Monday, September 21st 2020

Microsoft Announces Acquisition of Bethesda Parent Company ZeniMax Media

Microsoft today dropped a giant bomb on the balance of game development: the company announced the acquisition of ZeniMax Media, parent company of Bethesda Softworks, and all its related IP. The purchase, which is expected to close for a tidy $7.5 billion, will carry over all ZeniMax Media subsidiaries. This includes Bethesda (The Elder Scrolls, Fallout), id Software (DOOM), Arkane Studios (Prey, Dishonored, upcoming Deathloop), MachineGames (Wolfenstein), among others.

The deal is the costliest acquisition for Microsoft (to date) in its push to increase the number of in-house development studios (up to 23 from 15 prior to this deal). Microsoft has announced that as part of the deal, games published by ZeniMax Media and subsidiaries (and in the future, by Microsoft) will be available on its Xbox Games Pass subscription service for Xbox and PC gaming. Microsoft is acquiring some of the most iconic gaming franchises ever with this deal, including all in-development IP. It's a huge boon for the company; it remains to be seen exactly how will this evolve over the years. But one thing is for certain: Microsoft isn't slowing down on its doubling down on game development.
Microsoft expects the deal to close in the second half of its fiscal year 2021, which ends June 30, and to have "minimal" impact on its adjusted operating income for the current and next fiscal years. There are expected to be no shakeups in company leadership from this transition.
Source: Microsoft
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93 Comments on Microsoft Announces Acquisition of Bethesda Parent Company ZeniMax Media

JAB Creationsmy sources say they wanted to retire with ridiculous amounts of wealth.
You need no source to know that's the goal of 99.9% of all humankind. :D
Posted on Reply
Microsoft buying Zenimax is not a good thing for the gaming industry. This will only end poorly... Example? Look what happened to Bungie and Rare...
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Bethesda now has the PR ammunition available (as in: they don't have any say in it, 'wir haben es nicht gewusst', whatever they like) to toss a thermonuclear device on that shit open world engine they got.

Best acquisition 2020

Maybe now we'll get a Minecraft Fallout and TES, they'll probably run better and be mod friendly to boot. As someone else said, Obsidian writes some quests, bombshell ready to launch. (I prob won't play it :D)
I thought you knew better?
According to Bethesda's Todd Howard, Bethesda Game Studios' internal engine has undergone its "largest overhaul since Oblivion," Bethesda Provides Exciting Update on The Elder Scrolls 6.
Posted on Reply
BubsterFallout wasn't a cool game ...more like a cheap rip off of Far cry open world adventure
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I think it is a logical decision for MS. In my opinion, the problem with Xbox is that while the hardware tend to be superior to PS, the lack of anything special or exclusive makes it less attractive for gamers. In fact, if the exclusive games are available on PC and Xbox, then I would have prefer playing on PC instead of an Xbox, which will not bode well for sales of Xbox.
Posted on Reply
Ashtr1xThis big M&A is bad for industry, EA is already a proof of the dead IP and so many games ruined by that company, Microsoft couldn't make shit ffrom their IP Halo, since Halo 5. And they also ruined Gears of War past Epic's involvement. Then you have the cancer called Bethesda which reeks of that FO76 disaster, their IP of Dishonored got hold because of the far less sales due to many issues of the game being not upto the mark of first then Arkane's collusion with Anita Sarkeesian and co for the sociopolical shoveling onto games, spread to Machinegames as well, Youngblood. That spread throughout their IP and all of them are on ice by Zenimax due to less sales, and created that disaster called Fallout76 to try out some new paid mods and other garbage as a Service, only left is DOOM which is due to id Software.

Microsoft with it's cash disposal for shit couldn't do anything but watch in shame on how Sony is going to steamroll over them again except to purchase this on exactly one day before the Pre-orders they do not have any plan to make new games off and their own IP is rotting (Halo Infinite, 343i under Bonnie Ross). This doesn't do shit for their Xbox crap, except Gears of War and Halo (which is now on PC as well, probably the only thing which MS did something fantastic, someone ordered that MCC on Win32 which is really superb but all that was for Halo Infinite, nothing for Gears of War sadly) there's no single reason to buy Xbox, unless they are not into PC. Still many will go to Playstation, Sony even though that new Dad of War (garbage game is not God of War) gaining super popularity due to reboot and their prized excl. Japanese dev talent for Bloodborne, and other games such has Shadow of Colossus, etc even without back compat was able to stomp Xbox. & now Demon Souls Remake, Ratchet and Clank, whole Konami, Kojima and other Japanese studios.

This one gives them some base to stand, making more studios under Bethesda as probably Bethesda administration will not change mostly. And the biggest piece of pie, Xbox Gamepass, the ultimate cancer, Games as a Service. In the age of Denuvo which is having online activations but eventually gets removed sometimes be it getting cracked or not, this GaaS is pure cancer, which gives more scope for games being as a platform, Halo Infinite garbage for eg. then the UWP, ultimate DRM built into the OS, it's a shame to see so many people buy that Gamepass not to own and play again at a later point to time to experience that pure immersion of these old fantastic games but to rent, and add that Fortnite style of BR madness with MTX, Halo Infinite garbage again. MS is always into this as a Service, zero ownership and zero control, mods also now we do not know how they will be in the future, Xbox bloat in Win10 dependency (XBLive), Win10 version requirements, what not. Also that Gamepass and Xcloud are the key here as well, it will be on PC and Xbox not on PS, that's the card MS wants to play.

