Monday, June 1st 2020

Scorn Xbox Series X Trailer Was Actually Running On RTX 2080 Ti GPU

In a recent interview with wccftech, Ebb Software's Game Director Ljubomir Peklar explained why the Scorn trailer for Xbox Series X was labeled as 'in-engine footage representative of expected Xbox Series X visual quality'. Ljubomir Peklar revealed that the trailer was actually run on a high-end system featuring an RTX 2080 Ti paired with a Ryzen processor. The game is set to target 4K 60 FPS with high graphical fidelity on Xbox Series X but a 2070 Super with a mixture of settings is adequate to run the game at 4K 60 FPS on PC.
Scorn Xbox Series X Trailer:

Source: wccftech
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30 Comments on Scorn Xbox Series X Trailer Was Actually Running On RTX 2080 Ti GPU

H.R Giger inspired! Nice
Posted on Reply
HyderzH.R Giger inspired! Nice
Holy fuck, you're not kidding! :eek:

I don't even know what the hell that game is or what it's about, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to play it after watching that trailer. Stunning.

Will definitely be keeping up on this game.
Posted on Reply
HyderzH.R Giger inspired! Nice
This is also the very first thing that came into my head watching this.
We dont have many titles that can really do this, and this one is definitely it.
Posted on Reply
^ If H.R Giger designed a game, this would DEFINITELY be it!
Posted on Reply
HyderzH.R Giger inspired! Nice
When they showed the trailer I was thinking that it's a new aliens game from the Prometheus time line.
Posted on Reply
Gotta love it. Overhyping graphics and little by little the reality shines through...

Same shit different gen :)
Posted on Reply
i wanna see more, yea reminded me of Prometheus too.
Posted on Reply
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
Posted on Reply
While I don't like this type of artwork, I do have to admit that there seems to be too much work in these graphics. The complexity and detail is really high.
Posted on Reply
So, the "game demo" of Microsoft's new $500 console was running on a $3K+ PC. :roll:
Posted on Reply
JustAnEngineerSo, the "game demo" of Microsoft's new $500 console was running on a $3K+ PC. :roll:
The Xbox is more powerful then a PS5, yet they still went with a PC workstation for their demo. Tells you a lot about how good the new consoles will actually look. And people STILL believe that THIS generation of game consoles will give us the photorealistic visuals they crave.

Microsoft is working really hard to redefine "game demo".
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNThe Xbox is more powerful then a PS5, yet they still went with a PC workstation for their demo. Tells you a lot about how good the new consoles will actually look. And people STILL believe that THIS generation of game consoles will give us the photorealistic visuals they crave.

Microsoft is working really hard to redefine "game demo".
Photo realistic is way off only fools and delusional people would have convinced themselves of that since no one at Ms or Sony has expressed that capability.

So Devs use PC's to dev, whatever next.

It would be newsworthy if it was running on an iPad or Nintendo switch though.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Gotta love it. Overhyping graphics and little by little the reality shines through...

Same shit different gen :)
If you need a 2080 TI to be able to match it then you need a 2080 TI to match it, in rasterized performance the 2080 TI is marginally faster, but still a 2080S is too slow and that is PROVEN, this isn't overhyping lol.....
I'm not a console fanboy, I know my rig is gonna be absolute dog shit in comparison with my vega, gtx1080 is low end soon and well, I'm happy!
The best cpu 2 years ago was a 8700k, the best gpu two years ago was the 2080 TI, that both are now or soon to be the upper mainstream\value for late 2020 is too hard to fathom ???

I'm not saying pc's can't touch them, well.. with todays pc's you can't but tomorrow it's a different story, tomorrow you get 15-20% more performance in cpu's, you get a big uplift with offerings from nvidia and amd, you will get faster storage, more memory, faster memory and by the time consoles launch we'll have something better.
It's just a stupid saying 2080 TI 30% faster than 1080TI, overhyping, can't be true.. >_<
Posted on Reply
I watched the Full Nerd episode the other day with the dude (I should really look it up) the helped start Alienware. When he was talking he made an interesting comment about AMD's all in one solution in the way the data communicates with the data across the CPU, GPU and NVME all running across PCIe 4.0 and the refinements that AMD are working on in that sphere. Don't be surprised if in 2 to 3 years games running on the PS5, Xbox perform just as good as any current High end GPU.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
Figured as much, bet most of those demos shown did.
ImsochoboIf you need a 2080 TI to be able to match it then you need a 2080 TI to match it, in rasterized performance the 2080 TI is marginally faster, but still a 2080S is too slow and that is PROVEN, this isn't overhyping lol.....
I'm not a console fanboy, I know my rig is gonna be absolute dog shit in comparison with my vega, gtx1080 is low end soon and well, I'm happy!
The best cpu 2 years ago was a 8700k, the best gpu two years ago was the 2080 TI, that both are now or soon to be the upper mainstream\value for late 2020 is too hard to fathom ???

