Saturday, April 7th 2007

Microsoft Negotiating With EMI for Its DRM-Free Music
As most of you already know, EMI has liberated it's music from the DRM (Digital Rights Management) monster, and Apple is the first company to support it. Apple will be distributing DRM-free music through iTunes right as soon as they settle their problems with the EU. However, some people don't like being forced into low-quality encoding (128 KB/s AAC) just so they can listen to DRM free music. Microsoft may be the answer to this problem. They are trying to get DRM-free EMI music into their Zune Marketplace, and negotiations are looking hopeful. There is no word as to what encoding this DRM free music will be in.
Nordic Hardware
16 Comments on Microsoft Negotiating With EMI for Its DRM-Free Music
Zek's banstick means "my banstick".
Zeks banstick means nothing.
I'd assume the same rules apply to it's and its. But, let's not have an argument over proper English :).
The rules are different when it comes to it - it's is only used for it is, the possessive form of it is its.
I know I'm being picky, but I'm bored :laugh: Grammar flaming time!
Update: Well google says its CBR 192kbps. Pretty good.