Tuesday, October 5th 2021

NVIDIA Rumored To Launch RTX 3090 SUPER in January 2022

NVIDIA has been preparing a new flagship graphics card with their RTX 3090 SUPER featuring a fully unlocked GA102 GPU. The RTX 3090 SUPER will include 10,752 CUDA cores, 336 Tensor cores, and 84 RT cores paired with 24 GB of GDDR6X memory on a 384-bit wide memory bus. These speed improvements are set to increase the cards TDP to 400 W compared to 350 W for the base RTX 3090. We have recently seen a new rumor from @hongxing2020 that claims NVIDIA will be launching the RTX 3090 SUPER, a refreshed RTX 3070 Ti with 16 GB memory, and the RTX 2060 12 GB in January 2022. The RTX 3090 SUPER and RTX 2060 12 GB launches have been expected for some time but this is the first mention we have seen of an RTX 3070 TI 16 GB.
Source: @hongxing2020 (via VideoCardz)
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40 Comments on NVIDIA Rumored To Launch RTX 3090 SUPER in January 2022

Space Lynx
neat, more gpu's only 4% of the population can afford to buy
Posted on Reply
Let hope they are all LHR, even the 3090S.
Posted on Reply
So going from10496 to 10752 cuda cores (the only really meaningful difference) costs an additional ~14% power for an additional 2.4% cuda cores?
We also know that performance scales less than linearly with cuda cores so you're potentially throwing 50W more for maybe 1-2fps difference?
As a 3090 owner (pretty silly card in itself) this has zero appeal to me and I think I'm their target market?

The only way it makes sense is if a) supply is improved and b) price is the same.
Pricing is unlikely to be the same if there's an additional 50W required as all the cards will need to be triple connector and the AIBs can charge more for the new new.
I assume they're doing it because yields are such that they are getting a lot of GA102's with minimal errata so can ship them fully unlocked.
Posted on Reply
Yeah, no thanks, my desktop will be power-hungry enough as it is without throwing in a 3090 Super that can probably spike to 500+ watts. I wonder how long before they will need to redesign motherboards & PSUs due to high-wattage graphics cards. Won't be long before 1200 watt PSU will be necessary for gaming desktops. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
I guess that nvidia will not release 3090s just like 2080Ti super whichis rumored to be released 2 years ago. Only increase 128 sp with the same capacity of VRAM can't make it become a new product.
Posted on Reply
nguyenLet hope they are all LHR, even the 3090S.
heh, would they even need to make them LHR?
Nephilim666So going from10496 to 10752 cuda cores (the only really meaningful difference) costs an additional ~14% power for an additional 2.4% cuda cores?
We also know that performance scales less than linearly with cuda cores so you're potentially throwing 50W more for maybe 1-2fps difference?
As a 3090 owner (pretty silly card in itself) this has zero appeal to me and I think I'm their target market?

The only way it makes sense is if a) supply is improved and b) price is the same.
Pricing is unlikely to be the same if there's an additional 50W required as all the cards will need to be triple connector and the AIBs can charge more for the new new.
I assume they're doing it because yields are such that they are getting a lot of GA102's with minimal errata so can ship them fully unlocked.
I don't know about for gaming, but yeah, they would make shit cards for a multi-gpu render system. Too power hungry and a real ball ache to cool.
Posted on Reply
Nephilim666So going from10496 to 10752 cuda cores (the only really meaningful difference) costs an additional ~14% power for an additional 2.4% cuda cores?
We also know that performance scales less than linearly with cuda cores so you're potentially throwing 50W more for maybe 1-2fps difference?
As a 3090 owner (pretty silly card in itself) this has zero appeal to me and I think I'm their target market?
2.4% more cores does not cost an addition 14% power. That additional power headroom is there to provide some meaningful performance increase beyond that 2.4% from more cores. Not that it would bring that much more, even TPU reviews show upping the power limit to 400W will make it ~5% faster. With that additional 2.4% cores and rumored faster memory it'll be 8-10%.

I do not really see the value proposition from this though.
Posted on Reply
Nephilim666So going from10496 to 10752 cuda cores (the only really meaningful difference) costs an additional ~14% power for an additional 2.4% cuda cores?
We also know that performance scales less than linearly with cuda cores so you're potentially throwing 50W more for maybe 1-2fps difference?
As a 3090 owner (pretty silly card in itself) this has zero appeal to me and I think I'm their target market?

The only way it makes sense is if a) supply is improved and b) price is the same.
Pricing is unlikely to be the same if there's an additional 50W required as all the cards will need to be triple connector and the AIBs can charge more for the new new.
I assume they're doing it because yields are such that they are getting a lot of GA102's with minimal errata so can ship them fully unlocked.
well you already have a pretty powerful gpu, im not sure what is the main reason for you to upgrade?
im not even considering upgrading gpu, not until 2025 at least..

i think the rtx3090s is an option for those who require a new gpu and is still on 10th or 20th gen..
Posted on Reply
Hyderzwell you already have a pretty powerful gpu, im not sure what is the main reason for you to upgrade?
im not even considering upgrading gpu, not until 2025 at least..

