Tuesday, March 14th 2023

Steam Deck Gets the new OS 3.4.6 Update
Valve has rolled out the new Steam Deck 3.4.6 OS stable update, which brings the Mesa 23.1 graphics driver update, adds support for Vulkan ray tracing and fixes some previous issues. The latest update was anxiously awaited by those playing either Forza Horizon 5, Resident Evil 4, or the new Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty game.
According to the release notes, the new update fixes a significant focus issue with Forza Horizon 5. The aforementioned Mesa 23.1 graphics driver update is bringing both functional as well as performance fixes. Mesa 23.1 fixes graphical corruption issues in both Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Resident Evil 4. The new driver also adds Vulkan ray tracing to the DOOM Eternal game. Unfortunately, there is no word on DXR ray tracing support, although the RDNA 2 GPU certainly has hardware support for it.Doom Eternal Vulkan ray tracing was originally available with the Steam Deck OS 3.4.6 Beta update and brings some eye-candy to the game. These mostly include reflections and it was working quite well, running the game at 1280x800 and well above 30 FPS, with medium quality and no dynamic resolution.
Steam Store
According to the release notes, the new update fixes a significant focus issue with Forza Horizon 5. The aforementioned Mesa 23.1 graphics driver update is bringing both functional as well as performance fixes. Mesa 23.1 fixes graphical corruption issues in both Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and Resident Evil 4. The new driver also adds Vulkan ray tracing to the DOOM Eternal game. Unfortunately, there is no word on DXR ray tracing support, although the RDNA 2 GPU certainly has hardware support for it.Doom Eternal Vulkan ray tracing was originally available with the Steam Deck OS 3.4.6 Beta update and brings some eye-candy to the game. These mostly include reflections and it was working quite well, running the game at 1280x800 and well above 30 FPS, with medium quality and no dynamic resolution.
7 Comments on Steam Deck Gets the new OS 3.4.6 Update
I am quite fond of the idea of such small console with possibilities of fully-fledged Windows PC.
Linux is great, but I am not programmer so, more often than not, I find it troublesome
Last I heard, the experience on Windows got a lot better than at the original release.
Another things was changing the VRAM from 1GB to 4GB in the BIOS that is an absolute must.
And recently start using Razer Boost app to free up resources, considering installing Win Lite or something for the same reason.
But there isn't a game that you can't play on this thing.
Runs CP2077 42FPS average on Highish.
It is crazy that Steam have limited its availability so severely so big part of globe can't buy it. I think it have very good potential...
Closest is win600 which is $300-400 but massively underpowered and all the others are $1000+.
I preordered mine because I wasn't sure if I wanted one at that moment but I was already looking around for retro/streaming devices.
It was only $1 to get in line so I figured when they get to me I'll decide if I want one. Instead of taking time to make up my mind and then wait.
So it was a good timing. It wasn't even a full month before they emailed me and by that time I already had my mind set to get one. :D