Monday, July 5th 2021

Microsoft Replaces the Blue Screen of Death with the Black Screen of Death
Microsoft has updated the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in the latest Windows 11 preview build to now be the Black Screen of Death. The Blue Screen of Death has been included since Windows 1.0 was released in 1985 and has received various changes over the years adding error codes, the sad face, and most recently in 2016 QR codes. The new Black Screen of Death was likely introduced to blend better with modern systems and is functionally identical to the previous version. Microsoft had previously introduced the Green Screen of Death for Windows Insider Preview Builds so if you are running the Windows 11 preview and want to enable the updated BSOD you can set the DisplayPreReleaseColor Variable to 0 in the registry editor (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl) and reboot.
Martin Nobel
35 Comments on Microsoft Replaces the Blue Screen of Death with the Black Screen of Death
Stop the off topic BS.
Read the Guidelines:
The more things change...................the more they stay the same ;)
I remember 2014, IIRC, when my Q6600, had "***STOP: 0x00000124" for a bus/interconnect error WHEA, when running blend Prime95. I was lying down near the PC and suddenly saw that BSOD!
MS - what error code? I don’t see a BSOD Just a plain black screen. Can’t be the OS ;)