I'm not saying pc's can't touch them, well.. with todays pc's you can't but tomorrow it's a different story, tomorrow you get 15-20% more performance in cpu's, you get a big uplift with offerings from nvidia and amd, you will get faster storage, more memory, faster memory and by the time consoles launch we'll have something better.
It's just a stupid saying 2080 TI 30% faster than 1080TI, overhyping, can't be true.. >_<
You're exaggerating and you know it, nothing is proven I don't know what you're talking about. Just because this ran on a 2080ti it doesn't mean that's the kind of hardware that matches the Xbox. For all we know the game might end up running at 1800p or something like that. Epic spilled the beans on the PS5 and admitted the demo could easily run on a 2070S, the Xbox Series X isn't that much faster.
Posted on Reply
ImsochoboIf you need a 2080 TI to be able to match it then you need a 2080 TI to match it, in rasterized performance the 2080 TI is marginally faster, but still a 2080S is too slow and that is PROVEN, this isn't overhyping lol.....
I'm not a console fanboy, I know my rig is gonna be absolute dog shit in comparison with my vega, gtx1080 is low end soon and well, I'm happy!
The best cpu 2 years ago was a 8700k, the best gpu two years ago was the 2080 TI, that both are now or soon to be the upper mainstream\value for late 2020 is too hard to fathom ???

I'm not saying pc's can't touch them, well.. with todays pc's you can't but tomorrow it's a different story, tomorrow you get 15-20% more performance in cpu's, you get a big uplift with offerings from nvidia and amd, you will get faster storage, more memory, faster memory and by the time consoles launch we'll have something better.
It's just a stupid saying 2080 TI 30% faster than 1080TI, overhyping, can't be true.. >_<
What are you talking about? Is this some sort of reverse psychology or?

What we've seen was a (tech) demo, and it did NOT run on the native hardware.

What we've been shown, therefore, was a lie. This fits in the now growing stream of news pieces regarding the actual performance versus what the marketing says, and also with common sense. Yes, the new consoles won't be last year's mid range this time, but no, you won't get the value of a 1500 dollar gaming PC at a third of the cost. We already know for example that native resolutions are also a big clusterfuck of dynamic (internal) render resolution so you never know what you're really looking at.

This trickery is not new.
Posted on Reply
I'm not sure how a 2070s would run this at 4k...Unless by mix of settings they mean LOW to MEDIUM?...even at 60fps
I guess that would be ok sitting 10'+ away.
Besides it being the best they used a 2080ti for a reason.
Good looking game...looks fun.
everytime, lol its like whenever I see launch of any console, It comes to light it was running in plc ? :D so what ?
Posted on Reply
jawadeverytime, lol its like whenever I see launch of any console, It comes to light it was running in plc ? :D so what ?
Yeah It's really no biggy, just a bit of a PR disaster for MS and their partners, but in reality we all know how the market plays out.

XBOX One, E3 demo, Windows 7, GeForce GTX cards...

"Next gen" consoles running AMD's RDNA2 cutting edge hardware, games demoed on what will be over two year old Nvidia hardware....
Posted on Reply
ImsochoboIf you need a 2080 TI to be able to match it then you need a 2080 TI to match it, in rasterized performance the 2080 TI is marginally faster, but still a 2080S is too slow and that is PROVEN, this isn't overhyping lol.....
I'm not a console fanboy, I know my rig is gonna be absolute dog shit in comparison with my vega, gtx1080 is low end soon and well, I'm happy!
The best cpu 2 years ago was a 8700k, the best gpu two years ago was the 2080 TI, that both are now or soon to be the upper mainstream\value for late 2020 is too hard to fathom ???

