Tuesday, June 27th 2023

Asetek Sim Racing Products Available At Micro Center Online And Physical Stores Across The U.S.
Asetek sim racing gear innovator and Micro Center today announced that Micro Center will sell a broad offering of Asetek SimSports sim racing products in its physical stores across the U.S., and through its online store microcenter.com. A variety of Asetek SimSports wheels, wheelbases, pedals, and accessories are now available through Micro Center, including the recently announced Tony Kanaan Sim Racing products, and premium Invicta and high-performance high-value Forte offerings.
"In addition to the recently unveiled Asetek SimSports Tony Kanaan Sim Racing Bundle exclusively available through Micro Center, we are delighted to offer retail availability of Asetek SimSports across Micro Center's 26 stores as well as from their online store," said André Sloth Eriksen, CEO and founder of Asetek. "Through this agreement, we are making it easier for sim racers in North America to purchase Asetek SimSports gear and experience the feel of real racecar racing."Asetek SimSports Products Available at Micro Center Stores:
"In addition to the recently unveiled Asetek SimSports Tony Kanaan Sim Racing Bundle exclusively available through Micro Center, we are delighted to offer retail availability of Asetek SimSports across Micro Center's 26 stores as well as from their online store," said André Sloth Eriksen, CEO and founder of Asetek. "Through this agreement, we are making it easier for sim racers in North America to purchase Asetek SimSports gear and experience the feel of real racecar racing."Asetek SimSports Products Available at Micro Center Stores:
- Asetek SimSports Invicta 27Nm direct drive Wheelbase, Invicta S-Series individual throttle and hydraulic brake Pedal Set, and the Invicta standard hydraulic Pedal Set.
- Asetek SimSports Forte Formula Wheel, Forte 18Nm direct drive Wheelbase, Forte S-Series individual throttle and load-cell brake Pedal Set, and Forte standard load-cell Pedal Set
- Asetek SimSports Accessories including a variety of bottom, side, and front mounting solutions.
- Asetek SimSport products work out of the box by installing Asetek's custom-made RaceHub software, which enables sim racers of all levels to easily adjust settings and personalize their set-up.
9 Comments on Asetek Sim Racing Products Available At Micro Center Online And Physical Stores Across The U.S.
And why would MC want to align themselves with such greazy slimebags anyways ? (well, other than the obvious money grab)
I've never seen Asetek's 'peripherals' until now; when I first saw the thumbnails, I thought this was Thrustmaster's kit.
Which, makes me wonder if Asetek is somehow partnered with or licensing from Thrustmaster/Guillemot Corporation, or if there's legal drama coming soon.
And they went after big spenders like sim racing right away, no cheap high margin keyboards or headphones like everyone else, let's see how it works out, more margin to be had but a lot less customers.
Either way best of luck, with everyone rooting for their demise after years of patent trolling they'll need it
Thrustmaster is the industry-leader in these kinds of peripherals (to the point, their controllers are 'approved' for professional simulation.
Asetek has been known for their belligerent IP litigation.
Thrustmaster also holds legal protection on their IPs.
I see a potential for Asetek to 'get back, what they've been dishing out'.
-Asetek is known nowdays for their IP litigations. On the other hand, they are one of the pioneers of commercial watercooling systems. As of they've done it before it became cool. Having those pattents they do is not some Rambus-like shennanigan, they literally invented AIO solutions.
-So does everybody else. What you see on the pictures or what thrustmaster has -technology wise- are not the invention of either of them.
-It was not Asetek who violated other companies' IP's it was their IPs which got infringed. Don't know why the hostility towards the company.