Tuesday, July 28th 2020

Blizzard Confirms World of Warcraft Won't be Releasing for Consoles
Data miners have reportedly found a new piece of information about the very popular game World of Warcraft. Inside the game code for the new Shadowlands expansion pack, few data miners spotted support for gaming controllers, which lead to rumors that WoW is coming to next-generation consoles. With PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X coming soon, it is now a hot topic to see which games are coming to the new platform. However, Blizzard has issued an official response to those rumors saying the following:
We currently have no plans to bring World of Warcraft or Shadowlands to Xbox Series X. The platform was listed on the Brazil Ministry of Justice rating website in error, and the entry has since been updated to reflect that the game is coming only to PC
12 Comments on Blizzard Confirms World of Warcraft Won't be Releasing for Consoles
It's not meant for Console and it's killing it.
RPG, sure, you can manage to build something good.
MMORPG ? Hack'N Slash ? FPS ? Go away ! It's not your place
When I played Dishonered on PC, there was an auto-aim you couldn't deactivate like : "hey dumbass, this is the head". You could aim at the soulder it would finish straight in the head... Sad.
Even in Borderlands there's a huge auto-aim on console.
But its not hard to map to a controller anyway, its just a puzzle to get all the functionality you'd have with kb/m, and targeting of course is the most major thing, but there is always tabbing through targets to save the day. Brilliant
I could give myself 14 buttons using one as modifier or even 18 if using 2 modifiers, more than enough to play any class. Maybe for casters is more viable but I always go melee dps and definetly is not viable for tanking, the delay in autotabbing cycle to find the target is fatal.
Not to mention additional tools like warrior tanks have like vigilance or intercept where you cast on your allies for certain situations or jump and charging to aggro more than 1 pull, good luck doing that with a controller. Is just unviable.