Wednesday, April 28th 2021

Sony Ships 7.8 Million PS5 Consoles Since Launch, Beating the PS4

Sony has announced that it has shipped 7.8 million PS5 consoles since the release of their latest generation gaming system on November 12th. These 7.8 million consoles were sold at the tune of 4.5 million consoles in 2020 (remember that 2020 only starts in November 12th for this matter), and the remaining 3.3 million units were shipped in the three first months of 2021. This places PS5 launch sales higher than PS4's (and obviously higher than the ill-fated release of the PS3). You might think there's a decrease in momentum in sales, but part of that lower average monthly console sales likely comes from the fact that Sony had more PS5 stock at launch (in a veritable stockpile) than the current production output is capable of processing on a monthly basis.

Sony also announced that they have increased the number of PS Plus subscribers to 47.6 million, up 14.7 percent YoY. These numbers mean that Sony too had a very significant first quarter, and great YoY growth. The company announced that its Game & Network Services segment, which includes its PlayStation business, broke revenue ($25.03 billion) and operating profit ($3.22 billion) records for the 2020 financial year. Just keep those PS5 rolling off the presses, Sony. There's much more money to be made here, and many more consumers to make happy.
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33 Comments on Sony Ships 7.8 Million PS5 Consoles Since Launch, Beating the PS4

Space Lynx
Sony made a mistake not charging $599 a console... inflation does exist Sony... that's the reason gas cost 85 cents a gallon when I was a born and now costs 3 ish a gallon... its normal for prices to increase. Not sure why companies and more generally, people don't understand this.

Sony could provide a better experience (a controller that doesn't need replaced after 417 hours of use for one thing)
Posted on Reply
News Editor
lynx29Sony made a mistake not charging $599 a console... inflation does exist Sony... that's the reason gas cost 85 cents a gallon when I was a born and now costs 3 ish a gallon... its normal for prices to increase. Not sure why companies and more generally, people don't understand this.

Sony could provide a better experience (a controller that doesn't need replaced after 417 hours of use for one thing)
Man, fuel is so cheap in the US.

However, consumer electronics and computers have gone the other way, everything has almost consistently gotten cheaper, up until now, since companies screwed up their long term orders because of the pandemic, which in turn is starting to show as some components are already 3x the price they were last year.
Posted on Reply
That's great considering there's only small amount PS5 games to play with.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
TheLostSwedeMan, fuel is so cheap in the US.

However, consumer electronics and computers have gone the other way, everything has almost consistently gotten cheaper, up until now, since companies screwed up their long term orders because of the pandemic, which in turn is starting to show as some components are already 3x the price they were last year.
it'd be even cheaper if the Democrats did not stop the oil pipeline from Canada. I'm all for the green movement. but until you have that infrastructure in place and ready to go for every one - stop hurting poor people (poor people have to pay for gas too)... eh.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
lynx29it'd be even cheaper if the Democrats did not stop the oil pipeline from Canada. I'm all for the green movement. but until you have that infrastructure in place and ready to go for every one - stop hurting poor people (poor people have to pay for gas too)... eh.
Well, it would also have helped if most major cities in the US had developed proper public transport. I guess that's sort of slowly happening now though. But that's kind of a different discussion.
Posted on Reply
lynx29Sony made a mistake not charging $599 a console... inflation does exist Sony... that's the reason gas cost 85 cents a gallon when I was a born and now costs 3 ish a gallon... its normal for prices to increase. Not sure why companies and more generally, people don't understand this.

Sony could provide a better experience (a controller that doesn't need replaced after 417 hours of use for one thing)
So? It's been 3ish a gallon for 20 years. Hardware is not their income stream, and their income is directly related to how many console they have in the wild. Console price is whatever they find to be an acceptable break even point.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
TheLostSwedeMan, fuel is so cheap in the US.
My nearest gas station charges £1.20 per Litre of gas so that roughly works out at $7.51 per gallon if my math/conversion serves me correctly.

I say £1.20 per litre but we usually fill up for £1.10-1.14. £1.20 represents the upper end of the scale that we try to avoid at all cost. Which means that our tank never runs low because we stop and fill up where we can find the cheapest prices when out on the road.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
FreedomEclipseMy nearest gas station charges £1.20 per Litre of gas so that roughly works out at $7.51 per gallon if my math/conversion serves me correctly.

I say £1.20 per litre but we usually fill up for £1.10-1.14. £1.20 represents the upper end of the scale that we try to avoid at all cost. Which means that our tank never runs low because we stop and fill up where we can find the cheapest prices when out on the road.
Well, thanks to the pandemic, fuel prices went down quite a bit last year. Over a quid a litre is crazy. I used to drive from SE London to the Bracknell area for work for a couple of years, it was costing a lot of money even back then...

