Tuesday, February 9th 2021

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-Series GPU Availability to Reportedly Worsen in Q1
The availability of NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3000 series "Ampere" graphics cards has been a problem ever since it launched. High demand paired with insufficient supply has caused quite some disturbance in the supply chain and has caused the MSRP of the GPUs to increase. Firstly, we were promised that the situation would resolve around May when NVIDIA is expecting to match the supply with the demand. However, according to the recent report, that might not be the case. Alternate, a European retailer operating in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, has spoken to NVIDIA about the supply of the GeForce RTX 3000 series Ampere graphics cards.
According to the retailer, the situation with the card is such that the availability is scarce. When it comes to the GeForce RTX 3090, there are very few deliveries, but only a few open orders. The RTX 3080 sees very few cards coming with many open orders. The RTX 3070 has few cards incoming, but few open orders. And last but not least, the RTX 3060 Ti has very few cards coming, and a moderately high amount of open orders. If you are aiming to buy a card, your best chances would be with RTX 3090 and RTX 3070, as they do not have such high demand. On the other hand, RTX 3080 and RTX 3060 Ti cards are almost impossible to source as they all have a big waiting list. Alternate says that they work on a "first in first out" principle of delivering cards to consumers, so if you are not on the list you are likely going to wait for even longer.The first quarter is especially bad because there are many contributing factors to this crisis. The Chinese New Year is taking place on February 12th and factories will be closed for a week or two. This could cause a bit of a disruption in the supply chain if NVIDIA can not source enough materials for GPU production. However, all that remains is waiting as we get to see how everything is turning out.
Tom's Hardware
According to the retailer, the situation with the card is such that the availability is scarce. When it comes to the GeForce RTX 3090, there are very few deliveries, but only a few open orders. The RTX 3080 sees very few cards coming with many open orders. The RTX 3070 has few cards incoming, but few open orders. And last but not least, the RTX 3060 Ti has very few cards coming, and a moderately high amount of open orders. If you are aiming to buy a card, your best chances would be with RTX 3090 and RTX 3070, as they do not have such high demand. On the other hand, RTX 3080 and RTX 3060 Ti cards are almost impossible to source as they all have a big waiting list. Alternate says that they work on a "first in first out" principle of delivering cards to consumers, so if you are not on the list you are likely going to wait for even longer.The first quarter is especially bad because there are many contributing factors to this crisis. The Chinese New Year is taking place on February 12th and factories will be closed for a week or two. This could cause a bit of a disruption in the supply chain if NVIDIA can not source enough materials for GPU production. However, all that remains is waiting as we get to see how everything is turning out.
65 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-Series GPU Availability to Reportedly Worsen in Q1
I mean Samsung must have started to manufacture GPUs like 6 months before 3080 release in September and still have not been able to increase production to a level so that it is improving the situation in the market.
Instead it is getting worse with less availability.
Also Nvidia is spreading them self thin by releasing more different GPUs like 3060 and a laptop GPUs. They should first put ALL manufacturing capacity into making enuf GA104 and GA102 GPUs before doing GA106 GPUs.
They could easily shelved laptop GPUs and GA106 for a while to get on track with supply, now it is just getting worse with not enuf of any GPU.
The tactics by Nvidia and partners now seems to be to increase prices over Scalping Levels just because they can thus punishing all the people that stood fast waiting to buy until there where more supply, now these people that have been waiting are forced to pay Scalping Level prices in shops.
MAKE NO MISTAKE THAT NVIDIA IS BEHIND THE BRUTAL PRICE INCREASE LATELY. In 2018 when graphic card sky rocketed in price Nvidia said it was not their doing, that they did not increase the price of GPUs to their partners. Then later when presenting financial results they had and much higher "almost insane" profit margin for their GPUs sales, how did this happen if they did not increase prices to their partners.
Nvidia wants to use the shortage to increase their profits, it is as simple as that. They do not care about all the people that have been waiting to buy until the supply got better, those people are now getting punished and have to pay Scalping prices in the shops instead.
You could say Nvidia is now scalping their own products, putting an insane inflated price tag on GPUs just because they can.
RTX 3080 supposed to cost 699 USD
If that were true...
:kookoo: Seriously, your average zombie would be jealous of the times PC gaming has died by now :D
At least, when I can eventually buy a card, it will be something better than what I missed out on as better models are released.
We are speaking about products released almost 6 months ago, and the situation is getting worse instead of improving.
Plus they can control the content.
And you wrote something we don't like on the forums ? Banned from gaming for a month. But you still have to pay ofc.
I build PC's as a small business on the side to sell. I cannot, for the life of me, find any GPU's to pick up. Besides the odd RX 470/480 570/580 going for about close to $200 CAD, for a 4GB model, there is nothing else. No GTX 1650 Supers, No RX 5500's, nothing. These GPU's are more than fine enough for 1080p gaming and they are not available. Go to memoryexpress physically, and all they got are GT 710's and GT 1030's.
This is absolutely pathetic. I am glad I picked up a 3070 when I did.
So the simple answer would be if people voted with their wallets and stopped buying crap at bloated prices.
I could sell it over its MSRP now.
3080 => 3080Ti
3070 => 3080
3060Ti => 3070
suddenly, it adds up, does it not?
From terrible availability (try to produce as many GA102 chips as you planned to produce GA104 chips) to funny memory configurations, with 3080 having less VRAM than 3060Ti.
Oh, and remember how AMD was supposed to barely match 2080Ti? Those were the days... :D
And suddenly we have lower power consumption, shorter memory bus and it beats the best green dude hasin the newest games.
I blame this lady:
On the bright side, when those criminals stop wasting energy there will be a lot of cheap graphics cards for everyone.
Filthy casuals and console peasants play filthy triple A money pits with accompanying peer pressure like youngsters do;
Epeening Enthusiasts play benchmarks and pre-order and then play day one triple A content to whine on social media its not working;
House Moms and Dads play on mobile and spend half a months' salary on Clash of Clans or extra candy to crush.
When House Mom and Dad tell kid to go outside and play, they start Ingress or Pokemon Go and game on.
And then there's the rest of the world, being interested in a highly diverse gaming catalog that has never been more vibrant in the history of gaming. You can play literally anything you want now and no matter what type of game you look for, there's a 100% chance something like it was released in the past two years, and probably copied a few times too. Full blown PC titles are now slowly dripping into the mobile world, even - I hear MTG Arena is now beta on Android - shared accounts with PC.
Gaming was never better. Even on old GPUs you can do just fine. On 1080p, any mid-to high range GPU from 2016 will play todays' content 'just fine' and 'playable'. There is a cutting edge for the most powerful GPUs to chew on in terms of 4K, UW, and RT. And in between those extremes everyone can play around depending on budget and personal motivation.
We gotta stop whining, really. Gaming was, is and has always been a growth market, you tell me who's not gaming today. Even granny heard of it or might do it.
And even if you're stuck with some ancient GPU, you can rest easy knowing newer games only have a pretty picture to offer, while mechanically they're most often not better at all.
As for PC gaming dying, it isn't, but the price of entry is higher. Consoles are in short supply too, but I expect that to be sorted out way before you can build lightweight gaming systems for the price of a console.
Yeah, you're right... Totally dying... 40 billion is the smallest banknote of USD...