available July, I’d rather get next gen and wait a few extra months. If these were already available then I’d grab one. Also other problem I doin’t want any current gen GPU’s, so again will wait so I can build all new system based on next gen. The only thing that would change my mind if next gen stuff is much dearer than existing.
These XTs are good for people that want to replace ZEN 1 on 370x mobo's.
But it looks like these XTs are very easy to release. ZEN3 is the game changer later this year.
Posted on Reply
Adam Krazispeedwrong... 7nm either has had i big jump in yeilds?/ or AMD are building these on 7nm/P or 7nm+ /7nm+/w EUV so WE DO NOT KNOW ALL THE DETAILS IF THESE ARE EVEN REAL OR NOT, BUT IM GETTING ONE TO REPLACE MY OLDER 2600X/1800X

and Comparing a 3000XT cpu to a 1000 Series??? Really.. 1st gen was LIMITED YEAH!!! 2nd gen got aot better, 3rd gen was MASSIVLY IMPROVED ,Espeically in Fabric Clocks???? i get 144FPS all day long on a 5700XT so dont tell me these clocks will NOT HELP Minimum FPS or even maximum FPS.... i do get dips down to 120-100fps depending on the scene ( Division 2) but this is also a live service game on a server...
(yes, even if playing solo, it still connects to the server for AI)

most other games run at or up to 144-200 fps with hardly no dips below 130 fps in other games... i do run an ultra wide 2560 x 1080p so this does hurt my fps a bit but , my old cld 1920x1080 it ran 144 fps was a 144hz panel and ran 144fps 99.9% of the gaming time.... on a 3700X, my 3800X pc raised the minimums up from 134 up too 140fps 1% lows so just a small tic in boost -1core- and 300mhz base clock boost from the 3700x's 3.6 to the 3800x's 3.9ghz, +100mhz on max boost, it runs much better, but tho if you had both system side by side you really wouldnt notice it too much. unleess ur in a combat situation hence server accassing ai

144hz with v sync locked @ 144, and ran perfect, butterly smooth, if set properly but i never used Freesinc/G-sync, niether ever work properly and or casue stutter, yes. even nvidias G-sync BS, i do have a GTX 1080Ti 11Gb GPU also, my 5700XT is faster and give way better FPS/Framtimes performance! 98% of the time no ocs either on cpu or gpu, just Fclk & Uclk @ 1800 Mhz with DDR4 @ 1800Mhz also DDR4 3600Mhz Cl16 Gskill Trident Z NEO 16GBx2 3600 MHz CL16 (16 19 19 19 39) timings ($180 When i bought this kit) on newegg
Dude, using CAPS is strange, multiple ????? marks too. You don't need to convince me about anything when official specs are live and prove exactly what i was saying - there's no 4800 nor 4750 and it's only +100-200MHz which is less of a gap than the one between 1700X and 1800X. I'm skipping this rant below few first lines bc you completely miss understood me.
if needed, once again, i was saying that XT is the same as all other 3rd gens in terms of architecture and manufacturing process so there'll be no major improvement at all, it's just slightly better bin. You get even less for your money there than with 1700 vs 1700x.
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