Just worked out what the first computer my dad bough "for me" back in 1992 would cost in today's money and it came to $4,370.
That was a Mitac 386SX-16 with 2MB of RAM, 256kB of graphics memory, a 40MB hard drive, a 3.5" FDD and a 14" CRT monitor, as well as a laser printer.
A Raspberry Pi would outperform that quite easily these days, for $35... Although I guess it would be more like $50 with a housing a power adapter.
Posted on Reply
Omg, that is a metric ton of units in less than six month.
Posted on Reply
Who'd have thought launching a new console in to a pandemic where loads of people were forced to stay home and got given $$$ by the government would result in record sales...? Shocker
Posted on Reply
lynx29Sony made a mistake not charging $599 a console... inflation does exist Sony... that's the reason gas cost 85 cents a gallon when I was a born and now costs 3 ish a gallon... its normal for prices to increase. Not sure why companies and more generally, people don't understand this.
Gas cost $4 a gallon when the PS3 was released. In fact, due to fracking, gas prices have declined in the past 10 years. I remember when gas was well above $4, but I filled up my car for unleaded regular at like $2.80 just last night.

Not that you're wrong per se. Its more like you chose a very bad example. Gas / energy prices are down severely in recent years, not only because of the Fracking boom, but also because COVID19 forced large segments of the population to stay home (so airports didn't use as much gas / fewer car trips / etc. etc.). Natural gas has made electricity cheaper, and even solar / wind has contributed to declining electricity prices. Really bad example to choose, lol. Of all the categories of goods to talk about: energy prices are getting cheaper and cheaper.
Posted on Reply
I am glad for Sony. PS5 ought to be a smash hit. The fly in the ointment is that it is in Australia it is nigh impossible to get one. My nephew has had one on order since the PS5 was announced. The console did NOT arrive in February as promised. I would love to have one myself but I am not holding my breath for GT7 to be released. Note to Sony: ramp up production. Sell to real people not to bots. When these consoles start being used for mining, then it is game over (pun intended).
Posted on Reply
That is a lot of systems for no games.

Well, Returnal looks good. I think that is about it.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
sepheronxThat is a lot of systems for no games.

Well, Returnal looks good. I think that is about it.
Imagine if they charged $599 and invested in more launch titles with the extra profit? lol
Posted on Reply
lynx29Imagine if they charged $599 and invested in more launch titles with the extra profit? lol
I am going to say something very unpopular around here - I don't care for most of Sony's titles in the past while. Last of Us 1 was good. 2 was not really all good and I of course was no fan of the story. God Of War was meh. Horizon Zero Dawn was Meh. Actually, to be honest, all the games feel exactly the same to me. Then again, only titles I enjoy these days are old school style RPG's like Dragons Quest, Octopath Traveler, and the like.

I do enjoy the nintendo switch though. Mostly because I play it with my kids and some of the games, while simple, are fun and cute.

I would though like to play the new Crash Bandicoot. I had a lot of fun with the old titles back in the day.
Posted on Reply
Erm......wait a second here.

Sony said they were planning to produce 15 million consoles by the end of 2020, then backtracked that to 11 million....

THEN it went to 10 million by the end of 2020

Now it's "they've sold a whopping 7.8 million" and it's amazing demand? These companies are just plain making up numbers here.
TheLostSwedeWell, it would also have helped if most major cities in the US had developed proper public transport. I guess that's sort of slowly happening now though. But that's kind of a different discussion.
Well they'd rather spend that money on not fixing the roads or dealing with nusiance properties. It takes a lot of money to not fix things.
sepheronxI am going to say something very unpopular around here - I don't care for most of Sony's titles in the past while. Last of Us 1 was good. 2 was not really all good and I of course was no fan of the story. God Of War was meh. Horizon Zero Dawn was Meh. Actually, to be honest, all the games feel exactly the same to me. Then again, only titles I enjoy these days are old school style RPG's like Dragons Quest, Octopath Traveler, and the like.

I do enjoy the nintendo switch though. Mostly because I play it with my kids and some of the games, while simple, are fun and cute.

I would though like to play the new Crash Bandicoot. I had a lot of fun with the old titles back in the day.
The PS4 generation sucked. I was a huge sony fanboy with the PS2 and PS3, both had amazing first party lineups. The PS4 had almost nothing. They all felt the same because they were all "action adventure" games that played it perfectly safe and pumping out visuals to make up for it.

