Tuesday, June 26th 2007

PS3 Halo-Killer Killzone 2 To Be Shown At E3

News is coming out that the PS3 killer app Killzone 2 is set to be shown at E3.

The game is going to be shown to the gaming world during an invite-only pre E3 event.

The event is expected to have about 150 invited guests attending to see the game in action. The expectation at this point is that Killzone 2 is going to be shown in a playable form.

What this form is going to be is not yet known because it is not known whether it will be a single-player demo, multiplayer, etc.

Also it is not known what the game will look like as it has not yet been shown in any form since E3 2005 when the game was unveiled in a video-form showcasing amazing photo-realistic visuals which many stated could not actually be achieved in playable gameplay.

Sony has the invite-only event going against the Microsoft keynote event as well in an attempt to steal thunder from the Xbox 360 and Microsoft. It seems that Killzone 2 will be ready to try and steal the show at E3 2007.
Source: PS3Center.net
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31 Comments on PS3 Halo-Killer Killzone 2 To Be Shown At E3

15th Warlock
Good shooter? remains to be seen...

Halo killer? I don't think so :p
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004
I thought the first one was pretty good myself. IMO it never got the credit it deserved. As for Halo killer: maybe. Better than PC shooters: no chance. PCs > consoles for FPS.
Posted on Reply
it really doesn't matter how good the game is i cannot see people without a ps3 rushing out to buy one for 350-400 to play this game.
Posted on Reply
Drooling over this...good thing I bought a PS3...I love it the most out of the 3 next gen systems. Yes, I have all 3, income tax check ftw :laugh:
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mrw1986Drooling over this...good thing I bought a PS3...I love it the most out of the 3 next gen systems. Yes, I have all 3, income tax check ftw :laugh:
Yes, my PS3 is my baby. Many people don't know this, but in the last firmware upgrade you are now able to stream all media from Windows Media Player to your PS3 wirelessly. i.e. I am able to stream movies, pictures, music, etc from my PC upstairs w/ little 19" LCD, wireless to my 55" HDTV w/ 5.1 ss downstairs.
:respect: PS3 media center FTW! :rockout:
(and BluRay is da bomb :cool: [thank you NetFlix!!!])
Posted on Reply
Ummmmmm Halo 1 Killer? :laugh:
Halo 3 FTW!
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
the lack of good games is a detriment to the ps3 as much as the cost. The first killzone was awesome and I think it did a right smack down on halo. I cant wait to see this one out.
Posted on Reply
Nothing can steal Halo 3's thunder for me. Not even a brought-forward Crysis - n-o-t-h-i-n-g. My life has essentially been a build-up to the point of each Halo game release.
Posted on Edit | Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
It does look like one of the only worth while games on the PS3.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
I definitely don't think it's gonna be a Halo killer. IMO, Killzone will be good, but it won't surpass Halo 3. I played Halo 3 and it's an amazing game, and i can't wait for it.
Posted on Reply
What do you mean Halo killer? A Pokemon game can kill Halo. Halo is a horrible 10 year old's game..
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
I think they mean halo new game vs killzone 2
and It all depends on your mood. Assassins Creed will also be an awesome game for the PS3.

Also, having not really played HALO, I cant comment on this game being a halo killer.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
error_f0rceYes, my PS3 is my baby. Many people don't know this, but in the last firmware upgrade you are now able to stream all media from Windows Media Player to your PS3 wirelessly. i.e. I am able to stream movies, pictures, music, etc from my PC upstairs w/ little 19" LCD, wireless to my 55" HDTV w/ 5.1 ss downstairs.
:respect: PS3 media center FTW! :rockout:
(and BluRay is da bomb :cool: [thank you NetFlix!!!])
Posted on Reply
I enjoyed the first Killzone despite it's rough around the edges finishing job, it had a great setting, decent story and different feeling to it, that's what kept me playing. If they could improve upon the gameplay, make different characters have more differently tuned routes and special abilities, improve the graphics and multiplayer I'd be happy! I don't have a PS3, and won't get one just because of KZ2, but it's good to see that it is still being worked on as like the rest of you, I've been waiting to hear something since that E3 video and few tiny tid-bits here and there.

As far as Halo killer...I would rather the game not be intended for that, and instead venture off into a good and fun playing, action packed FPS. Halo was fun, but wasn't my favorite FPS by any means, I actually had way more fun with Timesplitter Future Perfect. Don't get me wrong, Halo is good, but I think it's been overrated. Hopefully H3 will continue a good legacy for Halo fanboys (and girls).

Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
What made Halo, IMO, was the multiplayer. Before Xbox Live came out, many people LAN on Halo. Then Halo 2 came, and Live is what made the game. IMO, Halo 2 is the best FPS on any console.

After playing Halo 3, I have no doubts that it's gonna be better.

I'm not saying Killzone 2 is gonna be bad. It's gonna be good, but it shouldn't be considered a "Halo (3) Killer".
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUI think they mean halo new game vs killzone 2
and It all depends on your mood. Assassins Creed will also be an awesome game for the PS3.

Also, having not really played HALO, I cant comment on this game being a halo killer.
Yeah, the title of the article wasn't the clearest.

Assassin's Creed looks like it's going to be wicked :toast:
If you haven't, read the Wikipedia entry for it, but beware a [supposed] plot spoiler near the end of the article.
Posted on Reply
HookeyStreetIt does look like one of the only worth while games on the PS3.
I take it you didn't like Resistance: Fall of Man??? :confused:

um... :slap: there ya go, that's what I have to say to that :D

I think Resistance was awesome. Great story line, creative enemies and vehicles, great multiplayer, etc, etc, etc. IMO it's only downfall was the pathetic 720p it was presented in. Many other games released at the same time were in 1080p.... was very dissapointed there :(

But great game over all 4/5 stars from me!!!
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZWhat made Halo, IMO, was the multiplayer. Before Xbox Live came out, many people LAN on Halo. Then Halo 2 came, and Live is what made the game. IMO, Halo 2 is the best FPS on any console.

After playing Halo 3, I have no doubts that it's gonna be better.

I'm not saying Killzone 2 is gonna be bad. It's gonna be good, but it shouldn't be considered a "Halo (3) Killer".
That's true, if Halo had no MP, it woudln't have been more than a short lived blip on the radar. I wouldn't say that Halo 2 is the best FPS, but of course that's my opinion. I grew tired of Halo and Halo 2 just as quickly as any other FPS, granted it was fun and fast paced online, it just didn't do it for me. I personally enjoy more SP oriented games with decent MP capablility. Plus I'm not a big fan for paying a montly fee to play a game online, which also drew a line for Halo/Halo2, they were fun, but to me it wasn't worth it. Of course my opinion doesn't fit the many out there who have decided that game is worth it, and for many Halo 2 is worth the Live subscription, which is cool.

I agree that KZ2 shouldn't be considered a "Halo Killer", but if it has a better SP experience then it won in my book! But I'm sure the Halo series will remain on-top for best MP FPS, which is where it deserves to be, they might as well leave out the SP after Halo 2's sad excuse for a single player experience. But maybe they have some tricks and a good story up their sleeves to change that! :toast:
Posted on Reply
Kursah...I'm not a big fan for paying a montly fee to play a game online, which also drew a line for Halo/Halo2, they were fun, but to me it wasn't worth it.
:respect::respect: PS3 all free online play :respect::respect:
This could give KZ2 the edge if this and Halo 3 turn out to both be really good games...
Posted on Reply
Very true, I hope both do. Games seem to be getting better, and I hope it stays that way, I'd rather have trouble trying to decide which game to spend my money on instead of having a few good games to have and be bored with a good gaming system because of lackluster releases! :toast:
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
IMO, PS3's online capability isn't as great as Xbox Live. Xbox Live just has a better interface and Friend System overall. Besides $50 a year isn't that much anyway, it's like one game.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
Azn Tr14dZIMO, PS3's online capability isn't as great as Xbox Live. Xbox Live just has a better interface and Friend System overall. Besides $50 a year isn't that much anyway, it's like one game.
But still $50/yr more than free. I have a 360, and refuse to get a Gold account. I'll play MP games on my PC for free, thank you very much.
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sony please give up, a car crash is easier to watch
Posted on Reply
I know what you mean, I have the PS3 and 360 but even though I play the 360 wayyyyy more, it brings a smile to my face thinking about the potential of the PS3 when they learn to compensate for the weakass RSX using the Cell.
mrw1986Drooling over this...good thing I bought a PS3...I love it the most out of the 3 next gen systems. Yes, I have all 3, income tax check ftw :laugh:
Posted on Reply
-or- you could pay an extra $200 up front.

Instead of $50 every year for 4 years.


Halo killer I think not.
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