Thursday, August 13th 2020

Total War Saga: Troy to Be Free on Launch Day via EPIC Games Store
(Update 13AUG2020: The game is now available for free on the EPIC Games Store platform, so make sure to go there and add it your basket STAT.)
Here's EPIC kicking up its free game offerings up several notches at once. Sega and Creative Assembly, developers of the user and critically-acclaimed Total War videogames, have announced that their latest release on that series, titled Total War Saga: Troy, will be available on launch day, August 13th, when it launches exclusively on EPIC Games Store. Based on Homers' Illiad, "A Total War Saga: TROY focuses on the historical flashpoint of the Trojan War, bringing the conflict to life as never before."
A caveat: the game will only be available for free in the first 24 hours following launch. Any claims after that will be met with the games' real price-tag. How's that for EPIC Games Store exclusivity deals? Check the games' trailer and confirmation of this promotion after the break.
Here's EPIC kicking up its free game offerings up several notches at once. Sega and Creative Assembly, developers of the user and critically-acclaimed Total War videogames, have announced that their latest release on that series, titled Total War Saga: Troy, will be available on launch day, August 13th, when it launches exclusively on EPIC Games Store. Based on Homers' Illiad, "A Total War Saga: TROY focuses on the historical flashpoint of the Trojan War, bringing the conflict to life as never before."
A caveat: the game will only be available for free in the first 24 hours following launch. Any claims after that will be met with the games' real price-tag. How's that for EPIC Games Store exclusivity deals? Check the games' trailer and confirmation of this promotion after the break.
33 Comments on Total War Saga: Troy to Be Free on Launch Day via EPIC Games Store
Good luck to those that get it before the crash
I really hope that TW Warhammer 3 will not come out as an Epic exclusive.
In fact, when I pick this one up for free I'll be sure to also hit up their sale and make yet another unplanned purchase as a token of gratitude, just like with the GTA5 give away. BL3 looks like it will be the one. Thanks again EGS!!
warhammerTroy, I will, tho.) to get that game for free. So yeah just wait till the rush is over. Personally, I'm going to try once as soon as the offer goes live. If the servers instantly caught fire then I'll try again half a day later.This decision clearly was done due to more money than CA has faith in their own product being able to make.
Fans are not exactly happy...