Sony has shut down a lot of game studios over the last decade, and its shows. And with HZD and ace combat on PC the only reason to buy a playstation to me is rathet and clank, and short of a PS2 style 6 game lineup on a single console I'm not buying a PS5 for that.
dragontamer5788Gas cost $4 a gallon when the PS3 was released. In fact, due to fracking, gas prices have declined in the past 10 years. I remember when gas was well above $4, but I filled up my car for unleaded regular at like $2.80 just last night.

Not that you're wrong per se. Its more like you chose a very bad example. Gas / energy prices are down severely in recent years, not only because of the Fracking boom, but also because COVID19 forced large segments of the population to stay home (so airports didn't use as much gas / fewer car trips / etc. etc.). Natural gas has made electricity cheaper, and even solar / wind has contributed to declining electricity prices. Really bad example to choose, lol. Of all the categories of goods to talk about: energy prices are getting cheaper and cheaper.
It also depends on where you are looking, places like california have been edging close to $5 a gallon yet again, while here in the midwest gas prices are barely over $2.50 a gallon.
Posted on Reply
Tom Yum
TheinsanegamerNErm......wait a second here.

Sony said they were planning to produce 15 million consoles by the end of 2020, then backtracked that to 11 million....

THEN it went to 10 million by the end of 2020

Now it's "they've sold a whopping 7.8 million" and it's amazing demand? These companies are just plain making up numbers here.

Well they'd rather spend that money on not fixing the roads or dealing with nusiance properties. It takes a lot of money to not fix things.

The PS4 generation sucked. I was a huge sony fanboy with the PS2 and PS3, both had amazing first party lineups. The PS4 had almost nothing. They all felt the same because they were all "action adventure" games that played it perfectly safe and pumping out visuals to make up for it.

Sony has shut down a lot of game studios over the last decade, and its shows. And with HZD and ace combat on PC the only reason to buy a playstation to me is rathet and clank, and short of a PS2 style 6 game lineup on a single console I'm not buying a PS5 for that.

It also depends on where you are looking, places like california have been edging close to $5 a gallon yet again, while here in the midwest gas prices are barely over $2.50 a gallon.
Look carefully at those reports. None list actual Sony statements, just those from anonymous 'sources', which mean they can be complete BS to drive the clickbait machine. Can you link to an actual Sony released statement where they have provided a production target for PS5?
Posted on Reply
TardianI am glad for Sony. PS5 ought to be a smash hit. The fly in the ointment is that it is in Australia it is nigh impossible to get one. My nephew has had one on order since the PS5 was announced. The console did NOT arrive in February as promised. I would love to have one myself but I am not holding my breath for GT7 to be released. Note to Sony: ramp up production. Sell to real people not to bots. When these consoles start being used for mining, then it is game over (pun intended).
It isn't just Australia. I live in the land of cheap gas and cheap food. You can't buy a PS5 here unless you know someone working at a retailer selling them or you get REALLY lucky! I know zero people who own a PS5 and one person who owns an Xbox series X. That's an awful lot of sold consoles for something you can't buy.
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNIt also depends on where you are looking, places like california have been edging close to $5 a gallon yet again.
The state has to avoid going bankrupt somehow.
Posted on Reply
7.8 million units? So where are the 7 million units go to? In the hands of scalpers? :roll:
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king of swag187
lynx29Sony made a mistake not charging $599 a console... inflation does exist Sony... that's the reason gas cost 85 cents a gallon when I was a born and now costs 3 ish a gallon... its normal for prices to increase. Not sure why companies and more generally, people don't understand this.

Sony could provide a better experience (a controller that doesn't need replaced after 417 hours of use for one thing)
$3? Lol I wish
Posted on Reply
With those price increases on the GPU market and with that below-the-cost price Sony sells PS5, it was sure to go like that.
Posted on Reply
thesmokingmanOmg, that is a metric ton of units in less than six month.
Just for fun....Disc version is 9.9 lbs and digital is 8.6 lbs. Say it's 50/50 on disc to digital editions sold that works out to approximately 32,727 metric tons of units in six months. So just a little off. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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1d10tThat's great considering there's only small amount PS5 games to play with.
their is legit nothing exlusvie to the ps5
its funny af
Posted on Reply
Isaac`their is legit nothing exlusvie to the ps5
its funny af
TBH this is Sony worst launch ever, I remembered back in the day Playstation 1 got Ridge Racer, Playstation 2 got Kessen, Playstation 3 got Genji Days of the Blade and Playstation 4 has Killzone. They getting lazy lately.
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