Tuesday, March 14th 2023

Microsoft Eliminates AI Ethics and Society Team During Layoffs

During a round of layoffs totaling some 10,000 employees Microsoft has kicked one of its AI ethics teams to the curb. This development comes off the heels of high profile launches for generative AI systems, extended partnerships, and further integrations of AI services into Edge and Bing. The team was not large, having been cut down in size back in October during a reorganization, but still made an impact within Microsoft as a mediator for AI policy and implementations. While the larger Office of Responsible AI that dictates the rules of play for the use of AI within the company remains intact, sources from within stated that the ethics and society team played a more pivotal role in ensuring the rules were applied during design and development of products.

These events ring familiar tones to those which occurred at Google in 2020, when ethical AI researcher Timnit Gebru was removed after publishing a critical overview of the large language models now popular in products such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. This cascaded through the company as several other leading members left amidst the turmoil. These events marred Google's reputation and raised concerns over the company's credibility regarding responsible use of AI, and as we're still mentioning it have had lasting impacts on their brand.
As the race for market share in AI models and integrations heats up it may be that these companies are more interested in shipping products than mitigating the impact related to the irresponsible or negligent use of AI. Microsoft's CVP of finance Philippe Ockenden has stated, "For every 1 point of share gain in the search advertising market, it's a $2 billion revenue opportunity for our advertising business." With Bing having eclipsed 100 million active users shortly after the inclusion of the Bing Chat AI there certainly seems to be monetary merits to the all-in approach Microsoft has had with AI.
Source: Platformer
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10 Comments on Microsoft Eliminates AI Ethics and Society Team During Layoffs

I mean considering the inharent ethical bias they programmed their monster with maybe this isn't bad, but alternatively they may be releasing their monster onto the world with untold consequences if they don't bather removing the biases that seem to cause the issues first.
Posted on Reply
Well, now there is no longer any chance that Skynet will decide to spare humanity. Since there will be no built-in, morals, ethics, conscience and abstinence.
Posted on Reply
Comedy sometimes just writes itself. So, with all the doom and gloom i'd just like to point that we should enjoy whatever comedy we encounter in our daily lives. Enjoy the rest of the ride.
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I don't think we're worried about robo-sex just yet.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BI don't think we're worried about robo-sex just yet.
I had in mind the general concept of refraining from any unregulated acts that could harm the perpetrator, but especially the people around him.
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TumbleGeorgeI had in mind the general concept of refraining from any unregulated acts that could harm the perpetrator, but especially the people around him.
I know but my mind wanders.
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JAB Creations
Microsoft, the massive corporation that uses tactics like astro-turfing to make it appear that consumers (who are really people hired to pretend to be consumers) want something from them...is talking about ethics? :roll:
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dj-electricComedy sometimes just writes itself. So, with all the doom and gloom i'd just like to point that we should enjoy whatever comedy we encounter in our daily lives. Enjoy the rest of the ride.
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This whole thing I consider farcical, financially they extremely healthy but because they only made XX billion instead of YY billion they start acting like a company that has a month worth of cash left in the pot to keep trading.

I know its not just Microsoft, the tech industry in general seems to be hugely over reacting.
Posted on Reply
Jul 3rd, 2024 14:17 EDT change timezone

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