Monday, July 5th 2021

Microsoft Replaces the Blue Screen of Death with the Black Screen of Death

Microsoft has updated the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in the latest Windows 11 preview build to now be the Black Screen of Death. The Blue Screen of Death has been included since Windows 1.0 was released in 1985 and has received various changes over the years adding error codes, the sad face, and most recently in 2016 QR codes. The new Black Screen of Death was likely introduced to blend better with modern systems and is functionally identical to the previous version. Microsoft had previously introduced the Green Screen of Death for Windows Insider Preview Builds so if you are running the Windows 11 preview and want to enable the updated BSOD you can set the DisplayPreReleaseColor Variable to 0 in the registry editor (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl) and reboot.
Source: Martin Nobel
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35 Comments on Microsoft Replaces the Blue Screen of Death with the Black Screen of Death

OS/2 had a black screen of death, lol

It looked like this:

Posted on Reply
Now it will be even more ominous lmao :eek:
Posted on Reply
R-T-BOS/2 had a black screen of death, lol
It's rewind time!
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How about no Screen of death. Still waiting for that fix in windows ha ha.
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LycanwolfenHow about no Screen of death. Still waiting for that fix in windows ha ha.
Check your OC settings :toast:
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Super Intoxicated Moderator
Think of the power savings on an OLED monitor. :rolleyes:
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T-minus 30 minutes to the Blue Screen of Death W11 patch.
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The Exiled Airman
LycanwolfenHow about no Screen of death. Still waiting for that fix in windows ha ha.
Better than the bomb in macos
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freeagentCheck your OC settings :toast:
I do not OC btw.
I like stable vs speed
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It's been at least 10 years since I got blue screened. It's was a mess though because it kept blue screening me. I had to have a tech from the IT department to come out to fix whatever it was.
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Uskompufnow be the Black Screen of Death
So it's still going to be a "BSoD" then. Noted for future.
64KIt's been at least 10 years since I got blue screened.
It's not been a decade for me, mostly because I do a lot of tinkering(OCing, OS tweaking/modding), but I can't remember the last time it happened due to an actual problem I wasn't the cause of..
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Now it needs a skull & crossbones instead of the frown.
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bobbybluzNow it needs a skull & crossbones instead of the frown.
That would actually be really cool!
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bobbybluzNow it needs a skull & crossbones instead of the frown.
Nothing is more menacing than what OS/2 actually used.

I posted it above. The horror.

Fun factoid... the trap screen code in OS/2 was written by... Microsoft!
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64KIt's been at least 10 years since I got blue screened. It's was a mess though because it kept blue screening me. I had to have a tech from the IT department to come out to fix whatever it was.
lexluthermiesterIt's not been a decade for me, mostly because I do a lot of tinkering(OCing, OS tweaking/modding), but I can't remember the last time it happened due to an actual problem I wasn't the cause of..
Similar situation here. It's been about five years since my last chain of BSoDs.

Reason for the BSoDs was a "Memory Management Error". The ridiculous thing is that I didn't stop to address the issue after the first BSoD. I waited until I got dozens of them. Sometimes the BSoDs would occur immediately on system boot.

When I finally got around to doing some research, I learned that the cause was my RAM sticks being in the wrong slots. :slap:

Oh, how naive I was back then. :rolleyes:
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Now you can spot dead/stuck pixels better...
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LycanwolfenHow about no Screen of death. Still waiting for that fix in windows ha ha.
You mean, you'd like a DOS-style silent death better?
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WirkoYou mean, you'd like a DOS-style silent death better?

Leave out the B, colour doesn't matter that much.
So.. a SOD? Might be a bit confusing considering that's already two words in the english language.
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We don't have time to finish the interface overhaul we promised for Windows 8's launch nine years ago, but we have changed the background colour of the crash screen.
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NOW that's what I call progress and innovation!
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Solid State Soul ( SSS )
Nooo what the fudge Microsoft :(

Blue color background was atleast relaxing in a ( there's a solution ) kinda way, and dosnt make you panic, the black background make it look ominous, and scary
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Solid State Soul ( SSS )Nooo what the fudge Microsoft :(

Blue color background was atleast relaxing in a ( there's a solution ) kinda way, and dosnt make you panic, the black background make it look ominous, and scary
This begs of the Cheems meme:
Then: I can build my own computer with transistors and wires from my melted copper dishes.
No: Om, noes! The crash screen scares me.

:D :D :D
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Midland Dog
i was expecting those tards to change it so badly that the abreheviation made no sense
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matarNow you can spot dead/stuck pixels better...
I know the pain. Mostly will be partial lit sub stuck pixels. Super common and not considered as defect. :D
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MS had to do something different blue screen is also normal win-10 welcome screen.... lol
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