I'm not saying pc's can't touch them, well.. with todays pc's you can't but tomorrow it's a different story, tomorrow you get 15-20% more performance in cpu's, you get a big uplift with offerings from nvidia and amd, you will get faster storage, more memory, faster memory and by the time consoles launch we'll have something better.
It's just a stupid saying 2080 TI 30% faster than 1080TI, overhyping, can't be true.. >_<
3300X, 3600 are the mainstream CPUs and 7700K is the performance they are matching. Not 8700K, and the CPU in these boxes are not High clocked 4.xGHz like those parts, instead these are 3.6GHz on 8C CPU where 2C are for the OS layer and other I/O with SMT optional, so they aint gonna smash the PCs anywhere like low end but much faster than the jaguar trash in the prev generation, for which PC had to bear the brunt of the garbage quality games downgraded for consoles.

As for the GPU, everything is up in the air for speculation, I'm not expecting them to beat a 2070S, which is again a 1080Ti class 3 Year old GPU, RT perfomrance of AMD is gen 1, and 2 year behind Turing, same for Mesh shading. 5700XT owners are going to get furious for sure, same like R VII, they will be EOLed very fast and the RDNA2 will arrive on PC, shame that AMD had this GPU for 1 year (since game dev will have these test kits for much time) with the console trash but not in retail for PC market. They always aim for the bottom barrel scraping which gives Nvidia chance to milk the Super and other overpriced shenanigans.

Many PCs will surely get outdated by the recommended spec but not minimum spec. Because many games will be cross gen, but the major part is, what's the use if games are pozzed.
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlson
Vayra86Yes, the new consoles won't be last year's mid range this time
Well if they end up around 2070 super they kinda are.
Posted on Reply
Still comparing PC to Console. They have demode the game on a PC due to the fact there's no console to demo it yet (the new one with the hardware). This demo was to show trailer about the game not what will be required to run it on a PC. If they said 2070S is what it takes to run it, they may not necessarily thing about PC itself but required GPU performance. Knowing how things pan out in the PC vs Consoles, consoles need way less hardware performance to run something than if you wanted to run same thing on a PC. Unless something has changed although I doubt it.
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlsonWell if they end up around 2070 super they kinda are.
That does sound realistic tbh and its also the kind of power you'd need to get any sort of fake 4K going.

Its also the performance level we have yet to see AMD surpass convincingly, so this makes sense. They can't sit below it AGAIN with Navi, its just impossible, they've had four god damn years now to kill the 1080ti.
ratirtconsoles need way less hardware performance to run something than if you wanted to run same thing on a PC. Unless something has changed although I doubt it.
This fairy tale needs to die. GPUs don't magically push more triangles in consoles and they never did. And the CPU part of the equation is a well written story of grossly underpowered and sub 30 FPS gaming. The latter changes now which is great. But its still a GPU pushing the same pixels in largely the same games. If you think it will do more in a cramped box because its somehow optimized (remember: same code, same game 99% of the time; even similar API)... the reality is you've bled some IQ (image quality, mind :)) here and there. The last few console gens we've seen frequent stories around those tricks. But still somehow people believe its all 'optimization' and they are getting magical extra detail for free... It suits the average console crowd maybe... but let's get real ok?
Posted on Reply
cucker tarlson
Vayra86This fairy tale needs to die. GPUs don't magically push more triangles in consoles and they never did.
let the boy dream.

though if he really did any research he'd discover that a pc with rx580 could actually do a better job of pushing 4K/30 than ps4 wasn't fake 4k to begin with and could hold steady 30 fps at console
settings easily.

even 1060 on dx11 could do same or better than ps4 pro.bubble burst.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86What are you talking about? Is this some sort of reverse psychology or?

What we've seen was a (tech) demo, and it did NOT run on the native hardware.

What we've been shown, therefore, was a lie. This fits in the now growing stream of news pieces regarding the actual performance versus what the marketing says, and also with common sense. Yes, the new consoles won't be last year's mid range this time, but no, you won't get the value of a 1500 dollar gaming PC at a third of the cost. We already know for example that native resolutions are also a big clusterfuck of dynamic (internal) render resolution so you never know what you're really looking at.

This trickery is not new.
Gears of war on xbox performing better than 2080Super, so to have something comparable there is only ONE choice.
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