i think the rtx3090s is an option for those who require a new gpu and is still on 10th or 20th gen..
If these 3090S are LHR I reckon I can trade my 3090 for these 3090S without paying anything :D, extra 5-10%FPS for no cost is a pretty good deal.
Posted on Reply
Apparenty everyone is focusing on the additional cores but is completely forgetting that possibility exists for faster G6X too. Not only that but if Micron finally delivers their promised 2GB modules it would mean that 3090S would not only have faster 21Gbps G6X but also retain the same 24GB total buffer with the added benefit of all chips being on the same side. Doing away with the expensive and hot double sided memory system.
Posted on Reply
As long as the prices remain outrages, all GPU releases are just cool stories to me
Posted on Reply
Assuming that the 3090S is similar to the 3090 in pricing structure and that the jump from 3080 to 3080 Ti (same chip) price jump represents what nvidia is looking for, we're talking:

3080 -> $700
3080 Ti -> $1200

$500 difference, 71.34% of the cost of the original SKU. Let's call that the Jen-Gets-Rich Tax.

3090 -> $1500
71.34% of $1500 = 1071.45
3090S -> $1500+ 1071.45=$2571.45.

Let's add a little Jen Squeeze and we get:

Predicted MSRP: $2999.99.

Yeah. Can't wait. Gonna be great. The marketing push on this is going to be some next level spin-fu.
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
"No thanks!" - people who wouldn't have even bought a 3090 @ MSRP anyway.
Posted on Reply
€5000+ e-peen card incoming...
Posted on Reply
They should call this 3090 Ti and stop that SUPER BS.
nguyenLet hope they are all LHR, even the 3090S.
It does not matter really. Mining is not the primary reason why GPU marked is fcked. Alot of markets are fcked because of chip situation + shipping issues.
Posted on Reply
lasIt does not matter really. Mining is not the primary reason why GPU marked is fcked. Alot of markets are fcked because of chip situation.
Nope, actual street price is tightly correlated to mining profit/efficiency of these GPU, you can find 3070 Ti & 3080Ti selling for pretty close to 3070 & 3080, on Ebay the non-LHR models are selling at much higher markup.

Miners are willing to trade 3080 LHR for 3070 non-LHR where I am
Posted on Reply
nguyenNope, actual street price is tightly correlated to mining profit/efficiency of these GPU, you can find 3070 Ti & 3080Ti selling for pretty close to 3070 & 3080, on Ebay the non-LHR models are selling at much higher markup.

Miners are willing to trade 3080 LHR for 3070 non-LHR where I am
If miners were still the reason why GPU marked is bad, then LHR cards would be in stock but all is pretty much sold out and overpriced

There's a lack of chips in several markets, not just GPU - some cars have 1+ year delivery time right now because of lack of chips

How would you trade GPUs tho. Do you think anyone would be stupid enough to try that right now? The chance of getting ripped off is huge.. Even face 2 face you can just deliver a dead card but if shipping is involved, who will send first - hahah - most of those willing to trade are probably just hoping to trick you...
Posted on Reply
lasIf miners were still the reason why GPU marked is bad, then LHR cards would be in stock but all is pretty much sold out and overpriced

There's a lack of chips in several markets, not just GPU - some cars have 1+ year delivery time right now because of lack of chips

How would you trade GPUs tho. Do you think anyone would be stupid enough to try that right now? The chance of getting ripped off is huge.. Even face 2 face you can just deliver a dead card but if shipping is involved, who will send first - hahah
Well miners are not the sole reason, but they contribute a big portion of pushing GPU prices higher. You can check Fleabay and see that the prices of 3070 non-LHR (buy-it-now and sort from lowest price) are often equal or slightly higher than the 3080 LHR ones.

Them miners in my city will bring their GPU to your house, test to see if your GPU run normally, you plug their GPU in and see if it runs normally and that's it. I just checked and there are several local listings where miners are looking to buy used 3090 for 2500usd+ or trading 3080LHR for 3070 non-LHR.
Posted on Reply
Yeah, like 350 W isn't too much already. Thanks, nvidia!
Posted on Reply
AusWolfYeah, like 350 W isn't too much already. Thanks, nvidia!
All high end SKUs 3090 (Asus Strix, MSI SuprimX, Zotac Holo AMP, etc..) already use 420W+ at stock :roll:
Posted on Reply
lasIf miners were still the reason why GPU marked is bad, then LHR cards would be in stock but all is pretty much sold out and overpriced
LHR is still quite profitable for mining, just less so than non-LHR counterparts.
lasHow would you trade GPUs tho. Do you think anyone would be stupid enough to try that right now? The chance of getting ripped off is huge.. Even face 2 face you can just deliver a dead card but if shipping is involved, who will send first - hahah - most of those willing to trade are probably just hoping to trick you...
If you do not trust people then simply sell your non-LHR 3070 for the same price that you can go and buy an LHR 3080 for.
I basically did a 1:1 3070 to 3080 LHR swap earlier this year. Cannot say that I would complain :D
Posted on Reply
nguyenLet hope they are all LHR, even the 3090S.
Why ? At least non-LHR you could make some money back, with LHR you still pay the same amount but for an inferior product.
nguyenAll high end SKUs 3090 (Asus Strix, MSI SuprimX, Zotac Holo AMP, etc..) already use 420W+ at stock :roll:
OMFG! :roll:
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