This is bad, very bad for us. The only good thing I see from this is Zenimax IP getting sequels but with their top studios making garbage even that is not inspiring. Sony will raise an eye definitely, but this excl. B.S will even make Sony to not release their games on PC platform, Bloodborne is getting a release on PC as per rumors, now they might even axe it or any IP for instance. This console war, I hope MS fails again harder.
Wow quite the run on sentence there just to say the following:

-MS is crap.
-All IPs purchased by MS are crap.
-No reason to own a Xbox anymore.
-Games as a service is crap.
-Everything Sony does is perfect.

Let me reply to each:
-MS is an essential tech company and a pillar to the world.
-Anyone who has kids(doesn’t want to spend tremendous money on gaming PC for each kid) or wants to play on the couch.
-Games as a service is great. It gives me access to large libraries of games. The service itself is at its its birth, similar to music streaming 10 years ago.
-Sony has positives, but is not perfect.

The original Fallout 1 and 2 have nothing in common with Elder Scrolls games. The post Bethesda acquisition Fallout's naturally have some things in common with modern ES games.

As for "more like a cheap Far Cry rip off" - Jesus people, when were you born?
Children trying to talk about 90s nostalgia.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
AssimilatorHoly hell, I don't think anyone saw this coming.

Let's hope that this will ensure the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls game isn't a janky cash-grab.

Creation Engine should be thrown in a pit, and that pit should have a couple dozen Fallout nukes lobbed into it. That janky POS lived far longer than it should, they should've rewritten it for Fallout 4 already but Todd Howard likes money too much.
Meh i can think of better company's to buy it, MS gotta be one of the worse to buy it really.

O well bye bye not as if it mean anything these days as they killed Fallout a long time ago.

Still waiting for Mechcomander
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterMicrosoft buying Zenimax is not a good thing for the gaming industry. This will only end poorly... Example? Look what happened to Bungie and Rare...
Look what happened to Psygnosis.
Posted on Reply
Creation Engine? isn't it that it's just an updated gamebryo/netimmerse engine of eons old?
Posted on Reply
Well to be fair... apart from the now pretty dry and boring dialogue with stale voice acting (and 90% the same voices) its not like Fallout today has much to offer beyond Far Cry, but FC does almost everything better. Even the whole progression in the game is probably deeper than those idiot perks. And let's not even start about gunplay. What is Fallout now, other than an open world shooter with some RPG elements and pretty meh questlines?
Posted on Reply
ViperXTRCreation Engine? isn't it that it's just an updated gamebryo/netimmerse engine of eons old?
They said it was not, but the same bugs speak a different tale.
AFAIK - Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield still has it. Be prepared.
Posted on Reply
Yestrd'y was depressing and even more when I heard this news... :(
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterMicrosoft buying Zenimax is not a good thing for the gaming industry. This will only end poorly... Example? Look what happened to Bungie and Rare...
I love your innocent way of thinking. :)
When Microsoft will take over the gaming industry for good, their fist action would be to kill games compatibility with anything older than Win10.
This is how the dance will begin.
Posted on Reply
kiriakostI love your innocent way of thinking. :)
When Microsoft will take over the gaming industry for good, their fist action would be to kill games compatibility with anything older than Win10.
This is how the dance will begin.
You don't need Microsoft to take over for that to happen. There's got to be a moment past which all games will require DX12+, even if it's 5+ years from now.
Posted on Reply
bugYou don't need Microsoft to take over for that to happen. There's got to be a moment past which all games will require DX12+, even if it's 5+ years from now.
I am worrying of Microsoft upcoming New Error message ......This game require W10 to be installed.
They can do anything they like with their new property.
Posted on Reply
kiriakostI am worrying of Microsoft upcoming New Error message ......This game require W10 to be installed.
They can do anything they like with their new property.
Well, if it requires DX12, of course it will require Win10.

Also, I'm having a blast when I see people hating on Win10 because it's spyware, while blissfully running Win7 which is solid only because ever since Vista, all versions of Windows had built-in automatic crash reporting, making them also spyware :D
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterExample? Look what happened to Bungie and Rare...
Rare is doing fine. Sea of Thieves is massively underrated imo. I have 300+ hrs on it. It's a truly unique experience that you can't get with any other game. I hope they continue to experiment with games such as Everwild.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
FreedomEclipseDoesnt matter -- It still eventually led to the birth of fallout thus Elder Scrolls came first
Do mean like how every game own their existance to Pong? I read you orginial comment as "fallout [3] = Elder Scrolls with guns" which is somewhat true, but to say that Fallout 1 was born from Elder Scrolls Whatever is just nuts.
Posted on Reply
bugWell, if it requires DX12, of course it will require Win10.

Also, I'm having a blast when I see people hating on Win10 because it's spyware, while blissfully running Win7 which is solid only because ever since Vista, all versions of Windows had built-in automatic crash reporting, making them also spyware :D
Exactly, either roll back to XP or STFU
Posted on Reply
So I guess we'll likely be seeing a RTX Elderscrolls Minecraft Edition sooner or later.
Posted on Reply
Would be even better if Todd Howard's face was pasted over the CEO dude's.

Also I think $1/bug is way too low, it's more like 1 cent/bug.
Posted on Reply
hardcore_gamerRare is doing fine.
Rubbish, they've gone to crap. Rare has not released one single game in the last 10 years worthy of their past reputation. The last game they made that had any greatness to it was Starfox Adventures for the GameCube. Everything they have released under Microsoft ownership has been lackluster at best.
hardcore_gamerSea of Thieves is massively underrated imo.
Perfect example. It's an interesting game but does not qualify as something the lives up to the Rareware legacy.
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