Thursday, May 24th 2007

AMD Griffin pixelated
Intel has been creating waves with the new Centrino Pro/Duo plattform (although they dropped the "plattform" part) and AMD is trying to stay in the news. They have now shown off the upcoming Griffin CPU at the Microprocessor Forum 2007. The CPU itself is about as big as a compact flash card. I will come in combination with the RS780 Chipset, which features up to 14 USB 2.0 port & 6 SATA ports. Intel's Robson (or Turbo Memory) will be taken on by AMD's Hypermemory offering. There will be support for HDMI and DisplayPort as well. All this should be available in mid 2008.
PC Watch (jap)
4 Comments on AMD Griffin pixelated
If it's on board, that'd explain the small chip, bottom left corner, and it would definately beat Intel in features at the very least (and possibly power consumption, when taking the additional chip into account). Chipset, memory controller, and CPU in one, Intel eat yer heart out.
I think we have at least another year before an all-in-one package is made.
Seems that's not really AMD's plan anyhow, they want GPU only, integrated into the CPU. Northbridge will still be seperate.
I think that's how AMD will want to do it. I don't think the diagram is specific for AMD, though I skimmed a bit (read it a while back already too, but forgot some details).